Oct 5, 2002

The “Lone” Ranger...

If you want to accomplish you’re full potential...
.......You have to be daring.
You have to have the AUDACITY to become
........................... WHO YOU REALLY ARE....
Nobody can do this for you....
....And if you don’t do it.........no matter how many material possessions you accumulate, no matter how ‘outwardly’ successful you are,......
A feeling of having failed will always bother you.
......For you would have failed . . . . . .Y O U R S E L F!
Know that God resides in each and every one of us and that every time we forget, every time we see our lives or compare our lives to others,
......We become instruments of our own unhappiness...
In order to be Whole - Happy and 100% Free
......All I have to do or be is.....
..................M E...
The best ‘me’ I can be - sets me free from being......YOU.
.......Simply just being...God created....ME

From the Living Bible in Galations 5:25&26 it says this.....
.......”We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have FAR MORE INTERESTING THINGS TO DO WITH OUR LIVES.
(6:4)...Take responsibility for doing the “Creative Best’ you can

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