Oct 17, 2002


Being strong under pressure brings courage and sometimes...bravery.
Being strong for others sake sometimes is hard to detect.
Allowing someone else to ‘be strong’ requires sacrifice at times.
Strength in an individual is often times.....known only to God....
Therefore, when we try to measure another by ‘how strong’ or ‘how weak’ they are ....we certainly fall short on accuracy.

Being strong when your precious son leaves home to go to Marine Boot Camp, as Terry and Chuck have to be in “Pipo’s”
(Carlos III)case....certainly takes great strength and ......faith.
They have lived this kind of faith for 19 years.
They have, also, provided the necessary foundation of growth in their family home in order to meet the challenges of turning a child into a responsible adult who can survive outside the family home.
Teaching, daily, maturity that is needed in “Pipo” for his success in a new, competitive world...... started many years ago.
He will be GREAT and successful.....the investment of Love from his home roots.....will pay dividends that are .....endless!

Strength is transferred to others......invisibly at times....and can NOT be measured by the ‘naked’ eye.
For you see....that which is ’unseen’....Love, trust, faith, hope, caring, sharing and preparing....
...... has to be genuine enough to sustain .......
Which makes it....A Good Life!!!

Proverbs 15:20 LB...A sensible son or daughter gladdens the parents heart;
a rebellious one....saddens the Mother and Father.

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