Jun 6, 2003


Being an avid reader, I go through a lot of books.
Some good, bad and .....ugly!
Yesterday I finished a historical based love novel of early America life and happenings.....The book was full of words which were foreign to meaning or usage for me or my ‘Southern family and friends“.
Words like...vitriolic, cogitate, prurient, hubris, pulchritude, temerity etc. I had to refer to my dictionary. repeatedly, while reading the entire novel.
Seems to me the English Language......now Americanized....in America and ’my South’ is being spoken and written as popular and acceptable...kitsch.
My America Heritage Dictionary defines kitsch as...gaudy trash....art, writing, etc of a pretentious, but shallow kind, calculated to have popular appeal...pretentious bad taste....
Guilty, guilty, guilty.....
Movies, art, books, politicians, news journalist and reporters....use...kitsch.
Listen closely in the next few days.....you may need an interpreter in order to comprehend the language in reference to...computers, cell phones, politics which is ’politically correct’ with no ’spin zone’, religious phrases, teen lingo, nautical terms, golf talk and many other ’quacky words’ whose meaning is known only to a ‘chosen few’....
Then again....you may clearly understand this.....kitsch!
Forgive me, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and many others. of being guilty of desecrating the English Language...knowingly and unknowingly....
Guilty, guilty, guilty...as charged!

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