Oct 5, 2002

Only Time Will Tell

Sometimes I make decisions in my life......that will ‘outlive’ me.
For instance, I have given family members certain rights to objects and things that I possess......this is represented in “My Will”.

Recently, I heard a couple of cliches that are true and amusing....
...“Do your giving while you are living....
...then you knowing where its going!”
or another.....“If you can afford to go first-class and don’t....
......then your heirs will!!!”

I think that the most important decisions that will outlive me....are
.....I choose to live a life of Christian faith in Jesus Christ.
.....I choose to invest in family love!
.....I choose to ....Enjoy Life....along the way!
.....I choose to ‘expect the best’ out of life....
.....I choose to....’BE HAPPY’!

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks are as ‘happy’ as they make up their minds to be...”

So you see.....only time will tell if this ‘investment’ will be passed on by the others that are so like-minded...
During the meantime, I am enjoying.....”The Good Life and I KNOW that
......there is More To Come!

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