Mar 25, 2003

Let’s Roll

These words, “let’s roll“, is associated with four great heroes in the 9/11 disaster.
Flight 93 contained 45 passengers and crew who were facing inevitable death. Mark Bingham, Jeremy Glick, Deena Burnett and Jeffrey Beamer all decided to take some action that would ultimately result in the .....saving of more lives in the long run.
Their sacrifice on the hillside in Pennsylvania sabotaged the success of the hijackers in achieving their goal of ......killing more Americans.
Heroes may not be as publicized today from Iraq and Kuwait....but there are many of them, you can be sure.
America is great......because the everyday person is.......great when it matters.
Look around you.....acknowledge the heroes among your family and friends.
Speak the words that tell them......“YOU are my hero!”
Thank God we live in America where it still is.....the home of the brave and the land of the free!
Let’s roll America.......I salute you!

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