Feb 26, 2003

To Be or Not To Be?

Have you ever let your soul....roll?
Have you ever set your spirit....free?
Have you gotten in tune with life
Like a monkey in a tree.....?
If you have not my friend,
Why, you need a kick in your end.....
Because life is a frolic when once we see,
That in taking ourselves soooo seriously,
We often miss the joy each day
Of living, fully, in a creative, fun-filled way....
But tis not too late to have some fun,
Just take your troubles to The Son....
For what He said is full of life,
Which cuts across all pain and strife
This releases both you and me...
To be totally and joyously,
100% FREE!!!

John 8:36...... If the Son makes you free,
then you will be really FREE....

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