I received notice from a couple of people who could not pull up my friend, Nancy's blog page.
Try again at.......
Recommend it to other single parents....Mom or Dad....
Nancy lives in the "Real World"....successfully....by faith.
Jan 30, 2003
Laugh at.......Yourself!
Yesterday after Prayer with Nancy and Taina....Abby is still in the Caribbean....we went to lunch as usual.
During lunch we found ourselves laughing time and again.....at ourselves.
It seemed we were reminded in everything we were talking about.....how ridiculous our thinking was about so and so....or how silly we reacted to something that was absolutely frivolous.
We were having so much fun at our own expense that others around us in the restaurant would never have dreamed that we had just come from a very intense and serious ‘talking therapy’ with the God of the Universe.
We were having a “Very Real....Happy Hour”.
Actually, we felt so relieved that all the cares of the previous week was lifted from our shoulders and we were ‘free’ again.
We take seriously the verse in the Bible where Jesus said...
...“Bring your cares and burdens to the Lord and LEAVE THEM THERE!”
We have factually learned the last part.....leaving them with Him and not taking them back after we quit praying.
Also, we are learning to NOT assume ...how God will answer our prayers.
This is cause for much laughter among us.
God knows that we are a funny and hilarious.......human being!
We say and do some of the zaniest things you could imagine.....in the name of sincerity. Looking into the mirror of the past.....often times turns even the painful experiences of life .....into laughter.
Laughing at ourselves......is healthy.....I know.......I sure ‘felt’ better all afternoon when my crazy and delightful friends made me feel.......normal.....
Job 8:21....”He will yet fill your mouth with Laughter....:)”
Posted by
8:51 AM
Jan 29, 2003
Forgive and.....Forget?
Watching the State of the Union’s Message given by President Bush last night proved to be quite frustrated for Charlie and I.
Seeing the resistance.....and insistence..... among the political parties....and the body language exhibited .....It reminded me of a room full of children....choosing sides against each other.....for a game they would be playing.
Give me a break!
Grow Up!
Get Real!
.........Having been in the military as a family career....and now having family members....waiting ‘on hold’....I can say unequivocally......
These people who make life and death decisions....laws....choices etc. that affect each and every one of us......
Overlooking the seriousness of 9/11 in a nuclear technical age.....
is foolhardy and irresponsible ....to say the least.
Being a Christian makes me a daily believer and ‘doer’ of Jesus' mandate to forgive ...friends and enemies.......Forgiveness DOES NOT GIVE US A LICENSE TO DO WRONG!
Accountability and responsibility go hand in hand with forgiveness.....
Can you imagine what would happen in a family with small children if the parents said every day to every thing that the children did....’I forgive you, I forgive you, I forgive you“.....and never taught those children responsibility and accountability and the difference between right and wrong?”
The children would grow into immature, irresponsible....monsters!
Forgiveness is a must.
...In a civilized world.....so is accountability.
The balance of Justice between the two.....in a nuclear age....takes the Wisdom of Solomon....rendered in answer to much prayer.
Therefore, I ask you to join me in prayer for our nation by praying the words of James 1:5 for our ...paid by us ‘political decision-makers’ ....
...1:5....But if any of you needs Wisdom, ..if you want to know what God wants you to do,.....ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of Wisdom to ALL who ask Him; He will not resent it.......
Posted by
2:57 PM
Jan 28, 2003
Please send me your comments. I know that I have many friends and families all over the U.S. and some overseas
who read my page.
Sometimes I feel that I am wasting my time......then I get an encouraging note and it helps a lot.
Feel free to send suggestions, questions, etc.
for photos go to....http://photos.yahoo.com/iwg2003
Have a "Celebrate Life".....Day!
Posted by
10:47 AM
The Only Show Of Its Kind....
Celebrations are still going on in the Tampa Bay area.
Last night 65,000 HAPPY fans filled the Raymond James stadium with glee.
The arrival of the Winning Team was expected at 9:00 p.m. yet fans started arriving at 12:00 noon when the doors opened for the free spontaneous celebration.
As the buses arrived with the team, staff, coaches etc. from Tampa Airport....the great moment had arrived.
Fans wanted to show their happiness and appreciation to their team.....but in return as each person spoke....owners, coaches, and team members, they too could only say....’Thank you, thank you....for being loyal and faithful fans.’
Needless to say.....The celebration was one of ’grateful hearts’ united in one accord to celebrate a hard won.....Victory!
P.S.....This is kinda how we felt when our ‘Family Marine’ graduated from Boot Camp and came home for 10 days!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Post Script to yesterdays page.....
....This quote from the St. Pete times....Champions Page says it best...
.....As he walked out of the locker room Sunday night, linebacker Derrick Brooks said he had thousands of things swirling through his mind. None more important, he said, than calling former coach Tony Dungy, who is with the Indianapolis Colts.
Brooks said the Bucs owed a lot to Dungy, whose vision of building a team through solid defense proved the foundation for the Super Bowl victory.
“I’m going to call him and thank him as soon as I get back home,” Brooks said. “The foundation of this team was put in place by him when he got here ...and he can take some piece of this championship.
No disrespect to Jon, but he can.
Coach Gruden said so himself.”
Posted by
9:36 AM
Jan 27, 2003
Who’s Laughing Now?...:)
Jan. 27, 2003
Living in the Tampa Bay area of Florida......makes me a Tampa Bay Buccaneer fan.....
I’ve heard them referred to by so many names that it’s not funny.
The ‘Yuks’ as they were called are NOW the XXXVII Super Bowl Winners.... And are respectfully called the WINNING BUCS....
Nannee, nannee, boo, boo!
Victory is sweet and a long time coming....
But.....credit belongs to a long line of people not just the ones we now see on our screen. Remember, Jon Gruden has only been with the Bucs eleven months. This is not to minimize his obvious success.....but a lengthy foundation of discipline and long , hard steady work enabled the Bucs to be prepared for such a time as this.
Tony Dungy started the winning combinations.....bringing them from being a ’laughable team’ to a team who had character and stamina built into it day by day.
In addition.....Gruden, last years head coach at Oakland and a former Eagles offensive coordinator, isn’t the one responsible for the awesome defense of the Bucs.
Coordinator Monte Kiffin is.
Kiffin, many years with the Bucs, is one of the founding blocks to their success. Several years of his imput was monumental to yesterdays success.
Also, the team.....worked together as a team....
Yes it did take a lot of hard work and many dedicated people....for this ’overnight success’.
So, needless to say, we are celebrating...BIG....in Tampa Bay.
Victory is S W E E T...
By the way....the moral to the story...as my Mother used to say is.....
.....You can do a lot of good in this world....IF you don’t care
...WHO gets the credit!
Posted by
9:42 AM
Jan 24, 2003
Change...Who Me?
It is quite funny.....the title of my today’s writing coincides exactly with my personal devotion that I read daily from The Daily Word. As a result of this double confirmation, I will quote a few points from my devotion.
....Welcome Change!...When I am trying to overcome a resistance to accepting a change in my life, it helps for me to review the times when a change brought wonderful blessings with it. I resolve to open my arms and heart to the blessings that this new change may bring........With this acceptance, I can discover that a whole new level of living has been awaiting my WILLINGNESS to release the old and welcome the new.....
Now I know why the old-timers used to say....’Everything happens for the best.”....This used to annoy me tremendously.
As a student of the Bible I find that what they have said is Biblical and often I still balk at its truth.
Romans 8:28 is quite plain....”And we know that ALL that happens to us is working for our good IF we love God and are fitting into His plans.”
I have learned over the years....the deeper essence of this truth.
I can not say passively....”It is God’s Will.” when I see evil, wrong, death, pain and destruction. These things are not God’s will for my life.....but sometimes these things do enter my life or the life of my family and friends.
What this scripture means to me is that EVEN IF bad things come into my life as a result of the ‘wrongs‘ committed by myself or others......God can and DOES work out of that ’badness’....something that is good.
Sounds crazy doesn’t it?
Look at the example of the 9/11 terrorist attack. This absolutely was NOT the will of God....but of man....evil, hate, death, destruction and harmful intent in the heart of depraved individuals.
Yet those that respect and hold sacred the things of life that are good and helpful to their fellow man......brought forth out of their hearts in America and the entire world...compassion and love to their fellow man. A reuniting of faith in God and helping each other was the essence of ‘good’ which came a result of ’bad’ or ‘evil’.
Therein was the victory of good over evil.
So change....being flexible....is part of my faith package.
I must TRUST in my faith in God to work out good in every single part of my life.
I can give example after example of times that seemed life threatening and traumatic at the time......but later....it was the best thing that could have happen for me.
I’m sure you could as well.
Then why.....after learning this again and again.....do I....resist change?
Personally for me......it is this.
I like ‘cozy nests’.
Reaching a stage in life where everything is sweet, cozy, easy going and wonderful in La La Land....The Land of Plenty....
Why would anyone in his or her right mind.....Want to change things?
Not I. ...Contentment is a place of wonder to me.
Ask the baby eagle about contentment and peace.....just before its mother forces it out of the nest.
Then ask the exhilarated, high soaring baby eagle.....if the CHANGE was good for him....or her!
.....God, Himself, knows that I have always had adventure stored in my being from day one. I have to be forced out of cozy nests from time to time in order to continue to grow and mature more, mentally, emotionally, spiritually etc......at any age.
And......I love it.....not the change part....but the rewards and blessings of the ‘forced change’.
So I challenge you....if change is staring you in the face....meet it head on.
Weight all the options, use wisdom and good sense in making your decisions, pray for guidance......then if change is still an option or opportunity facing you.....GO FOR IT!
You won’t regret it!
Remember.....Everything happens for the best! :)
Posted by
9:58 AM
Jan 23, 2003
Dear Readers;
I would like to suggest a blog site which you will find very interesting and will provide insight into life in the mid-east...as seen through the eyes of an American who lives there.
It is written by a young man....who is a Christian...and is working now in Dubai, United Arab, Emirates.
I promise you will be intrigued by his point of view based on his life and experiences.
Rich sent me an e-mail after reading my blog....as a Christian.
I realize every day what a small world we live in now in 2003.....
I recently e-mailed pictures, at Pipo's request, of his Boot Camp graduation to his friend, Bobby, in the military in Japan.
Instant communication is awesome.
Celebrate Life!
Posted by
9:41 AM
It is time to celebrate.......LIFE!
I am not just talking about....smell the roses of life enjoyment.
What I propose is actually a ...Be Happy kind of Celebration!
Letting you heart soar, you mind electrify with exciting possibilities and allow yourself the freedom of feeling...actually feeling with a deep emotion and passion......the fullness of invigorating......LIFE.
It is a.....choice....a decision!
I have caught myself many times with the thought...’I don’t feel like such and such....”and I didn’t.
But ‘feelings’ are transitory....and can be overcome by firm decisions of the mind. I know.
Just last evening my husband, Charlie, asked me to go for a neighborhood walk with him, which we do frequently. I responded...”I don’t feel like it!”
And I didn’t.
He would not take “No” for an answer....so I went.
What a delightful time we had as we each discussed our day along the way.
Charlie and Chad, our son, had taken a short drive to Ocala to pick up a ‘dirt bike’ and trailer that Chad had purchased over the Internet. They stopped on the way back to a well-known dirt bike area and tried the ‘new’ bike out. Both of them had a ball to say the least.
I had my usual Wednesday Prayer Day with Nancy and Tiena...Abby was in Puerto Rico...and we had a wonderful, inspiring time celebrating our faith and the blessings of God in our life.
Going to a seafood lunch afterwards was a treat enjoyed by all.
As Charlie and I talked and shared our enjoyment of our day....with each other....I was so glad that I had changed my mind....and feelings....about taking a walk.
In order to Celebrate Life daily....I sometimes have to overcome my feelings and my circumstances which demands that I ‘be miserable’. Lord knows that I do have ’things’ to make me ’feel miserable’....But I have a choice.
I chose to Celebrate Life and.....Be Happy for all the many blessings that I have in my family and as an American in The Land of Plenty.
I choose....The Good Life!
Photo of Prayer Girls..Abby, Nancy, Tiena & Faith ...photos.yahoo.com/iwg2003
Posted by
9:33 AM
Jan 22, 2003
The “Right” Stuff
Anyone reading my blog knows that my heroes of life are usually local family or friends, which I admire greatly.
Let me introduce you to....
...Carla Maria Fernandez....our son, Chuck and Terry’s 17 yr. old daughter.
Incidentally, she is the “Family Marine’s” sister.
Carla has always been - - - old.
As a young child she acted like an old lady.
She would close herself off, alone in her room for hours on end, playing and entertaining herself to her hearts content.
Her Dad would often say, “What’s she doing in there? She needs to be with the family.” Terry would predict....”When she is ready, she will come and join us.”
Sure enough, sooner or later, Carla would appear....calm, cool and collected...a serene 5-year-old ready to join the world again.
Carla has always had.....and still does have...her own agenda!!!
About two years ago we took her to Coco Beach for the week-end.
Carla would get up each morning in the hotel....and quietly do her morning devotions, without anyone telling or suggesting such....before she took her 30-min. showers each day!
Now, in 2003, Carla at 17 yrs. of age is one of the most ’well rounded’ and ’healthy minded’ young ladies that I know.
One of her goals is to be a Pediatrician.
In 2002 she was nominated to attend a seminar called...National Youth Forum Leadership on Medicine. Her school recommended her.
After much discussion and finding out that the cost would be approx. $1500. to $2000. It was decided that she would not attend.
Many of us in the family, Chad especially, wanted to do a family fund raiser for Carla.
Her parents, Chuck and Terry, after much prayer made the final decision that Carla would not attend that conference.
Not me....I was willing to do whatever it took to see that ’my Carla’ was able to take advantage of this opportunity.
Her parents were right!
Just recently she was nominated again...along with her girlfriend this time...to be a part of another conference called the National Youth Leadership Conference in Michigan.....
With all expenses paid in full. Plane fare, conference fees, accommodations etc.
This will be in July.
Talking about ’answer to prayer’....this is it.
It seems that this particular Conference is founded by someone that I am quite familiar with his background.
A man called William H. Danforth who wrote a book years ago called....I Dare You...(To Be Great) and was used as a motivational book by our son, Chad, while attending the Riverside Military Academy.
Danforth was founder of Ralston Purina Company and founded the...American Youth Foundation.
This Foundation is the financial support for this leadership conference, which Carla will attend.
Carla with a very nonchalant attitude tells me about this selection and was happy that her girlfriend was chosen as well. Yet she never expressed regret when the decisions were made for her not to attend the 2002 Forum.
Carla’s nature is.... Tranquility!
Her brothers pest her to death that she is.....slow.
Carla is by nature..... thorough, detail oriented, painstakingly specific.....and at peace with herself that she is......different!
Our family refers to her as our ‘exotic creature’.
Exotic and unique....that’s our Carla.
She’s a.....Champion!
For a picture go to:
Posted by
4:02 PM
Jan 21, 2003
From Concept....To Reality
I have been listening to some people’s “Dreams” in our family.
The very young do not necessarily call it their ‘dream’ or ‘vision’ for their future but start off by saying.....”I’m going to do....such and such....go to this particular college, get this car, go to Hawaii, marry in my 30’s etc.”
These are the kind of comments that I have heard in the last week.
There is no magic wand......
......unless the invisible desire ....matches the will to do and ....accomplishes the reality.....a dream is futile.
When the concept begins......the dream is born.....then work toward that particular goal must happen as energies and resources are channeled in order to realize that dream or goal.....and ....‘lo and behold‘... it happens!
As our son, Chad, says....”It takes 15 years to be an ’overnight success’...”
From Concept to Reality....takes time....
The journey between is usually the most rewarding and growing times of our lives. Ask Marine Carlos Manuel Fernandez III.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Jan 20, 2003
Confidence In The Power of....O N E!
After many days of celebration with our ‘Marine’, our family is trying to get back to normal. We have one more night of Family Togetherness....tonight at our house in Clearwater.
Papito leaves at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow the 21st for 18 days in a tent in N.C. and then on to Camp Pendleton in Calif. for a couple of months.
There is a difference now that he has finished Boot Camp!
He can have his cell phone with him!
That means contact with family.
Nationwide cell service at minimal cost is a blessing!
Our family has great confidence that God will take care of our “Family Marine”.....When he is with us and when he is not.
My prayer:........God Bless America.....
............especially our military forces all over the world.
note: see Family Marine at:...
Posted by
9:22 AM
Jan 16, 2003
Stay In Touch
Writing this week about ‘our Marine’....there is one other thing that I would like to mention as being very important for all our military.
Letters....mail from home....continuous.....a steady flow.....every week....non-stop. Getting mail at mail call.....hearing your name called...or not called... can make a vast difference in the moral of your loved one.
On Family Day at Parris Island we went into the Barracks where our Marine spent his three months. The Drill Sergeant assigned there to speak with family members, made the comment to our family that he had memorized Papito’s Social Security number because he had to read it so much on the mail address as he was passing out mail every day.
In an off-hand remark, Pipo said that some of the other guys asked him if they could read his mail from his family because they didn’t receive any. What a sad thought....
Now you know when you read in the newspaper about schoolchildren writing to the troops overseas.....how much it means to the receivers that...”someone cares”.....
I can tell you by first hand experience....it is a wonderful event to receive mail from ‘home’ when you are far from home. If your letters only tell about the regular routine of everyday life.....it fills the heart with gladness that people love and remember you as a vital part of their life.
In Pipo’s case, every letter that I wrote to him....I scanned a family picture or two on the page. These and others were taped to the inside top of his foot locker when we viewed his barracks. A part of Home.....away from home.
Now I would say to you...family and friends....remember those from our family and others who are far away....be a ‘letter writing missionary’....to someone. It means the world to them.....when....people care and....
.......Stay In Touch!
Posted by
9:03 AM
Jan 15, 2003
I would like to recommend, again, a web page by my friend, Nancy...who is a single Mom.
Nancy's page is very inspiring. She faces issues that I've never even heard about.
Her attitude of life is......Life IS Good!
What a blessing!
Posted by
8:31 AM
Thinking About....Rethinking?
I very seldom quote or include any e-mail passages in my web blogs.
This one below makes a very significant impact on my 2003 thinking in regard to the price paid in sacrifice by our military in years past.
Today....the soldier....still sacrifices family and home....for us.
Just look at the TV screen as war looms ahead.....and thank God for our men and women who do their duty....as a soldier.
The following passage is from a sermon by John Hagee:
I want you to close your eyes and picture in your mind the soldier at
Valley Forge, as he holds his musket in his bloody hands. He stands
barefoot in the snow, starved from lack of food, wounded from months of
battle and emotionally scarred from the eternity away from his family
surrounded by nothing but death and carnage of war. He stands though,
with fire in his eyes and victory on his breath.
He looks at us now, 2003, in anger and disgust and tells us this..
“.....I gave you a birthright of freedom born in the Constitution and now your....
children graduate too illiterate to read it.
I fought in the snow barefoot to give you the freedom to vote and you
stay at home because it rains.
I left my family destitute to give you the freedom of speech and you
remain silent on critical issues, because it might be bad for business.
I orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you and it has
given democracy to our land.
It's the soldier, not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press.
It's the soldier, not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech.
It's the soldier, not the campus organizer who allows you to demonstrate.
It's the soldier, who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin is
draped with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag!!!
Never Forget.....that I served my country......for Y O U!!!”
Lest we forget!
Posted by
8:14 AM
Jan 14, 2003
(Home)...Like No Place On Earth
One of our new Marine’s greatest wishes upon graduation was.....
to go.....HOME.
Having missed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Celebrations with all the family, our Papito was anxious to get home and relax in the comfort atmosphere of his....home. There he could be ’off duty’ and ’at ease’.
Anyone being denied that.....knows the value of it completely....
The comforts of home are often taken for granted because it seems that it is always there. For this Marine, home is a place of security, peace, rest, ......and plenty!
A refrigerator is nearby with all his favorite things.....his familiar clothes are just waiting on the hangers, his cell phone is nearby and he is free to call anyone at a moments notice, Music, videos, vehicles for transportation (instead of walking everywhere for 3 months)....everything the heart desires is only a heartbeat away. Love and devotion, teasing and having fun....the blessings of family and home.....never to be taken for granted again by
Marine Carlos Manuel Fernandez III.
Home.....there is no place like it on earth.....
Let’s think of this the next time we see on TV the troops leaving the comfort of their families and homes in order to make the world a safer place for us. Because of the sacrifice that goes with a military individuals chosen profession....we can enjoy our home daily.
“Never, ever take home for granted.” says our Marine!
Posted by
8:33 AM
Jan 13, 2003
Parris Island, South Carolina
Marine Corps. Recruit Depot
Awesome...totally awesome.
Graduation for our families Marine....’Papito”...on Jan.10 was attended by 21 family members. We rented vans and traveled hours and miles to be a part of this momentous happening.
There was approx. 475 graduating Marines. Most would go on active duty but a few chooses to be in the reserve, as did our Papito. The Marines, as do other military branches, offers the opportunity to get more education, training etc. as a member of the reserves.
Honor, Courage, and Commitment are the basic values that the recruits had to find within themselves in order to earn the title....Marine.
It was a proud day as an American to see the success of these 475 young people. Two of the Six Platoons Graduating were females.
The Parade Field was an awesome sight of learned discipline, regimentation, dignity and.....pride. It was an Honor to have a family member be a part of this great tradition of graduates.
The core values for graduates are:
Honor....Honor guides Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior: to never lie, cheat or steal: to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, respect human dignity and respect for others. The qualities of maturity, dedication, trust and dependability commits Marines to act responsibly: to be accountable for their actions, to fulfill their obligations; and to hold others accountable for their actions.
Courage....Courage is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It is the inner strength that enables a Marine to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct: and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure.
Commitment.....Is the spirit of determination and dedication found in Marines. It inspires the unrelenting determination to achieve a standard of excellence in every endeavor. It is the ingredient that enables 24-hour a day dedication to Corps and country.
Marine Carlos Manuel Fernandez III.....Is our family hero!
He walks in a long line of military family members. Both of his Grandfathers were career Military men.
We also have two others in our family that are on active duty.
Believe it or not, they are a father and son team.
Fred and Chris Fernandez are on active duty now....just waiting for the next event in military history.
Yes, America is still the ...Home of the Free, Land of the Brave!
God Bless America.....And all our military servers....
We Salute You!!!
...To see a photo of our new Marine go to:
Posted by
9:09 AM
Jan 8, 2003
Make Plans.....N O W!!!
Writing about my “Joy Child” yesterday gave me......JOY.
But I wouldn’t be fair to my family if I didn’t include many of my other little ‘heroes’.
So I will rectify this along the way.
You see, the heroes in my life are those I see day by day...who prove courage in difficult circumstances, perseverance at all costs, loyalty when others could care less and faith and love that is genuine and real.
Make no mistake about it.....my heroes have many “faults”.
They make mistakes of life and sometimes they can be...as I often tell then...”rude, crude and unorthodox”...
........BUT.....they have their heart right!
It is in this that they become....My Heroes!
In order for this circle of life to be complete, I not only recognize these heroes of my heart.... I must communicate to them...their value and worth to my life and to the life of others.
Words of love and encouragement......left unsaid.....is a very SELFISH ACT!
It is important that I both give and receive the blessings of God’s Love that naturally occurs in a heart-to-heart connection with others in my life.
Therefore, I make plans....NOW....to communicate in many ways....this simple truth.....“I love you, dear one......faults and all and you enhance the quality of my life.....NOW! You help make it a "Good Life"!
For many of you who read my Web page, you are actively involved in my life.
For some of you, it has been several years since we have been together.
For others, we have never met yet share a “kindred spirit”.
....I’m reminded of a little rhyme by Helen Steiner Rice that says:
...”Nothing that I think or write...
....Is mine or mine alone.
....So if you find some beauty
....In any word or rhyme...
....It’s just your soul’s reflection...
....In proximity with mine!”.........Amen
Posted by
8:53 AM
Jan 7, 2003
The Heart of the System
Once upon a time there was a little girl who was such a delight as a child. In fact, she was nicknamed “Joy Child” since she brought her family so much Joy.
As she grew, she was very intuitive by nature.
It seemed as if this “Joy Child” could see directly from.....Heart to heart.
You can imagine the times her heart was crushed when others didn’t seem to understand this kind of ....’eyes of the heart’ Love.
Our Joy Child has spent 19 years trying to convey to others....
Now, 2003, she is a ‘single Mom’ with a Joy Child of her own.
Joshua is 18 months old and is an exact replica of his Mom.
He has the same intuitive heart and a quick brilliant mind.
The Heart of the System of Family Togetherness is revealed daily in my Joy Child.
Yesterday after she came home from work, she cleaned my kitchen as I lay in bed nursing a very aggravating cold. She left me verses of Scripture for inspiration and wrote a personal note of Love....direct to my heart!
What a JOY....
To see a picture of Joy Child and Joy Child Jr. go to......
Click on the photo to enlarge for better viewing....
Posted by
8:49 AM
Jan 6, 2003
Weighing The Options
Weighing The Options
Okay, so we have rounded the corner of a New Year!
The year stands like a blank canvas just waiting to come to life day by day.
Some of the unwritten pages will be filled with......decisions and choices that I have made in the past and are still ‘in the works’ so to speak.
For instance, many years ago I made the deliberate choice to .....not work at a money paying job.
I wanted to be involved in my husband and children’s life, my community,
and my church. For me....it has proven to be a wise choice.
I fully realize that my decision to be a .....career wife and mother is not a popular one today....and is not an option for some women.
At times I have questioned my own judgment in this matter.....usually when my budget outgo.....exceeded my income.
My simple belief of life was that I had rather invest my energy completely....in my family.
God, family, country....Sounds corny doesn’t it?
Just call me old-fashioned if you will.....as my family showers me with love and the things that money can not buy.
My canvas this year will start with our family taking a trip next week to Parris Island, S.C. where our son, Chuck, and his family will meet us for their son.....Papito ’s (Carlos III) Marine Boot Camp Graduation.
Schedules have been changed by everyone in order for this happening to be attended by all family members.
I, also, have plans this year with Carla, Papito’s sister to do a skydive with her. I’ve promised her that when she turned 18 I would do a tandem jump along with her and Chad like we did last year. We are taking bets on whether Carla will ‘chicken out’ at the last minute. Don’t think so!
So as I weigh my options of what I want to paint on my canvas of life for 2003....I can not reiterate enough that.....It Is A Good Life and that 2003 will be one of the BEST.
May it be for YOU as well!!!
Posted by
10:39 AM
Jan 3, 2003
Dear Readers;
Feel free to send me your personal comments and point of view.
My web log address....(iwg...impossible without God!)
Happy New Year :)
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9:11 AM
Happy, At Ease...2003 New Year!
Anyone familiar with the military and its rules, regulations, formations etc. would know exactly how wonderful it is at certain times to hear the command....”At Ease!”
During troop formations, moving even one foot is not allowed unless the command is given.
Inside a building, say a mess hall while the troops are eating, if a ranking officer walked in, the order given would be....”At Ease!”
This granted permission for the troops to continue what they were doing.
In essence they did NOT have to snap to attention as required.
Regimentation and discipline is a must for training and serving in the United States Military. This, also, finds its way into a military family, as I well know from the years my husband, Charlie, served as an U.S. Army Paratrooper and Artillery career military officer.
Our family with our three children Lynn, Chuck and Chad moved when the military orders said to move.... took ‘leave’ when it was convenient to the ‘Command‘ and went wherever the paycheck sent us.
What does all of this have to do with entering a New Year?
By personal experience I have found that more and more I have to give myself ‘permission’ to ....relax....be ‘at ease’.
The fast pace world of which I am a part ....tends to place me in the midst of much activity.....this often results in stress, pressure, anxiety etc.
I have absolutely forgotten how to relax....even when I can.
My ‘fun’ activities of which there are many with my family and nautical friends....become a ‘work to have fun’ time.
My friends call me “The Electric Woman” because of all the ‘energy’ of life that I possess...
......This year I am determined to be.....At Ease.... continually!
Breaking habits....good or bad....takes discipline.
I will take the time.....even if it kills me....to slow down and smell the roses, have quiet times of ‘non-doing’, walk the beach in tranquility, and serenity, and most of all to learn again this military command ....“At Ease!”
I pray that my husband makes this same “At Ease"resolution since he thinks that he still has a ‘one man/woman squad'!
.....I don’t think so!!!
Yes, 2003 IS FOR ME!
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9:05 AM