Mar 26, 2003

Now Is The Time!!!

Had a wonderful lunch yesterday with Sam and Sally who came up to Tampa from Okeechobee. We visited a Marina that we are interested in for the summer. We may be bringing our big boats around from Okeechobee to the Alafia River at the mouth of Hillsborough Bay. This is approximately 250-300 miles by water....a very breathtaking water journey for sure.

Going to lunch at the historical Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City and eating traditional Arroz con Pollo in the Courtyard Patio was a very....
“Now Is The Time“......enjoyable moment.
Pictures can be seen on Link #1......Nautical album or Marina album.

Do I sound......frivolous?
frivolous.....ADJECTIVE: 1. Unworthy of serious attention; trivial: a frivolous novel.
2. Inappropriately silly: a frivolous remark.

Forgive me but that is not my intent.
Having just spoken with Chad, my son, on the phone....I am bursting with indignation at some of the reports in the media by film stars (and others)who are using their freedom of speech to bash America, the war, our President and our military.
It seems to me that the ‘war protesters’ are shouting the loudest!
Chad listened patiently to my ‘tirade’ and said....”Well, Mom just speak your peace and set your mind to rest.”
Can’t get much more ‘Southern’ talking than that! goes!
Where are the voices of the ‘silent Americans’ who go about their day by day living, minding their own business and leading decent, honest, down-to-earth goodness lives that help their fellow man on a daily basis.
The ....Silent Hero’s ....of our land!
.....I know where one (and many more) such persons can be found.....
My niece, Jennifer Makinson Bible, a young mother of two feisty and beautiful precious busy raising her children, nurturing her husband and home and teaching and helping other children in a Christian school......(Link #1 for pictures of Feisty and Spunky:)
Jenny-Jen, along with brother Jason, lived her childhood in a military family. At one time her father, Blake, was stationed at SHAPE Headquarters in Belgium and Jenny and Jason attended the nearby International School.
It is from this perspective that Jenny forms her views of life in 2003.
I received an e-mail from her yesterday and I quote from that....

“I too have been OUTRAGED by the ignorance of the "stars" in this country. I had seen the education comparison before, but enjoyed reading it again with Kathleen’s commentary.
We are good here. Concerned for our troops and praying for them daily.
Also at the web site "" they detail the specific stars and their quotes. I like to check it regularly to see whose movies, shows and music to not waste my time and money on. “

THIS is speaking out in .....action.
......Anyone teaching or training a child knows this true fact.....
You do not REWARD.....bad behavior....

This is what Jenny is saying and doing in a ‘no-nonsense’ way.
I applaud and respect such convictions by my family and fellow Americans.
An everyday hero lives in my family and.....yours.
We can speak out.....and should....

Yes, it is still a ’Good Life’ America!
Am I being ’frivolous’ by emphasizing that day by day?
Am I ignorant of the many sacrifices being made during this time of “War”?
In case the point is ‘missed’ of what I stand for and believe in.....
Let me reiterate......
I AM.......PRO......FAMILY
.......I rest my case!

Feel free to send me your ‘heroes’.....and comments on....’my opinions’.
Click Link #2 for e-mail info.
May God Bless You....and America....This is my prayer for today!

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