Ending The Year of 2003
As we finish out the next few day of 2003....there is a time of mixed-emotions.
All of the excitement of Christmas is still surrounding us yet we know that we will have to 'let go' and move on to a completely New Year.
We really have no choice in the matter...WE HAVE TO....LET GO!
Our faith kicks in and tells us that.....next year will be....EVEN BETTER!!!
Does this mean that we will not have problems, pain, hard decisions and choices?
Absolutely NOT!
You can bet we will....and maybe even things will happen that we can not now....even imagine!
Yet I expect the year of 2004 to be a good and wonderful year for me and my family.....even better than 2003....
Simply because we continue to learn and grow every single day in our life's experiences.
Yes, some people must learn...'the hard way'....but learn we will as long as we breathe on planet earth!
Our choice is to decide if we will live life with.....a good attitude or.....a bad attitude.
Whichever we choose....will deternime our outcome...
I choose....The Good Life for 2004.....and More to Come!
I also pray, that you, too, welcome The Good Life for 2004!
Be Blessed is my prayer for....Y O U!!!!
Dec 28, 2003
Dec 26, 2003
Christmas Day 2003
Today was a wonderful day with our family.
There was so much excitement in the air that it was hard to settle down and 'be serious' at any given moment....
We did have a very serious moment though....
Matthew proposed to Ashley in front of all the family....
He actually got down on his knees and asked her to marry him...producing a very beautiful ring as 'proof' of his seriousness.
We all held our breath....then she said "Yes!"
Everybody went....WILD!!!
See pictures on Link#1.....A Christmas Blessing Album....
We really did begin to celebrate Jesus's Birthday then....
Too bad Lynn didn't win the DVD player that was given away as a prize in the game produced by Brian and Brittney....She tried so hard....interrupted so much....that we had to call in the "Marine" on duty to forcibly remove her from the game area....
And a good time was had by all.....
Posted by
7:12 PM
Dec 24, 2003
Merry CHRISTmas......
Just received a e-mail from Brian....that suggested going to the link below in order to read a ‘politically correct’ invite for Christmas...in Bay City, Michigan.....they sure have a sense of humor in Bay City!!!
Try it......"http://www.mybaycity.com/scripts/Article_View.cfm?ArticleID=338"
Cut and paste if you want to....
Anyway, this is just about what our society has ‘watered down’ Christmas into........
I refuse to accept anything but the true fact that Christmas is absolutely a celebration of .....the birth of Christ.....
Being a Christian.....I know the true meaning of Christmas and the slogan...
.....“Jesus is the Reason for the Season“....
But what I find wildly amusing is that.....even unbelievers in Jesus Christ.....don’t ‘just skip’ Christmas!
Why not just ‘ignore’ the birth of someone that you don’t believe ever existed.....or has no meaning to you or your life?
I, as a Christian, would not ever entertain the idea of celebrating ...or acknowledging, the birth of Buddha...or Mohammed....or Joseph Smith etc....
Yet.....the world stands still.....for a moment in time.....for this Season that is rightly called.......CHRISTmas!
In addition......the end of the year changes numbers....IN REFERENCE TO HIM....2004 A.D.....
Yes, B.C. and A.D. is in reference to Jesus Christ’s birth and death on planet earth!
God must be smiling indulgently at we ‘mortals’ who think we know so much...and strut around on planet earth speaking this foreign language called....a ’politically correct agenda’ for....CHRISTmas...
As for me and my family.....my house..... we have a real....Happy Birthday, Jesus, CHRISTmas Party!
We truly celebrate the birth of Christ who is the author of .....
....The Good Life!
May you and yours have a wonderful Merry “Jesus” CHRISTmas Day!!!
Posted by
9:42 AM
Dec 23, 2003
Give the Gift of.....Yourself!
I was recently reading an article (by: Jane Haas, Calif.)....where she was describing her mother....and I thought...”This applies to many people....and perhaps someone could say the same about US!”
Jane said this.....”My mother wasn’t one to talk much about her emotions. She wasn’t a ‘hugger.’ She measured her praise so you knew that when she told you ‘good job’...she really meant it. But in the years since her death, I realize there is so much about my mother that I don’t know and don’t understand. I wish she had shared more of herself...
Let me inside.
Described her triumphs and her disappointments....
I wish she had opened a window to her soul!
My mother was a product of her time and of her own mother, a woman who never talked about how she felt but instructed her children to always “do right”......
That is why I suggest to YOU.....When you give the gift of YOURSELF....it is PRICELESS!
Let me challenge you to.....create your own priceless gift....
Make no mistake: creating your ‘soul’s/heart gift’ in writing is not a quick fix or a Sunday afternoon undertaking. It can produce a life-changing experience even as you are in the ‘writing’ process.
This ‘writing of you’ is beyond genealogy, scrap booking, family history and memoirs...It is the answer to this question....
If you could gather your past and your present in one place and pass your heart and spiritual legacy as a contribution to the future.... what would you say? Who most dear to your heart....would you say it to?
The best way to do this is inside what I call a....”legacy circle”.......
What you believe has made a difference in your life....who was partially responsible for life-changing events....when you ‘blew it’ and what you learned from it.......what wisdom you have gained, good and bad, as a result of all your life’s experience until now.....what values you would like to pass on to others in your ‘legacy circle’.....
You’re greatest blessings of life.....comes from your heart!
Giving the blessing of YOURSELF....will leave you feeling full and complete and......abundant....that is a PROMISE!
And one day, your descendants will hold your legacy in their hands and know who you were, what mattered to you and what of value you contributed to the world....They will have a tangible part of....YOU!
One philosophy of life that my own mother lived by was this.....
“You should NEVER take more than you give - in the
........Circle of Life!”
Think I heard this in a song, once!
Anyway now you know WHY I write!
All of my blogs are saved on a CD-Rom as part of my ‘legacy circle’!
When I receive words from the heart from a family member.....it always makes me cry because it is so....sacred....to me! (Yo, Britt)
I never... ever.... take it lightly because it is one of the most precious gifts that exist.....
Make someone else’s Christmas this year......
Give the true, real gift of.....YOU!
It is something that money can NOT buy but will be a continuous gift of Love ......
Remember this.....your family had rather have YOU......than gifts!
Getting more of YOU......truly IS a wonderful gift.....
I’m reminded of what my daughter, Lynn, said at her dear Granny’s memorial service....
She said....”I do not have to read Granny’s will in order to see what she left to me.....I know she left me a faith so fine that I want it for my own, her sense of humor, her sense of ‘right over wrong’, her desire to help others always, and her great love for her family.”
This is what I mean about the ‘legacy circle’.....
We all complete our own.....for others.....
Put it in writing this Christmas....I DARE YOU!!!
Posted by
8:15 AM
Dec 22, 2003
Ready or Not....Here It Comes!!!
In the midst of all the preparation for Christmas....a few instances stand out as being.....exceptional!
One being.....taking my sister, Shyrl, who is basically home-bound....to breakfast as part of our Christmas ritual.
Shyrl lives 1 1/2 hrs. drive away from me. Early on Saturday morning Charlie, Lynn, Chad, Brian and I arrived at her back door in a Lexus SUV that was already packed.
Transporting two coolers of frozen food for her ’nutritional’ use was part of her gifts. Shyrl had previously been required, for health reasons; to have 2/3 of her stomach removed due to bleeding ulcers. Eating a little, often and nutritional at that.... is a new challenge for her..
Her usual breakfast of Pepsi and a donut just wouldn’t cut it!
Adding Shyrl to our transportation vehicle required that someone had to sit in the rear cargo area..I.e. VIP passenger seat....Some win....some loose!
We went to our usual.... local....really Southern cooking....restaurant for breakfast!
My menu choice was...country-fried steak with gravy, two eggs, grits, biscuit, coffee and juice.....Lynn ordered the same but she ordered a side dish of...‘1 pancake please! ‘
This was to be really a ‘brunch’ since it was a little after 10:00 a.m. by this time....
Lo and behold, when our breakfast arrived, Lynn’s ‘little’ pancake was astonishing! You have to see the picture to believe it!
Link #1...A Christmas Blessing Album
Sometime I want to return there in order to just eat....pancakes!~
Needless to say, we all had a great time.
We left the guys at Shyrl’s apt. to install a computer and printer which Chad was giving her and we girls went to Nursing Home to see our Mom’s best friend, Mrs. Veal.
The guys called saying they could not find the power cord. We turned the SUV upside down looking for that silly power cord....WHICH WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND!
Cutting our visit short.....we returned to Shyrl’s, loaded up the computer, again, ....and headed back to the ’West Coast’ . Everybody complained all the way home about...”Being soooo full!”...Will return with the computer...and power cord....at a later date.
Ready or not....(and we were NOT)....Merry Christmas is on the way!
Posted by
10:12 AM
Dec 19, 2003
Prayer Girls Christmas Party...
Yesterday we four ‘prayer girls’ had our Christmas exchange and lunch.
Abby volunteered to have it at her beautiful home instead of the Don Cesar Resort as was last year.
This was even better.....
Abby’s home was decorated as you see in Currier & Ivys...to perfection!
She served Tiana, Nancy, guest Seisha and I with much class and good humor. Shrimp salad, bean butt salad, awesome green salad, miniature pastels, croissants, and the ’to die for’ dessert of Flan cheesecake.
She presented the ’Spirit of Christ in Christmas’ as a gift of labor and love to we busy ‘family caretakers’.....We were blessed!
You would have to know Abby to understand that she does not ever portray a ‘stereotype image’ of a .....holy and spiritual ‘missionary’ Godly woman!
Yet....that she is truly in every ounce of her being....
Ask God.....HE knows the TRUTH!
Our Abby was ‘created’ with a delightful and hilarious sense of humor!
She makes us all feel....normal....when we take ourselves too seriously...
But ‘serious she is’ in reality as she is a major part of the caretaking of her four beautiful grandchildren ....their ages being 5 to almost 16.
But Abby is so youthful (and she IS young!) you would swear that she is NOT a grandmother at all!
Combined with all of this is her devotion to her husband , Al.....whom she loves and adores.....and exasperates to no end!
In addition, she is a wonderful, fun leader to her 20 women golf group and finds time to create the Christmas trappings of class to their Holiday lunch menu etc.
Abby is a very unique and creative.....woman of....EXCELLENCE!
May God Bless her truly....for all of her....Christ-like....giving!
P.S. Her bean butt salad happens to have garbanzos in it which she thinks looks like ‘little bitty butts’.....her idea....not mine!!!
See pictures....Link #1....A Christmas Blessing - Prayer Girls Album
Posted by
9:21 AM
Dec 17, 2003
God Bless America!
I am guilty of being....very patriotic!
I love my country....I love my family....I love my friends.....
As you can probably tell.....what I love...I love....what I hate...I hate!
Hate is a strong word for me....
When our children were small, ‘that’ word was not allowed in their vocabulary. Yet as time goes on...I do find that there are some things that I can say truthfully.....I REALLY HATE!!!
One of those things I hate.....is people using, abusing, and taking for granted the freedom and ‘bounty’ of this wonderful nation....America.
‘Tis disgraceful to me.....
Another thing I hate.....is indifference!
Being removed, emotionally, from freely expressing love, joy, anger, disappointment and healthy disagreement.....in a non-threatening way!
Why live a......dead life?
Another thing I hate.......dishonesty, pretense, falseness!
I do NOT hate the people or persons who choose this in life.....I hate the results of their choice. What a waste of good energy that could be used in a positive and meaningful way!
I also hate to see family members and friends who are so very blessed and yet somehow refuse to ‘be grateful’ for the very good life they have!
Traveling to other countries is often a ‘quick fix’ for being an ‘ungrateful American’!
Actually I much rather think and talk and write about what I LOVE!
That is why I have always been a simple minded writer in our family and for friends. Writing about what I love.....is endless!
I Love...beauty...
little children...books...seas....butterflies....smiles....laughs....fun....kindness....
good food....truthfulness....music....rainbows....good jokes....rainy days....
fires in our fireplace....snow skiing....surprises....relaxing in the pool....hearing someone say, “I love you” to me over the phone....boating with my brothers....chatting with my sisters....unexpected lunch with my family, shopping bargains .....e-mails from special people.....people of integrity....church...walking in the rain.... etc., etc. etc.....
I love God......I love my country....I love my family....I love my friends.....
And as I said in the beginning....you can probably tell.....what I love...I love....what I hate...I hate!
God Bless America.....in 2004!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Dec 16, 2003
Joy Child Birthday Celebration...
Our Britt just turned 20!
We celebrated for a week....on Sunday afternoon we all gathered in the private party room at Hops. This was a time of nostalgia since it was in this very room that we had celebrated her 16th birthday.
Seemed like yesterday!
But Joshua is proof that it was not!
Since this is the time of year that we are celebrating the birth of our...
Joy To The World....Jesus child.....we were aglow with happiness and family blessings.....This year we especially celebrate Brittney.
Brittney is our ‘good cheer’ girl.
Her attitude of life is always positive, fun, peppy, and light-hearted.
Yet she is a tribute to her Great-Grandmother’s influence....her authentically Southern roots of love. Brittney lovingly refers to ‘Granny’ from time to time as saying.....”Granny would like so and so...”
Most of all.....as we had some question and answer time....(foolishness abounded!)....it was evident that Brittney’s role in the future of the family is much the same as her dear “Granny’s was.....Family should be kept together at all costs....
We celebrate Brittney.....being borned to our family....she is definitely a major contribution to it being A Good Life for all of us....
God Bless her....daily...
See Birthday Pictures Link #1.....Birthday Album
Be sure to click on pictures in album in order to enlarge them for viewing!
Otherwise you need a magnifying glass:)
Posted by
8:05 AM
Dec 15, 2003
“We’ve Got HIM!”
Yesterday morning, December 14th....our son, Chad, calls around 6:15 a.m. saying....”Turn on to Fox News quick. They’ve caught Saddam Hussein!”
What a thrill it was to experience this answer to prayer of...”Good over Evil” in this land of Iraq.
A Miracle took place for sure...not a shot was fired....Saddam did not ‘fight for his country’....or give his life as he required of his followers.
He succumbed to the ‘powers that be’....the powers that stood for good over evil....the powers that believe in ‘righting the wrongs’ of mankind.
Much blood has been shed for this righteous conviction.....
As I picked up my Bible to read from the book of Isaiah I was transfixed by the words of old that was stated in reference to Israelis and their enemies...
.....In Bible times Babylon.....which is in Iraq...still lies in utter ruin today....
This is what Isaiah 14 says.....and is very relevant to today’s happening!
....”But the Lord will have mercy on the Israelis; they are His special ones.
He will bring them back to settle once again the land of Israel. And many nationalities will come and join them there and be their loyal allies. The nations of the world will help them to return, and those coming to live in their land. Those enslaving Israel will be enslaved - - Israel shall rule her enemies! In the wonderful day when the Lord gives His people rest from sorrow and fear, from slavery and bondage,
you will jeer at the King of Babylon and say, “You bully, you!
At last you have what was coming to you!
For the Lord has crushed your wicked power, and broken your evil rule!
You persecuted people with unceasing blows of rage and held the nations in your angry grip.
You were unrestrained in tyranny.
But at last the whole earth is at rest and is quiet!
All the world begins to sing!
“Your power is broken; “....With one voice they all cry out...
“Now you are weak.
Your might and power are gone....
All the pleasant music in your palace has ceased;
Now maggots are your sheet and worms your blanket”....
...Yuk...Yuk...Yuk! What a terrible end for anyone....and so ...unnecessary!
Yes, Good does overcome evil....TRUTH must bring accountability in order for JUSTICE to be served....
As President George Bush said and is actually our heart’s prayer.....
“God Bless the people of Iraq.....and God Bless America!”
Remember my quote from Blake....was a prophetic word.....
"In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish."
Quote of the day....from Blake....
Posted by
8:45 AM
Dec 9, 2003
"In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish."
Quote of the day....from Blake....
Posted by
7:10 AM
Dec 8, 2003
Too Emotional!
I do suppose that all of us are being caught up in the many emotions of this Holiday Season.
Excitement, joy, sharing, giving, fun, love, .....sadness, pain, emotional turmoil, alienations from love ones, loneliness, etc.
Emotions, good and bad, are certainly...... heightened.
Shopping can be a real display of emotions.....try standing in front of a store at opening time....with an advertised special of $69.95 for a 20” TV with 30 other people.....Then the door opens only to discover that the limited quantity (in small print of course) means that only 15 are ‘available’!...Happened to me this week!
Emotions are evident in men and women alike....
Last night I went to the movies with my friend, Nancy, and her two daughters, 15yr. old Seisha and 5 yr. old, Sierra...
We saw the movie, The Gospel of John.
The final theme of this portion of the life of Jesus brought the emotional elements of forgiveness and LOVE.
If ‘emotions’ are hard for you to handle....you are certainly in trouble this time of year! Just view the children’s ‘delight’ in the simple process of looking at the lights on decorated houses as they ride through a neighborhood. Our families children always refers to it as ’driving through fairy land’....and they still do!
Watch the face of a ’giver’ on Christmas morn as they ’watch the face’ of one they love as they open a ’special-thought-out’ gift!
Anticipation is a marvel to behold!
Seems that the human race “needs “ this time of year....to feel and act...thoroughly human!
The passion of life is displayed for all to see.....as the heart delivers its contents through the forum of.....emotions.
Feel free to be.....YOU!
Enjoy life today....January and the bills and weight loss and tax time and the ’problems of everyday life’ can be put on hold for just this short space of time..... ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST....CELEBRATE FAMILY, FRIENDS, FAITH AND....THE EMOTIONS OF YOUR HEART!
.........”Tis the Season to be Jolly.....to enjoy The Good Life....
and Yes.... Jesus IS the reason for The Season !
Happy Birthday, Jesus! We ‘party’ with YOU!
Posted by
8:38 AM
Dec 4, 2003
Photo Reminder
If you are viewing my photo page periodically (Link #1)...you will find that in the last couple of days that my server...Yahoo Photos... has given itself a facelift.... As a result the format is different....Yahoo also has placed some of their own 'photo ads' but that is separate from my Photo Album page which I use and pay a fee to use...
Upon opening a particular album, you will find all the pictures are shown with a small thumbnail sketch of the posted picture. Click on the first small picture and it will enlarge for viewing with a ‘Next’ choice up above for going through the entire album or the choice of it being automatic under the ’slideshow’ choice.
It should be a little easier once we all get used to it...
Are you thoroughly confused now?
Believe me...it is easier to do THAN TO DESCRIBE!
Try it and let me hear from you.....Link #2
Happy Holidays from sunny ’down south’!
Posted by
7:48 AM
Dec 3, 2003
Way Down Upon The Suwannee....
Yesterday I went with my son, Chad, up to north Florida to Live Oak which is about 3 hours away.
Family roots and history are entwined from the area and we had a purpose in our trip. The Family Community Church Cemetery needed to be checked for maintenance since it has seen two long years of neglect on my part.
Our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents to Chad ....plots were in fairly good shape.
My family...to be used in the future....plots were covered with grassy weeds and growth.
The Family Bench had to be repaired, repainted and in general given a facelift. A sacred, time capsule note written by Matthew when he was 12 or so (is 21 now)....which was under the family bench....
had to be removed because its cover had fallen apart .
We called Matt (Thank God for cell phones)and he said to bring it back in order for him to package it in
a more permanent way.
Chad and I drove to the Advent Retirement Village at Dowling Park on the Suwannee River to a Country Store there in order to buy some ‘round up’ for the massive amount of weeds.
Amazingly enough....Chad and I were filled with a great deal of JOY all the time we were working and reminiscing. The strong ties with our family of ancestors were very much alive in our heart throughout the day.
‘Twas a real and genuine....Labor of Love!
Our beloved ’Granny’ had a great deal of respect for the care of all the families ’final resting place’.....and instilled this ’noble idea’ into her children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren.
Sensed her ’approval’ and ’admonishment’ alike.....while Chad and I stood quietly in prayer.....in the sacredness of the moment....
Coming apart from a busy world....being reminded of the ‘things that really matter’.....can be a ‘round up weed removal’ in a very personal way!
I know....it happened to me!
See Link #1.... Album Rest In Peace!
Posted by
11:16 AM
Dec 1, 2003
Thanksgiving Pig Roast
Well it certainly has been a long time since I’ve sit here at the computer to write my ‘blog’. Have received quite a bit of ‘teasing’....in a well meaning way. While having lunch with some family members they kept playing a guilt game with me saying that I should be home writing ‘log-blogs’ instead of out enjoying myself! Can you imagine that?
I have to LIVE The Good Life in order to write about it don’t I?
Was just getting a little research in while ‘tasting’ The Great Wall of Chocolate!
In any event, we had a wonderful....but absolutely CRAZY... Thanksgiving.
We did a Family Pig Roast which was a full two days event.
Matt, Britt and Joshua came a day in advance and we prepared mountains of Chex Party Mix, stuffed a turkey with adobo and ordered pizza. Pipo and Vinnie also came a day in advance to help prepare the pig and dig the pit. Chad helped build the steel bar holder for the pit. At night we watched the video.... Bruce Almighty....everyone slept wherever they wanted to....Vinnie got stepped on in the middle of the night....and just grunted and rolled over!
The overnighters had to arise at 5:00 a.m. in order to get the fire going early. The hard core workers were ...Matt, Vinnie and Pops!
NOTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT....POPS! He taught them all the tricks of the trade, the Spanish way!....Matt will know it all in the future...Vinnie is his consultant!
These three lasted day and night for two full days and early morning duty as well....Others came and went, horsed around, poked fun, drank gallons of liquids and ate mountains of snacks...
Joshua(2 1/2 yr.old) loved everything....Chad told Joshua that we were roasting a Dolphin....Dolphin’s are Joshua’s favorite fun water pet!
Everybody admonished Chad for such a sac religious suggestion!
Matt sit at one end of the pit, Joshua at the other end....as Matt slowly turned the pole, Joshua was trying hard and thought he was doing it!
Saying, “Maw, Maw, I do it!” He never knew his Uncle Matt was ‘helping him’....Long family traditions is still.....ongoing!
I can still hear Uncle Vic at a Family Pig Roast saying, “Sweetie it IS a Good Life!”...and MORE TO COME!
I agree!
See pictures...Link #1 ...click on Thanksgiving Pig Roast Album..enlarge thumbnail print...
Our annual shopping marathon was a FUN event....this year....
My sister, Joyce, niece, Cindy, prayer partner, Nancy, nautical friend, Melissa, and Lynn as our designated driver participated.
We started out early Friday morning with all the sales ads.....for our shopping spree...along with 5 million other crazy people.
It was a successful event....we ’almost’ went broke....saving money!
We did stop around 2:00 p.m. for a lunch break and harassed the young waiter who served us....You know how six guys can tease a young lady who is serving them....well we had the opposite.!
To our young man’s dismay ( he was a great sport!)after finding out that he was 22 years old and we had a 36 yr. old single mother among us....he was asked the foolish question of....”What age women do you date?’
Saying “Usually my age or younger“....you could hear them groan!
It was all in good clean fun....and we laughed our heads off at each other’s silly antics.
Some of the girls went home early....5:00 p.m. or so but others, like me.... had to return to the BX at MacDill in order to fulfill our list with the 10% off coupon which we still had from early morning....Couldn’t let a bargain go by even though night had fallen!
During the day we made several trips back to my house to ‘drop off the goods’ because we constantly run out of room in our Explorer!
All in all.....the day was a complete success....Christmas morning will be a blast for our family and friends.....because their gifts were purchased by someone with a generous heart of love and fun....
I know....I was there....doing my research for The Good Life blog....
See Link #1 photos....Thanksgiving Family Pig Roast and Shopping Spree
Posted by
8:58 AM
Nov 21, 2003
Dear Readers;
Some of you do not know of my beginning introduction to this blog!
Therefore I go back to my first one...Sept. 8, 2002 and republish my...Welcome!
Link #2 to your left......will give you information for feed back WHICH I LOVE!
Link #1 connects you to my Photo Album page which changes from time to time.
For many of you who are from out of the state of Florida....some of our nautical/tropical antics
may seem....weird!
I challenge you to start your own 'free' blog and tell us of your 'Good Life Living'.
Contact me(Link #2) and I will tell you 'how'.
It is simple, easy and free!
Here's to.....THE GOOD LIFE!!!
Sept. 9, 2002
Welcome to my new Web Site called...a blog.
Blogs are simply web logs....in this case a kind of personal journal that is made public.
Since many of you have read my little books of inspiration in the past, you will find yourself mentioned from time to time
as we experience life together. I will include daily happenings of interest to my family, our nautical friends, my prayer partners, and any and all who are like minded souls.
You will see that our Southern/Spanish flavored family is quite 'crazy' and the abnormal becomes normal to us.
Adventure, Fun, Faith required Challenges, local home grown 'heroes' will become the norm as I present to you
some of the most fascinating people on this earth....my family and friends....
Look carefully....for you will surely find....YOURSELF!!!
Posted by
7:55 AM
I love the ‘delete’ key on my computer!
It is a much-used key on my keyboard as I can, at a single stroke....throw absolutely anything into the garbage can.
Delete to me, also, has a spiritual connotation!
Delete is the FORGIVING key.
It ’forgives’ mistakes, errors, wrongs, goof-ups, human error, etc.’......
It allows for ‘changes and other options’.
Delete is a blessing to me.....Forgiveness is a MUST among family and friends! Were it not for delete/forgiveness, none of us would be acceptable to each other.
Approaching the holidays.....it is mandatory to the heart.....to delete all grudges, resentments, bitterness, and unforgiveness to our family members and friends.....in order to enter with real, genuine Thanksgiving for the wonderful privilege of being loved and accepted as we are.....faults and all!!
It is only then that we can enter, fully, into the true spirit of Love and Joy....and Peace on Earth....Good Will To Man!
This is the ‘greatest of ALL gifts’ that we can give ........this Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2003. It is the True Meaning of....LOVE!
Yes, The Good Life begins with me......and YOU!
Happy Holidays!
Posted by
7:09 AM
Nov 19, 2003
Yesterday I had lunch mid-afternoon with Lynn and Chad.
We went to P.F. Chang’s Bistro at Westshore Mall.
Lynn insisted on ordering dessert.
The menu called it...The Great Wall of Chocolate....
described as...Six layers of rich chocolate cake frosted with semi-sweet chocolate chips and served with raspberry sauce...$6.95
See Link #1....Family Zoo Album...last entry....
Three of us ate all we wanted....and there was plenty left.
The absolutely, crazy, insane thing about this incident is.....
.....I have been dieting for two weeks....doing wonderfully well to be prepared for all the holidays to come...and BOOM....out of the blue came this awful...sinful....decadent piece of chocolate...
....and it tasted like...HEAVEN!!!
I think it tasted especially good because I was so ‘deprived’, needy for a fix, or absolutely starved after all the salads of two weeks.
At any rate....I am guilty of succumbing to temptation....
Could you have resisted?
Please e-mail and tell me how!
I would LOVE to know!!!
Have a wonderful....temptation free day!!!
Posted by
5:52 AM
Nov 17, 2003
Small Boat Warning!
On Saturday we did a short boat trip with our friends, Kurt, Melissa and Pammy Collins. They brought their new 17 ft. center console, Key West, down from St. Cloud and we took our ‘Go Gator’ , putting in at Davis Island again.
Did a beautiful tour around the Harbour Island area and then headed to our favorite Marina in Rukin.... Bahia Resort and Marina.
Taking Cut C south in the Cruise Boat channel in 17 and 19 ft. boats is quite an adventure. The wake level from all the big vessels could be dangerous to ones boat health! Cpt. Kurt did a bit of playful running at 45mph.....actually chasing the sea gulls that were trailing behind some of the big vessels.
We plotted along at 28 to 30 mph....staying at the peripheral of the big wakes...enjoying the perfect weather of the day.
We cruised around three Marinas...checking facilities and doing boat window-shopping.
Saw some beauties that’s for sure.
Ate delicious blackened grouper at the Captains Quarters Rest. on the Bahia Marina docks and put our names on the ’wait list’ for permanent slip dockage. New Resort owners are doing some renovation therefore it will be early 2004 before we can make our big boat moves from Kissimmee River Park to the ’West Coast’...
Having perfect weather and a delightful day we returned back to Davis Island and loaded out.
Grilling steaks at home tasted wonderful after a day of salty sea air..
Yes, we really enjoy The Good Life small boating adventures with nautical family and friends....and MORE to come!!!
See pictures on Link #1.....Small Boat Trips Album
Posted by
8:44 AM
Nov 10, 2003
Zoo Sunday
Yesterday was a.....Zoo!
My husband, Charlie, had a bad cold/flu like symptoms.
We decided to stay home from church and watch our service, live, on the Internet. We go to ‘The River’ in Bradenton and both services, 8:00 and
11:00 a.m. are beamed live on Revival.com every Sunday AROUND THE WORLD!
Fine and good.....along comes Matt and Ashley around 9:30 a.m.....to check on Pops. We had wonderful ‘spiritual’ conversations and special prayers with the two of them that really blessed our hearts.....
They had just left when the phone rang announcing that Chuck and family were in town for their Marine’s Military Ball and Family Day week-end and that they were coming over in a couple of hours.
Pops in the meantime is feeling....’worse’.
Put him to bed, again, with a football game and checked the food supplies...food for an army! For you see there was also....friends with Carla, another ’girl’ friend with Pipo....etc. Sad to say....the cupboard was inadequate...except for the makings of ‘tostones‘, which is always our Spanish treat.
Britt ,too, arrives along with all the other ‘herd’. Joshua is home sleeping but will come later.
The party begins!
Cars need ‘fixin’....phones need comparing....tricks need to be played....and since poor Pops....the ‘go Gators’ guy is ‘defenseless’... the time is taken advantage of in order to remind him......on his bathroom mirror...that there is at least one FSU fan in the family....‘come hell or high water’....
Joshua soon awakes and joins in the fun...taking great delight in wrestling that great big Marine!
Poor Pops.....can you imagine being’ sick in a zoo’?
Finally.....around 6:00p.m. they all leave....Chuck & Family heading to a church they want to check out in our area and the others going elsewhere.
The wind blew them in....and the wind blew them out!
Yep, that’s our Family......or part of them anyway.....
Chad was in the Caribbean and Lynn was “sleeping off Joshua”!
See Zoo pictures...Link #1....Family Zoo!
Posted by
9:19 AM
Nov 6, 2003
$1.00 Missionary
Every day practically, all of America sees.....without seeing really.....
a ’Dollar Missionary’......
For you see the One Dollar Bill carries a ’spiritual message’!
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says the design on America’s One Dollar Bill....the reverse or spiritual side, as it is called.....
has this meaning....
The 13-step pyramid symbolizes strength and durability.
It is unfinished to indicate that the country is always growing.
The eye represents the eye of Providence, (God) and rays of light around it illustrate...”spiritual above material.”/
The words “Annuit Coeptis” above the pyramid translate as:
....”He (God) has favored our undertakings.”
“Novus Ordo Seclorum,” under the pyramid, means...
“New order of the ages,” heralding the beginning of the
new American era in 1776....
Of course, the...In God We Trust....is self-explanatory from our forefathers
point of view....
How can America or ‘true Americans’ possibly deny our priceless heritage?
Yes, God does “Bless America” and our “Land of Plenty”....
For you see.....our ‘Silent $1.00 Missionary’ ....goes to church EVERY Sunday!
Posted by
9:18 AM
Nov 4, 2003
Boating Enemy
At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, Charlie and I.....along with Britt, Joshua and Chad....put our little 19’ boat, Go Gator, in at the ramp on Davis Island.
True it was a little ‘choppy’ and the winds were predicted to come up after lunch but knowing that the ’Gators’ were playing Georgia at 3:00 p.m., Charlie felt ’safe’ to take our mornings planned excursion.
Our destination was to be...http://www.bahiabeachresort.com
or in plain English.....Bahia Beach Resort and Marina at Ruskin.
It is approximately 20 miles south on the Tampa Bay waters.
No problem....an easy run going about 25 mph..(GPS speed)
Except.....upon entering totally open waters....the wind picked up...slightly.
Charlie had done his ’navigation homework’ and we knew when to cut east out of the main ’Cruise Boat’ channel.....
Thinking we had made a slight error as we were nearing our ’land sights’ we found that the cut we took right..... took us to the Bahia Del Sol Marina but we were still in sight of our chosen destination...
Cruising each marina was fun just seeing all the ’boat window shopping’!
As we entered our marina a fisherman gestured for us to look to the port side of the boat.....to Joshua’s delight several Dolphins were happily diving up and down right beside us. While docking, Joshua kept saying, “More Dolphin, more Dolphin”.....
Bahia is the Marina that we are contemplating moving the Milagro to in the near future. It is a full resort marina, pools, restaurants, hotel, beach etc.
The Dock Master, Mr. Gibson, told us that since we had been there the facilities had sold to a new owner on Oct. 15 and that changes were in the offing.
Charlie put our name on the list for ‘permanent dockage’ that being by the monthly rates rather than ‘transient’ per night rates.
Having an early lunch, 11:00 a.m., at the Outrigger Restaurant, we loaded up and headed back. We began fighting the wind as soon as we came out of the safe harbor of the marina. Choppy and rough caused us to drop our speed considerably. Our enemy - the wind had arrived!
Brittney insisted on sitting on the bow of the boat. She had to hold on to the front lines at all times and looked like a cowgirl riding a bucking bronco. See pictures Link #1 Family Fun album.
Loading the boat out once we arrived back at the ramp is another story.
High winds....low tide....boat ramp horror show!
Others were having the same problem...
Once we were loaded out and had taken the boat back to our Coast Guard storage lot, it was 3:30 p.m. before we arrived home to watch the Gators WIN!!!
Brittney had the nerve to call and say....”That was so much fun! When can we do it again?”
Despite our enemy.....a good time was had by all!!!
See Link #1 Family Fun album
Posted by
12:59 PM
Nov 3, 2003
Do You Know....
The Ten Commandments
Yes, the Capitol building that houses the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. has the Ten Commandments prominently and publicly displayed...
The Supreme Court doors are engraved with.....The Ten Commandments.....
If these ‘Laws’ were obeyed in our land.....morality, ethics and peace would rule supreme in America.
Yet some people do not even know what ‘they’ are.....
The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God, Himself, writing them on a stone tablet....
It is God’s Law for a civilized race of human beings and their conduct toward Him and each other. They are found in the 20th Chapter of Exodus as well as in Deuteronomy 5.
I am listing the Commandments ....along with the ‘Southern Paraphrase’ below each one.....for my southern family and friends...
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before Me.
Southern: Just ONE God!
2. You shall not make or worship any idol or graven image.
Southern: Put nuthin’ before God!
3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain speaking.
Southern: No ‘cussin’ God, telling tales or gossipin’.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy.
Southern: Git yourself to Sunday meeting!
5. Honor your Father and Mother, so that you may live long lives and
all will go well with you...
Southern: Honor yer Ma & Pa...live right and long!
6. Thou shalt not kill.....you shall not murder!
Southern: No killin’....No how.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Southern: No foolin’ around with another fellow’s woman or another woman’s fellow!
8. Thou shalt not steal!
Southern: Don’t take what ain’t yers!
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Southern: Watch yer mouth....
10. Thou shalt not covet..... your neighbor’s house, wife or anything that belongs to your neighbor...
Southern: Don’t be hankerin’ for yer buddy’s ‘stuff’!
Plain and simple isn’t it?
What in heaven’s name.....is wrong with these important reminders being made public and taught to the youth of America?
Decency, honesty, integrity.....ethics of good moral character are all instilled in the living of these laws of ‘governing’ a large society of civilized people....
What is ‘wrong’ with that?
God help us all.....and may God continue to Bless America despite her faults and failures......
It is for this I pray....
Posted by
8:26 AM
Oct 31, 2003
Dear Friends;
Below is an e-mail that I received from my dear brother-of-the-heart....Blake.
It speaks, eloquently, of a truth that should be reiterated....over and over...
Anyone that does not recognize the facts of our country’s origin is choosing to be ignorant....of their own free will!
God help us all....and deliver us from the hands of such...stupidity!
May God continue to BLESS AMERICA....the good ole USA!!!
Did you know ..
As you walk up the steps to the Capital Building ,which houses the Supreme Court, you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing the middle. Who is facing forward with a full frontal view ?
......It is Moses and the Ten Commandments!
As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.
As you sit inside the courtroom, you can see the wall right above where the Supreme Court judges sit is a display of the Ten Commandments!
There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington, D.C.
James Madison, the fourth president, known as "The Father of Our Constitution" made the following statement: "We have staked the whole of all
our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of GOD."
Patrick Henry, that patriot and Founding Father of our country said, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777.
Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the established orthodox churches in the colonies.
Thomas Jefferson worried about that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting law would begin making law, an oligarchy, the rule of few over many.
The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said, "Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers."
How then, have we gotten to the point that everything we have done for 200 years in this country is now suddenly wrong and unconstitutional?
Posted by
7:10 AM
Oct 28, 2003
Celebrate Life!
Celebrate LIFE!!!
Come on now let's dance and sing....
Life is really a wonderful thing
Each breath you take
Each smile you make
Brings blessings your way
Making good things happen today
Have faith this is true
Allow it to happen to....YOU!
Be Blessed!!!
Posted by
8:12 AM
Oct 27, 2003
The Answer That Is
Right Under Your Nose!!!
Does this topic sound familiar?
Searching for the right answer to a very complex situation in my own life has led me to all kind of.......dead ends!
While listening to some of my ‘soothing’ music this early morn....suddenly an answer appears out of the blue.
The answer is.......I AM TO DO.....
.......N O T H I N G!
Lord knows that is very hard for me to do....close to impossible even!
Being a person of action makes me want to do ’somethin’ to find my answer, to create a solution....somehow, someway.....and keep trying until I find something that works!
Now this.....doing nothin.....that’s hard!
What in the world am I supposed to do....while I am ’doing nothin’?
Perhaps......Enjoy Life....Seize the Moment.....continue to carry my little teaspoon of oil and observe the wonders of God’s great Universe.....daily!
But that would be just....TOO MUCH FUN!!!
I’m supposed to be concerned about ’weighty issues’, ‘family situations’, an ’imperfect world’, ‘crazy politics’, ’injustice’, ‘all my personal responsibilities to God, family, nation etc.
Enjoying life and having fun in a care-free day would be .....HEAVEN.
Only children in their innocence are awarded that privilege.
Guess I’ll just have to take another lesson from 2 yr. old, Joshua.
On Saturday as his Mom, Britt, Ashley and I helped carve his ‘Mr. Pumpkin’.....he and Pops ran around, played games, and generally created havoc and......FUN!
That’s my answer! Guess I can leave out the ‘havoc’ part.....
I’ll leave that to the ‘adult’ world from which I wish to ‘escape’....
Really it could be fun to do.....’nothin’!
Nothin ‘important’....except in the eyes of a child!
What a way to live!
See Joshua’s Mr. Pumpkin on photos...Link #1 Family Fun Album
Posted by
8:59 AM
Oct 24, 2003
Yesterday had a small computer job.....
Helping my daughter, Lynn, make some simple corrections and connections caused a 15-minute job to turn into a 2 hour....... treasure hunt.
The end result after all ‘complex’ options had been exhausted.
(I.e.; uninstall.....re install etc. call brother Chad for more expert technical support etc.).....a ‘bad’ transfer cord.
The ‘process of elimination’ expedition was frustrating, time consuming, aggravating and stupid in some cases....
Assuming that all the exterior cords were functioning properly is a statement of faith......each time the computer is booted up!
Even taking a new cord out of a package gives one the confidence that the thing will work simply because it is ’new’.....
Yesterday....it was the ’new cord’ that was the problem at the end of a two-hour ’hunt’.
The elimination part of the job led us to dig up an old cord to prove the connection was ’live’........
There was the ‘problem’.....the new cord was faulty!
There is absolutely no way we could have known that.....going into that job!
Only after every known avenue of possibility had been explored....could we see it as a ‘trouble spot’.
That is called EXPERIENCE!
Yesterday we gained an experience that we didn’t want, hadn’t anticipated and could have done without.
Having successfully completed the little job.....we were contented.
Aggravation was out the window....sharing a glass of tea, laughing
at Joshua’s antics dispelled the stress and anxiety of the previous two hours.
Yep, another one bites the dust!
All is well.....until next time.
With all this ‘experience’....and help and support from other ‘experienced family members’......we can face the next issue of life....be it mechanical or personal.
In this I find extreme.....CONTENTMENT OF LIFE!!!
Posted by
9:06 AM
Oct 22, 2003
Having Faith?
In God we trust......
One Nation, Under God.....
“I swear to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth....so help me God!”
God Bless America.....
Americans are bombarded with.........Words!
Used excessively.....they become meaningless.
Yet I suspect that many American learned the meaning of ‘faith in God’ upon their Mother’s knee!
Surely our forefathers did!
Today’s ....debate....to continue to invoke....or involve.....God in the affairs of man......Americans....is still our choice as a ’free’ people!
I simply can not believe that a person faced with......terminal cancer, tragedy of a beloved child, or any kind of deep human suffering......would not choose to WANT TO INVOLVE GOD.....in the affairs of man!
Only a fool would think that they hold within their very own humanness.....all the powers they need for their life and that they can....’cheat death’.
My morning’s devotion today was from a ‘Southern phrase’ Bible and I quote from the 49th Psalm entitled......
Trusting Money Is Foolish.....
......“They (foolish people) trust in their money and brag about their riches.
No one can buy back the life of another.
No one can pay God for his own life, BECAUSE THE PRICE OF A LIFE IS HIGH......NO PAYMENT IS EVER ENOUGH.
Fools and stupid people also die and leave their wealth to others.
Even rich people do not live forever; people die.
Don’t be afraid of rich people because their homes are more beautiful.
They don’t take anything to the grave; their wealth won’t go
down with them. Even though they were praised when they were alive......and people may praise you when you succeed........they will go to where their ancestors are.”
Trusting Money IS Foolish!!!
Faith Is Trusting the Word of God that I learned on my Mother’s knee.
Our forefathers founded this wonderful nation by invoking and involving God.....of their own free will......into the affairs of finite man.
Using the power words of our ‘faith believing‘ forefathers......
......“We are endowed by our Creator
with certain inalienable rights....
that being.....life, liberty and
......Faith is a gift from God’s heart.....to our hearts.
......Faith Is A Very Real Force
......Faith Is.....L I F E!
Posted by
8:10 AM
Oct 20, 2003
Mission Accomplished!
Just returned from a 225mile-boat trip on the 32’ Eagles Nest.
Left Lake Tohopekaliga around 12 noon on Wed. and pulled into Valkaria (south of Melbourne Beach) on the Intra Coastal around 1:30 p.m. on Sunday. Every day was...weather wise...perfect.....until Sunday.
Sunday produced rain, dark clouds, and winds and it was not advisable to ‘go boating’...We did it anyway.....
After having spent 2 days and nights at the Ft. Pierce Municipal pier and relaxing, first-class, the ‘sorry weather’ of Sunday was just a slight inconvience.
On Saturday, Aaron and Ruth Ann came from Daytona to Ft. Pierce in his small boat called the “Pretty Ugly”. It was approximately 140 miles for them. They arrived at our dock in Ft. Pierce around 5:00 p.m. along with Sam and Sally who drove over from Okeechobee. We were able to catch up on everyone’s news....and verbally solved a few mechanical boat problems as well. A ‘good time’ was had by all.
The purpose of the trip.....to take Dockie’s boat with the new ‘hard tops’ that he and Ann had ‘custom made’ their very own selves.... to his canvas people
in Valkaria for the final process of vinyl and canvas.
See pictures...Link #1...Recent Trip Eagles Nest albumn ....
Anyway, such days on the water makes me wish for.....more of.....
.....The Good Nautical Life!
Guess I will just have to keep walking with my little ‘teaspoon of oil’...daily...as I enjoy the wonders of the world....land or sea...
Remember...The Alchemist?
Posted by
10:54 AM
Oct 15, 2003
Nautical Trip
Will be taking to the waterways again today.
Dockie and Ann need to take their big boat, Eagle’s Nest, from Lake Toho to Melbourne in order to get new canvas made.
After the grand project of creating a hard top for their 32’ Carver, it is necessary to get new vinyl and canvas made-to-order. Their canvas shop of past experience is out of Melbourne but the boat must be docked there for the custom fitting.
We, Charlie and I, are going with them in their boat, towing another small ‘tender’ for emergency use. It is approximately 250 water miles so will probably make the trip in 3 days staying at various marina’s along the way.
This is a good time of year for water travel.....if we decide to ‘swing on the hook’ it is cool enough without air conditioning....yet they do have a generator which is truly sufficient for air conditioning if needed.
So I will write upon my return and let you know what great adventures we encounter along the way.
Anchors away, mate!
Posted by
7:41 AM
Oct 14, 2003
That’s “Nice”....
Lately I’ve found myself using these archaic words above as I have been going about my daily life.
My reply of....’that’s nice’ has been said more in surprise than just a flat statement. I am really and truly surprised when so many people....strangers rather than family and friends.....do or say something extraordinarily unexpected.....for my benefit.
One who does something really ’nice’ just because of the goodness which resides within them is truly a good hearted human being.
I love it!
For example, recently I ordered a ’creative item’ from e-bay to work on as a Christmas gift for my children.
The individual seller, Bert from Kentucky......sent me an e-mail to tell me that if I needed others I could get them from him before he listed them on e-bay. Writing with a personal touch which included words of cheerful greeting made this purchase a ‘nice’ and very pleasant encounter.
From experience I can tell you.....even strangers being ‘nice, cheerful, upbeat’ etc. can make another persons day......better!
That’s what the good life is all about!
Enjoy yours.....
Posted by
8:30 AM
Oct 11, 2003
Let Me Tell You A Story...
I just received in the mail a small book, The Alchemist ...from my niece, Alida, in Puerto Rico. This book is similar to the legendary, The Little Prince.
....The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho has been translated into 56 languages.....
It is a “Follow Your Dream” Fable about a shepherd boy who travels from Spain to Morocco to Egypt until he has a ’fateful encounter’ with the alchemist...There is one little analogy that I wish to quote for you.....
......”A certain shopkeeper sent his son to learn about the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The lad wandered through the desert for forty days, and finally came upon a beautiful castle, high atop a mountain. It was there that the wise man lived.
Rather than finding a saintly man, though, our hero, on entering the main room of the castle, saw a hive of activity: tradesmen came and went, people were conversing in the corners, a small orchestra was playing soft music, and there was a table covered with platters of the most delicious food in that part of the world. The wise man conversed with everyone, and the boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given the man’s attention.
The wise man listened attentively to the boy’s explanation of why he had come, but told him that he didn’t have time just then to explain the secret of happiness. He suggested that the boy look around the palace and return in two hours.....”Meanwhile, I want to ask you to do something’, said the wise man, handing the boy a teaspoon that held two drops of oil. ’As you wander around, carry this spoon with you without allowing the oil to spill.’
The boy began climbing and descending the many stairways of the palace, keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. After two hours, he returned to the room where the wise man was.
‘Well,’ asked the wise man, ’did you see the Persian tapestries that are hanging in my dining hall? Did you see the garden that it took the master gardener ten years to create? Did you notice the beautiful parchments in my library?’
The boy was embarrassed, and confessed that he had observed nothing. His only concern had been not to spill the oil that the wise man had entrusted to him.
“Then go back and observe the marvels of my world.’ said the wise man. ’You cannot trust a man if you don’t know his house.’
“Relieved, the boy picked up the spoon and returned to his exploration of the palace, this time observing all of the works of art on the ceiling and the walls. He saw the gardens, the mountains all around him, the beauty of the flowers, and the taste with which everything had been selected. Upon returning to the wise man, he related in detain everything he had seen.
“But where are the drops of oil I entrusted to you?” asked the wise man.
“Looking down at the spoon he held, the boy saw that the oil was gone.
“Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you,’ said the wisest of wise men. ‘The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and NEVER to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.’”
......My personal analogy......be stable, and steadfast in your common ordinary daily life (walking with your teaspoon of oil) yet always be an active observer as you view and rejoice in the beauty of nature, love, faith, joy, fun, and the wonders and miracles that surround you.....daily!
This balance results in......The Good Life!
Posted by
1:38 PM
Sep 25, 2003
The Best Things In Life
Aren’t THINGS.....
Reflecting on the “Good Life”
Here are a list of ‘wonders’ that lift the heart and spirits...
Personalize them for yourself and send on to someone who needs a lift today.....
1. The feel of grass after a fresh rain.
2. Coming home.
3. Singing in the shower.
4. Catching raindrops with your tongue.
5. Holding a baby.
6. Running into an old friend.
7. Getting an inspiring e-mail just as needed.
8. The smell of fresh baked bread.
9. A sleeping baby.
10. Birds singing in the early morn.
11. Holding hands.
12. Lunch with a friend.
13. The smell of morning coffee.
14. Hearing a child say their prayers.
15. Climbing into a bed with fresh, clean sheets.
16. Daydreaming.
17. Belly laughing.
18. Smelling flowers in bloom.
19. Getting a call from a long distance family member.
20. Hearing the word...Mom....Dad....Grandma....Grandfadder...
21. The American Flag blowing in a breeze.
Posted by
9:35 AM
Sep 19, 2003
What Inspires You???
Write me at.....iwg2003@yahoo.com
Would love to hear from YOU!!!
Posted by
8:34 AM
Sep 17, 2003
What Inspires You?
In our recent travels, this question was answered......again and again!
The people we met in every state we visited.....were so helpful and friendly. Asking for directions on Rodeo Drive....car window to car window....was a blessed experience. Even in the traffic of Las Vegas.....we had a similar experience. All over the country we found that people were actually......stranger friendly!
Are we in Florida? I’m guilty of tuning others out in traffic in our busy area. This was an eye opener for me personally.
I know the paranoia in our country of strangers and the reason why....
Just did not realize how ‘affected’ I was in my usual....Southern hospitality!
So.......friendly, helpful people.......inspire me!
By the way, we did have one unusual......crazy experience!
One man.....the $3.21 per gallon gas station attendant.....actually lied to us.
The questions we asked.....how far to the next gas area, is there any name hotels in the next little town we mentioned, how much was the going rate for the hotel behind him...all of these answers he gave.....were absolutely false as we discovered.....He must have laughed himself silly over adding to our dilemma....“a Cadillac with four tourist who don’t know ‘nothin’! Why they will even pay $3.21 (pump price) for mountain side gas!”
Yep, that was us! Gas got us to San Simeon a few miles away....Dockie’s GPS answers is ‘crow flies miles’ so we were unsure.....There was 6 or more name brand hotels at our stop,(he said none) the hotel he answered $200.00 or more to......was learned to be...half that!” The one point of agreement.....he thought we were crazy....and we learned...’he was!”. In any event we all got a laugh!
......Another such funny encounter was in Navajo country....a couple of panhandlers were at the gas station we stopped at and one of them asked Charlie for ‘some change’. Reluctantly Charlie reaches in his pocket and fishes out about 75cent in loose change asking...”What are you going to use it for?”.....the answer...”haven’t decided yet!” made us all laugh!
Think I will try that one next time I ‘solicit a hand out from Charlie’!
By and large, the awesome, majestic state to state scenery of our trip was......life changing inspiration!
Natural beauty was the major part of our trip. Unchanged nature was found everywhere we went....Evergreen and Redwood Forests, Canyonlands, Sea Stacks from a mountain view, rivers, lakes, creeks all whose final paths led to the great Pacific. A new respect for nature was formed by four Floridians.........Breathtaking to say the least.....the great vistas presented by the Hand of God in nature was truly inspiring to the soul. It seemed that we were in essence holding our breath for the next majestic display around the corner every day of our trip. When Annie P. commented yesterday (after having been released from her one day stay in the hospital)....when she said, “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything!”....she spoke for all of us!
That’s Divine Inspiration!
P.S. See rearranged photos...Whirlwind Trip Albumn! ...Link #1
Posted by
9:05 AM
Sep 16, 2003
Annie P. was in the hospital Sunday night to Monday. Same heart situation that she had before.
She fainted in the car coming back from Chris's house....Dockie drove straight to emergency room and tests began.
She is home now...with Dockie as her cook. Yuk! Toasted hot dogs for sure.
......She will have to pace herself and may be limited to not working on boat tops and taking wild Magic Carpet rides.
Our prayers are with her.....
Posted by
2:09 PM
Sep 15, 2003
Whirlwind Tour
Returned from our two week trip...Aug. 28-Sept. 12, 2003, with Dockie & Ann.
We flew from St. Petersburg, Florida to L.A. Calif. and picked up our...
Magic Carpet...at 9:00 a.m. L.A. time.
Picking up Charlie’s sister, Lydia, who lives in L.A. we began our guided tour of the big city. Flying through Beverly Hills with a “$10.00 find the stars house map”, we quickly.....see a lot. Going down Sunset Strip, Rodeo Drive (Charlie has a stand off at the intersection with a Rolls Royce)Bell Aire and on to the famous Walk of the Stars footprints. Charlie & Dockie was intrigued by Gene Audrey's and Champions horseshoe prints.
Various characters in all kinds of costumes... from demons to All American Red, White and Blue...would allow pictures to be made with them....for a price. Just looking at them was...shock entertainment!
Then we drove to the famous Olivera Street....a small sample of Mexico where we had the ’taquito’ plate of our remembered past.
Of course, we had to go to ...Marina del Rey and take a harbor cruise to see the yachts of the ‘rich and famous’. Was not terribly impressed since I believe there are many more pleasure boaters in nice Marina’s in Florida....big and little boats and yachts!
Next morning we get up and head to Las Vegas. The desert is.....hot!
One day in Las Vegas the temperature was 105.
Didn’t feel hot.....in an air conditioned casino. We learned to walk through each hotel to the next one....not on the hot outside sidewalk.....
None of us were gamblers.....but the Mirage Hotel we stayed in was a real treat. Since it was Labor Day week-end the prices skyrocketed! It was also our anniversary so we found a Wedding Chapel and....had some fun!
Leaving Las Vegas and heading out west toward the Grand Canyon....Dockie and Charlie took a ‘shortcut’ to the west entrance and we went down 18 miles of ‘Pea Vine’ road.....if you know what I mean. It became a dead end at an Indian Airport for touring by air.
Retracing our steps, pebble by pebble, we arrive at the South Rim Canyon in mid afternoon. Breathtaking and awesome to say the least....Charlie does a short hike on a rock over canyon trail....see pictures.
Exiting the East end of canyon we decide to take another short cut....the scenic drive...Arizona 64/160 to Utah 191 which runs by the Colorado River.
Staying overnight at Kayenta, Arizona which is in the middle of a Navajo National Reservation.....we pay 8% Navajo tax in addition to other taxes at our Comfort Inn...
Choosing to drive through the Monument Valley of Utah was some of the most breathtaking sights of the entire trip. Following the Colorado River through Monument Valley Tribal Park, Natural Bridges Monuments, Lake Powell, Rainbow Bridge National Monument we pass through areas that have been used extensively in films.
The four of us agree....Utah Canyon lands was one of the high lights of our trip....
Leaving Monument Valley behind we take I70 into Colorado and travel through numerous ski resorts off of our road into Denver. Aspen, Vail, Breckenridge, and our own families, Winter Park, brought back many memories of winters past....The lush green of summer plus the 80’s temperature was quite refreshing......
Arriving in Cheyenne, Wyoming around 7:00 p.m. we drive to the Warren AFB where Charlie has previously secured our lodging. It is Monday, Labor Day, and the base seems empty. Much to our surprise as we check in Ann asks the young lady at registration if she would happen to know if “Greenway Trailer Park” still exists. Her friendly reply is “Yes, my sister lives there. I can tell you exactly how to find it.”
Next in line for ’delight’ was our lodging. We each had separate suites in a brick mansion quarters that once housed Black Jack Pershing and family.
Huge, museum quality rooms awaited us....Ann and Dockie had an old-fashioned claw footed tub for luxury bathing and fireplaces galore.
Next morning, Dockie drives all over the base seeing his working memories everywhere. We drive to the Chapel they were married in July 1953 and it had remained the same on the outside after 50 years. A young military Chaplains Assistant unlocked the chapel and turned on lights for our ‘Special Moments”, Dockie and Ann were.....in heaven.
See Pictures on Link #1....Whirlwind Tour Album....
Driving off base - the memory lane walk succeeds in finding their very first apt. on Reed street as Ann ‘suddenly’ remembers the street upon driving by.
50 years later....yep, still there.
On the edge of town we find..... Greenway Trailer Park.
Entering the office and explaining their mission....the young lady, Shirley, reveals that she is the niece of the original owners......who had ’family adopted’ Dockie and Ann....and Cindy their new ’little one’.....
Excitement was shared by all.....What a delight it was to find that time had done little to diminish their precious memories of the past.
Having accomplished all that had lain dormant in their dreams......we breathed a sigh of relief and pleasure and left Cheyenne behind us.
Heading west, again, toward Salt Lake City, Utah....we again, discover the infinite beauty of.....Utah. Salt Lake City being a lush oasis of great beauty that we will long remember.
Heading North on I15/84 into Idaho we discover the potato grower’s secret of....irrigation, irrigation, irrigation. Everyone is so friendly and outgoing to us that we are truly amazed. Staying at a beautiful Best Western in Burley, Idaho was a real treat. The birds were singing happily as Dockie had his coffee early morning at a table by the pool. Flowers were lush and plentiful right outside our door. Could have stayed longer but our Magic Carpet had other areas of interest waiting up ahead.
Entering Oregon.....viewing and traveling the route of the Oregon Trail (the series we have all read)was fascinating. Learning that the emigrants of 1840 traveled only an average of 12 miles per day.....made our head swim at the rate we were......speeding along.....on our personal Magic Carpet.
Hwy. 84 carried us along the Snake River....which goes for miles....and on cliffs above the Columbia River. The Hood River and Columbia River come together at a beautiful point.....WHERE ANN AND I WANTED TO STAY FOR THE NIGHT.....but we were overruled!
A forest fire closed down I84 on which we were traveling and sent us to the other side of the Columbia River on Washington States Hwy. 14. The view was still utterly awesome.....but the road was two lane.....fearful.....
We stop for the night at a Red Lion Hotel. I was the one of four that was totally bushed! Four straight days in the car.....going 900 miles per hour....blew me out of the water. Refusing to go to eat....being called all kinds of names like ’unsociable’ etc. I take a wonderful bath and....pass out....The other three ’sociable’ travelers return with an arm full of apples given by the restaurant......Next day.....I ate their apples just to ’get even’!
Traveling up past Portland to Olympia, Washington in order to visit Charlie’s nephew, Randy Cravey and wife Suzanne, we must travel up the side of Black Mountain where they have a 5-acre lodge/home. We received a royal family welcome.....were given our own downstairs two-bedroom lodge.....thanks to Jacob their son being away.....
Randy had to return to Evergreen College where he works as an accountant.....for a 2 hour pre-appointed cook out. Suzanne takes us to the Market area where we buy the most beautiful Dungeness Crab from Puget Sound area. That night we had a feast!
Next morning, we had a first. Crab omelet. Luscious!!!
Relaxing in the afternoon.....was a much-needed affair.
The ‘men’ went to the market again.....buying King Salmon and grilling in oils and herbs. Fresh greens from Suzanne’s organic garden and organic corn on the cob....restored our health.....
Saturday we all climbed aboard our Magic Carpet and headed to Mt. Rainier which climbs to 14,410 feet. There we walked trails and creeks and saw some of the largest Evergreen trees I have ever seen. Some 1,000 years old and older.....Nature at its finest.....
Stopping at the foot of Mount St. Helens we buy volcanic rocks of great beauty.....which were environmental costly. The eruption of St. Helens in 1980 took 1000 ft. off of the top of the...then existing mountain.
Returning to our Mountain Family Lodge, after stopping at the Fresh Seafood Market, our hosts again bless us with a wonderful healthy treat called.....Fish Tacos......Cilantro, purple cabbage, onion greens, avocado, cheese etc. served over Ann fried.....Halibut. Yummy! Along with fresh asparagus, of course.....
Reluctantly telling our generous host’s good-bye we depart early Sunday morning for the Pacific Coast Highway, heading west out of Portland in order to hit the 101 Coast. It was our first day of ‘bad’ weather the entire trip. Fog prevented us from seeing very far as we were traveling in a cloud, on a cliff, overlooking the Pacific. We took a 10-mile detour to a recommended Fishing Port in Charleston and saw some wonderful commercial seafood rigs .....along with viewing a memorial of coast town men ‘lost at sea’ from 1941 till present.
Spending the night directly on the Pacific at Gold Beach, Oregon was a boost for me. I took a leisurely stroll down the brown sandy beach and restored my soul......in order to fly again with the Eagles!
The Pacific Coast Highway.....all the way to San Francisco.....is primitive by Interstate standards.....Very seldom was there guardrails. The cliffs had narrow curves, round and round. At one point we turned a curve and there was a herd of cows on the right side of the road cliff standing on about 1,000 sq.ft. of land..... they could walk across the highway (or over the cliff)in front of a car at any moment and there was no where the car or cow could go in order to avoid a collision! That was really my most ’scary’ moment....We agreed that we did not think it was ’legal’ for the cows to be there!
By the way, we paid $3.21 per gallon for gas at one stop on this PCH mountain run....and were glad to get it! Otherwise $2.50 was average....
Charlie almost had a heart attack when the mountain climbing used up more gas than projected and the little ‘ding-a-ling’ bell started its annoying reminder miles from any gas stations.....still being about 40 miles from Sausalito. All he could say was...”Lord, Jesus, Lord Jesus....”then we started to climb again...and he just groaned in agony. Remembering the air conditioner....off it goes! Finally we stop at a pull-out and another car does also....Dockie and Charlie converse and are assured that within 10 miles we will be in the outskirts of Sausalito....and the helpful motorist will follow us, just in case! Talking about an answer to prayer! We happily paid $2.70 for fill up! Cruising thru Sausalito we soon realize that a hotel there was not possible......crossing the Golden Gate Bridge we enter San Francisco, tired yet relieved to be there. Driving to Fisherman’s Wharf I have pages of possible hotels from the Internet.....stopping at the Holiday Inn....it was a no go but directly across was the Hyatt.....
Guess the guys, Dockie and Charlie, looked ’needy’ at this point...Charlie inquired about rooms and was given a high rate but with hesitation the desk clerk told him if he would go over to the house phone and call their 800 number it would help. Sure enough, we got a Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf Room for ....$99.00. another answer to prayer.
Of course, we had to pay $32.00 for parking our Magic Carpet for 24 hours!
Collapsing in our room.....we order room service as much needed therapy..
Arising early....you know...traveling with Dockie.....we head to the trolley cars....We take them to the turn-about...done by hand....get off and on...again and again in different directions. At one point Dockie and Ann were literally hanging off the side in front....a BIG truck stopped inches from Dockie’s foot....after he hollered to the driver! Truck and trolley stopped, thank God!
At Pier 39 we take a Bay Cruise out to the Golden Gate Bridge, past Alcatraz and around the harbor. Awesome.
Again, we trolley up to Chinatown and eat.....real and authentic Chinese food....More trolley riding....then we pick up our Magic Carpet and actually drive down Lombard Street...the crookedist, straight down street in San Francisco! Left my heart.....in the clouds on that one!
Again, we head for the PCH......was not as picturesque to me from San Fran to Los Angeles....We stopped for the night at San Simeon the town of the Hearst Castle....Was by the Pacific again in our hotel.....had a walk...this time it was Charlie who was ‘unsociable’. He was too tired to go to eat.....was consoled by a football game on TV!
Traveling by Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Malibu etc. was beautiful in seeing the sea and mountains come together and how architecture accomplished its mission.....despite nature.....
Having decided to travel on to the Mexican border, we passed thru Los Angelos like a native and headed to San Diego, a great favorite of mine.
Charlie had made phone reservations for lodging at the Coronado Naval Base and we were given an ‘exquisite’ Tropical Beach overlook...full service room. I wanted to stay there a week and hope to go back later for a week or so.....Awesome....
The ’crazy loonies’ I was traveling with....checked in....and immediately said, “We’re going to Tijuana!” I begged them to let me stay...it was only 17miles away to the border.....no way...I was kidnapped!
Parking our Magic Carpet on the Calif. side we took a bus across the border, was dropped in the middle of ’commerce hell’ and started our exploration.
Needless to say, it was an adventure.
Charlie and I did have excellent Mexican food at a recommended restaurant.
Didn’t buy a thing! It was ’too hectic’.
Returning on bus several hours later, while passing through customs Dockie asked about bathroom facilities. None....Only aross the street at McDonalds...Security would not let me wait with Ann....but the Security man stayed with her while Dockie crossed street etc. Bus driver and I waited....endlessly....everyone else aboard bus.....finally J.R. and Annie P. come running. Driver receives tip from Dockie and all is well again.
Another adventure bites the dust!
Last day we lolligag by the water, eat a buffet at the Officer Club and head back 135 miles to L.A. Turning in our trusty Magic Carpet we have put around 5,200 miles on it and felt completely safe in all terrain.
Leaving L.A. at 9:35 p.m. and arriving in St. Pete at 5:30 a.m. Fla. time....
felt like we had been around the world in 14 days....
Having slept for almost 3 days now.....I can check into the land of the living again.....saying honestly....”A good time was had by all!” and yes....
It is still....A Good Life!
P.S. Dockie traveled with his GPS in hand....ALL THE TIME!
See pictures...Link #1 Whirlwind Tour Album
Posted by
4:33 PM
Aug 25, 2003
Time Out!
Will be taking a couple of weeks to do some traveling....
My brother, Dockie and wife Annie P. will be traveling with us.
Flying to Los Angeles and then driving to Las Vegas for our anniversary...
From there we go to the Grand Canyon and on to Cheyenne, Wyoming for a walk down memory lane with Dockie and Ann. Dockie was stationed at Warren AFB when he and Ann got married.
Then on to Washington state to visit nephew, Randy.
From there back down the Pacific Coast Highway for over a thousand miles.
From sea to shining sea.....that’s our America to explore in the days ahead....
Enjoying.......The Good Life!
Posted by
6:54 PM
Aug 20, 2003
Put It To Rest!
I am so mad!
I am so angry!
I am furious!
Someone I ‘trusted’ let me down!
......Going the second mile, again and again, with this individual......did not seem to matter in the long run....
Truly I have forgiven.....only God knows my heart.....
but suddenly a bright light appears here now.....in my thinking!
.......Just because you have forgiven someone......doesn’t mean that you have to have ......a relationship with them!
I heard a teaching on this one time....by Joyce Meyers....and immediately her words on this subject spring to life in my remembrance!
Therefore, I will....Put It To Rest.....and merrily go on my way ....
Enjoying the Good Life!
Jesus said it best....”Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!”
Posted by
9:08 AM
Aug 19, 2003
For you ‘animal protection’ readers....
the ‘tuttle’ that Joshua was ‘throwing into the pool’....
It was his favorite ‘plastic’ bath tuttle......
Guess I took too much for granted thinking anyone would KNOW that I would never make a child’s game.....OUT OF A REAL TURTLE!
I stand corrected.....
Let’s Laugh......NOW!
Posted by
8:51 AM
Let’s Laugh Now!
Life really is fun, if we only give it a chance.
Countless moments of serendipity are constantly alive to us and inviting us to participate, if we but have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to respond.
Everyday life has its own hidden fun and comedy.
As John Powell said, “Blessed is he who has learned to laugh at himself, for he shall never cease to be entertained.”
When we can laugh at ourselves and our own situations and the life around us, it actually produces physiological and chemical changes in our bodies that bring about a greater sense of vitality, health, and even healing....
...Job 8:21 says..."He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.”
excerpts taken from....The healing of Joy and Laughter.... by:Tim Hansel
Posted by
8:41 AM
Aug 18, 2003
Write Now!
Writing about ‘spontaneity’ seemed to cause it to happen more!
Seize The Moment.....made me look at more ‘precious moments’.
Whatever I write about.....seems to be reiterated again and again.
Over the week-end, going to our boat just for relaxing from the ’traffic life’, there was relaxation, peace, Florida Herons and Cranes on our boat docks and serenity. Just what the ’Dr.’ ordered!
Lo and behold, having coffee on our docks early on Sunday morning with my brother Dockie and Annie P.....along came a ’bee in the bonnet’ idea from Dockie...“I need to take my big boat to my house across the lake (3 boat hours away) in order to properly fit the new Gell-Coat tops I’m making!”
Annie P. says, “No Way!” “ We have too much to do to prepare for our upcoming trip next week.”
Spontaneity and flexibility won!
The guys, Charlie and Dockie, untie the lines and wave good-bye, smiling from ear to ear.
Annie P. and I ’head out’ each in our own vehicle.
Seems like.....we had been ‘had’!
See pictures of ‘tops in progress’.....Link #1....“will show finished product shortly“....says Dockie.
P.S. Worked to my advantage....was able to visit my sister, Shyrl, in the hospital. Also, family.....Sister Joyce, Blake and sweet cheerleader, Brittany, arrived at hospital for a visit as well.....
Later Patsy, Bonnie and Becky come for an unexpected visit to Dockie’s dock....Pammy too!
Yep, you never know what ‘you’re gonna get’...as Forrest Gump says......
Posted by
10:38 AM
Aug 14, 2003
Let’s Go!
Out of all these ‘similar’ words, I prefer.....SPONTANEOUS!
Spontaneous applies to that which is done so naturally that it seems to come without prompting or premeditation......
Being flexible does not mean being ‘wishy-washy’.....to me!
To some it may seem so....
Having many years in a military atmosphere, planning and regimentation became second nature for our family....
Spontaneous events were fairly uncommon.
‘Tis different now!
I love ‘spontaneous’ moments, events, activities.......
Just now as I write this I received a phone call from our son, Chuck, trying to make tentative arrangements to meet in St. Cloud to see ’Aunt Shyrl’ in the hospital tomorrow....
Chuck is in the golf course business.....weather affects his jobs tremendously.....
Our conversation went something like this...
“Mom, can I call you back tonight about meeting in St. Cloud tomorrow...
The rain may cause me to cancel today’s ‘job’ which I might have to do tomorrow....but if it rains tomorrow too.....then we can meet in St Cloud for hospital visit and lunch....”
There you have it....now we both have to be flexible and spontaneous as well. Just goes to show that the Forris Gump philosophy of ....“Life’s like a box of chocolates.....you never know what you’re gonna git!”
is a continuous walk.....of faith....daily!
Posted by
10:34 AM
Aug 12, 2003
Seize The Moment!
Easy to say!!!
Stop what is ‘absolutely necessary to finish meal’.....or stop ‘doing your duty’ and play an endless game of ‘throw tuttle in pool’ with 2 yr. old Joshua.....seemed frivolous in making the ’weighty decision’......but Joshua won!
He absolutely fascinated me as we again and again took the pool net and retrieved his ’beloved floating tuttle’....
I watched as he listened to my instructions as how we must unloosen the screwed end of the pole in order to lengthen it when ’tuttle’ went too far.
Soon he was balancing himself midway of the fairly heavy 9 ft. pole and by himself, to gauge to what extent it must go in order to ’net tuttle’.....
My orders from him.....‘hands off‘....once he could do the job alone......
His muscle coordination, agility, and perception intrigued me tremendously since the pole was ’heavy’ in comparison to his 30 lb. ‘electric’ body.
What a moment in life when a two year old....or a 16 or 40 year old....learns their own....strength and ability!
Wouldn’t have missed it for the world...
Next, he wants everyone to stop and ‘see him’ save ‘tuttle’.
Everyone being Pops and Britt....
Learning was exciting for him.....’showing off’ was a ....MUST!
What a moment in life that I would not have wanted to miss for anything.....
Joshua smiling, laughing, ‘being proud’ sealed in my memory....forever.
Joshua and all of us....will have moments of pain, sadness, disappointment and perhaps even.....despair.
Yet yesterdays memories were ‘seized’ and sealed as a moment in time of pure and joyful innocence of life at its best.
It did not add to my bank account....it did not elevate my ego....no noble deed was accomplished.....except....
......pure and simple joy and delight in life....the good life.....
Isn’t that what life is really.....all about?
Posted by
9:30 AM
Aug 8, 2003
Use It...or Lose IT!!!
Scientists are finding that the mind, like the body, needs an exercise program.....There are all kinds of brain-training programs nationwide because the young and old alike.....are experiencing.....plain ole...forgetfulness.
One called, “Brain Upgrade” at New York’s Open Center or “Boost Your Memory Power” at Pasadena City College emphasize the need to actually work at a discipline for our ’brain’.
A professor of Neurobiology at Duke University Medical Center, Lawrence Katz, has written a book called...”Keep Your Brain Alive.”
Prof. Katz states, ”More and more emphasis is placed on keeping your body in shape and ’fit’ and now we must address the same issue for your brain.”
One study showed that individuals begin forgetting at age 35.....forgetting, misplacing car keys or glasses...
Explanations for why we forget are numerous, to say the least!
The general consensus says it’s.....information overload because we must remember more than ever before. Today, we must know unlimited numbers or passwords, Social Security, personal identification numbers, fax and cell phone numbers. etc. etc. Another study showed that Americans sleep less and experience more stress....both factors affecting memory.
The juggling of many tasks....which attribute to our everyday lives, can cause memory overload.
“We end up multitasking, and that’s the biggest reason we can’t remember,”
said Dr. Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institue.
This ‘authority’ suggests ways to form a much-needed discipline for ourselves. Some Tips are:
Get this....Talk aloud when you put down your keys or glasses and want to remember the location. Tell yourself exactly where you put them. Later, you’ll remember hearing your own voice speak back to you....(I haven’t tried this one..)
Another, Vary your mental workout. Unfamiliar situations and challenges stimulate the brain. Try tying your shoelaces or brushing your teeth with your left hand if you’re right handed.
Also, start a healthful brain diet: Drink six glasses of water each day, eat low-fat foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables, avoid fried foods and take the vitamins E and C. If you smoke, quit. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
And last, minimize stress to maximize memory....set realistic expectations and take relaxation breaks at regular intervals.
All good advice, huh!
Sounds like ‘work’ to me.....or a new discipline of the brain...
Oh well, guess we must....Use it or Lose it, our brain that is.....
....I’ve used mine enough in writing this page so I MUST take a break and treat myself to a wonderful cup of Cappuccino on my patio....
Guess what? I’ve got brain cells I’ve never even used before....
Think I will save them till I ‘really need them”!
Posted by
9:31 AM
Aug 6, 2003
At Last
I have reorganized my Photo Album Page! Click Link #1 to see....
Was running out of room so I removed some photos and shuffled others around. I added a few new ones under ‘Tropical” since the back yard is so lush and green this time of year.
These are especially for you dear friends, The Lujans, in Utah!
Hope all of your summer time....anywhere you are....is awesome.....
Posted by
5:34 AM
Aug 5, 2003
Have been very busy...... celebrated Chuck’s birthday on Friday night at Kiku Japanese Steak House in Icot Center. Family members galore celebrated together and the food was wonderful....See picture on Link #1.
Next morning, bright and early, Carla and another friend, left Tampa airport for their Youth Leadership Forum in Minnesota, all expenses paid.
Charlie and I took off for our boat at Kissimmee River Park.....loaded with several 4x4’s. We needed to insert new posts in order to position our boat further out into the canal to be assured of water, year round, under our out drive unit. As a result, our dock will have to be extended to the area of the new poles....but that is another weekend activity. Meantime, we are actually ‘walking the plank’ in order to enter The Milagro.
Agility is a must!
Talked to family members and found out the trauma for Joshua that one of his two favorite “gold fish” had died...
I asked Britt how she explained this to a precocious 2 yr. old and she said,
“I just told him that Nemo went ‘night-night’....forever.....”
He didn’t pursue it any further and Britt and “Nana’ breathed a sigh of relief.
For you see.....a two-year-old has no concept of.....forever.
‘Today’ is only a word to them.....as well.
Two year olds live in the......NOW!
They are ’happy’ or ’sad’....NOW!
They are hungry or not.....NOW!
Their little lives exist in the ‘Present’ and they are ’present’ to every moment of the day......
Adults are often living but not ’present’....How many times have we been talking to someone and we know they are not listening.....or simply are not ’present’ to the NOW?
I am guilty as well.....solving tomorrow’s problems while carrying on a conversation with a friend today.
Forever is endless.....Today is ‘the beginning’ ......
When was the last time you flew a kite, went for a bike ride, or made something with your hands?
When was the last time you caught yourself enjoying life so deeply that you couldn’t quite get the smile off your face?
NOW.....is my gift of life.....I will enjoy today.....NOW!
Posted by
10:02 AM
Aug 1, 2003
What For?
Given the liberty of expressing myself freely......is a privilege of which I am very grateful.....
Everyone has an ‘opinion’.....everyone is entitled to their ‘opinion’ based on their point of view.....
Not everyone ‘feels free’ or wishes to express their personal ‘philosophy of life’ in the verbal word, written word or other communicating forms.
Art and music gives life to the inner expression of the originator of each piece of art or music......
Beauty is expressed in many ways.....it may be as simple as holding the hand of a precious grandchild while listening, intently, to their chatter.
Doing a ’favor’ for a friend. Serving a loved one a glass of iced tea....
This is an expression of ones philosophy of life....of pure, simple....Love.
Freedom of the heart....to express itself unrestrained.........is sheer....JOY!
Otherwise.....what are we living for?
Posted by
9:15 AM
Jul 31, 2003
I am confronted, often, with this question......
Why do bad people choose ‘good people’ to do ‘bad things’ to?
I do not know the ‘Universal‘ answer.....I only know the answer based on my own experience of life!
My dear ‘Mamma’ had a great deal of common sense wisdom....one of her ‘golden nuggets’ (which is Biblical)....she used to say, ‘Good hearted people put out good actions in their life.....bad hearted people....put out bad things, words and actions....”
Being a ‘good’ person.....ie: “Ten Commandments” written on the heart.....
will always be a ’reminder’ to others around......as to how they should and could be living....As a result....the ’good’ becomes an enemy in the ’eyes and heart’ of the bad thinking person.... Frequently, the ‘bad’ inner person clothes their true ‘badness’ in deep inner secret...personifying and identifying with those that are the genuine ‘real’ person of good, clean righteousness. Sooner or later though.....the truth shows itself in little ways of life.....For a persons thought life can not be hidden....
A murderer does not suddenly wake up one morning....after being a good thinking person....and suddenly decide to kill someone......
.....As a Man Thinketh.....so he doeth.....
.......There is POWER in knowing the truth!
It is better to know the ‘truth’ about someone....even if it is negative.....than to be.....deceived.
Sometimes in family relationships it is like opening “Pandora’s Box” when the ’truth’ comes out! Yet genuine family love can stand the test of the good, bad or ugly of life.......IF everyone has their heart into salvaging the relationship at all cost......
Sadly to say, I have seen it happen time and time again......one family member in total rebellion to good, healthy relationships......chooses of their own free will to alienate themselves from......’real love’.....
The innocent suffer.....often it is innocent children who are caught in the onslaught of pain......but the stable network of the entire families love and forgiveness teaches them that they are not alone in their ’drama of life”....
This is a MUST!
To let go, as a family, of the “Prodigal” is hard.....some people have to learn the value of “good’ by means of living out the ’bad’....
It does not ‘help’ for the family to go into the ’pig ’pen’ so to speak....with the Prodigal...
Just staying home and steadily doing the sane, stable, good clean living of normalcy......is the best course for the well being of all involved.
Some “Prodigals” come to their senses.....some do not!
It is an individual choice and decision.
Peace lies in the fact that.....good people will be good....no matter what....even if bad people do bad things to them!
It is in this that.....Love is Real.
Jesus said it best....Luke 6:45 LB,,,,”A good man/woman produces good deeds from a good heart.
And a evil man/woman produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness....
Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech....”
So saith Jesus Christ!
Posted by
10:01 AM
Jul 30, 2003
Are You Ready?
All things considered.....it seems that life is requiring that we as a family....and perhaps as a nation.....BE READY FOR......ANYTHING!
Predictable is out...I’ve learned that within my own family!
If ‘coping’ skills have not been developed.....problems can be overwhelming. Sometimes it takes many of our family members active involvement in order to deal with situations....good and bad!
We can not just say...”I’ll pray for you!” and walk away.
We must be so committed.....to drop everything at hand on a moments notice....in order to ‘lend a hand’ to a family member....or friend....that needs it immediately. Oh Lord, how ‘inconvenient’ this can be!
Love is costly!
Love’s rewards are......the substance of life!
The Good Life.....
Are YOU Ready for......anything....at any cost....in order to enjoy fully....
...................The Good Life???
As for me and my family......we have been willing...and still are, daily, paying the price for....and receiving the rewards thereof.....The Good Life, as a Christian and......Yes, there is.......More To Come!!!
Posted by
10:19 AM
Jul 29, 2003
What ‘More’ Could You Want???
I have been very busy for a week....good busy!
With Charlie away on the island of Puerto Rico...visiting family....I decided to vacation in my own home as if it were a luxury hotel....
First, I redid my back patio with new table and chairs.....fake bamboo with an island name called...Key Largo. I had to put it together with bolts and screws as the entire set was “boxed”...Then, thanks to Chad, a new umbrella with party lights inserted underneath with a timer that comes on at dusk.....for as long as I set it....New commercial outdoor carpet had been installed by my handyman husband only a few weeks before so I color coordinated my ’new island look’.....Now I was finally prepared to relax in my new atmosphere.
Having been given several great gift certificates for my birthday.....I had eating and shopping in mind.
It worked.....I felt like I was on a first-class vacation....for real!
The money I had planned to spend at Gaylord Palms Hotel......bought a simplified version of the same ‘atmosphere’....right to my back door....to use every day of the year!
Having a ‘filet mignon’, with fresh mushrooms, grilled to perfection by my son Chad on Saturday......was awesome!
Joshua was our evening....outrageous....entertainment.....
We laughed ourselves silly......then Brian left and returned with a wonderful surprise dessert....
Yes, I took my vacation..........with family members every day....
Chuck came to town one day and I met him at Countryside for lunch.
Pipato was in town for reserve duty and spent two nights with me..........
On Sunday after church, I visited my sister, Shyrl, in the hospital in St. Cloud. I had the pleasant surprise of finding my sister, Joyce, there visiting Shyrl as well, she too having driven over from Tampa.....Shyrl is recovering, slowly, from a 5 hour surgery to remove part of her stomach from a severe ulcer problem.
We all continue to pray for her swift and full health recovery...
All in all, my vacation was packed with good times, fun and memories galore.....Who could ask for more?
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9:51 AM