Jun 9, 2003

Who Would Believe It???

Yesterday at our Church, The River of Tampa Bay, we had an unexpected treat in the form of a Rock Christian Band from Minsk, Russia.
I was astonished when I reflected back to my blog writing on March 14, 2003...Craziest Instructions God Ever Gave Me... (see Archive to go there) In this blog I referred to my trip to then...Communist Russia.
Yesterdays happening was a ‘back to the future’ encounter for me....In 1983 when I received “God’s craziest instructions’ to go to Red Square in order to pray the prayer of Good over Evil....all I thought I was learning was....obedience.
I had not the foggiest notion that in 20 years l would experience the results of that....answered prayer....brought to the very doorsteps of where I live in the good ole USA! You can imagine the gratitude in my heart to God for His allowing me to be a small part in His great plan for Communist Russia.
Yesterday just ‘blew me out of the water’....so to speak!
The music was awesome.....6 or 7 young men with spiked bleached hair, ponytails etc. led a praise and worship time to God.... Language was no barrier in the music of “How Great Thou Art“....our hearts leaped for joy in praise to the One True God....The God of the Whole Universe....The God over Heaven and Earth....The God of Russia and America.....
The God of ALL!
Yep, that’s ....My God!!!
My God of.....The Good Life...now and forever and ever more....Amen

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