Hug Someone...
Yesterday Britt and I took Joshua over to the Carillon Preserve Area for the nature walk. Brittney as a child had spent many hours there and was delighted that her son could experience this as well....
She and I were busy talking and Joshua would run around looking for alligators, fish, ducks, and ‘tuttle’s’. Frequently he would come back to us with a quick hug, kiss, or demand to ‘play with me, chase me, show me fishey’....Being very active and animated, our Joshua has lots and lots of energy....But he would not wander off far from his ‘security, his safe haven’.
Realizing that we all need affection and a child shows spontaneously.....makes me thankful that a little Joshua is around to lead us by the heart.
I read a quote once that said....”There’s something in a simple hug that always warms the heart; it welcomes us back home and makes it easier to part.”
Joshua would ‘part’ temporarily....but would come back ‘home’ to security again all within 60 seconds....A hug or a touch was the signal that...”all is well” in my little world.”
See Joshua in the Joy of The Good Life of a 2 3/4 yr. old. on
Link #1....2004 Begins Album
Jan 30, 2004
Jan 29, 2004
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!
When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one, which has been opened for us.
Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.
Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
From The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams... “When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with but REALLY loves you, then you become REAL.” “Does it hurt?” asked the Rabbit. “Sometimes,” said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful...”When you are REAL you don’t mind being hurt.”
Posted by
7:32 AM
Jan 28, 2004
Win or Lose
For someone to win.....someone else has to.....lose.
This is the nature of what we know of as....competition.
At times in life we have all won some....and lost some.
Winning feels....GOOD!
I recently read a be applied to winning....
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it....happened...!”
Losing is a real test of character.....losers have gone on to be winners....
Yet we can make family members, co-workers and friends and even strangers feel or losers!
It is a great delight to find the good in another person....and communicate that to them in a very healthy, positive way.....To show others that they really are winners as a human being is a little medals to all the special people we know!
And there is a word for the giver....and receiver.....
......I define this word personally as .....
Over the years I have made up tales using this illustration in story, fantasy form in many different ways and saying at the end of every one......Which one was...the Champion?
Ask Matt, Pipo, Britt, Carla, Vinnie, Chad, Lynn and Chuck....
All of us are at some and losers....but we can ALL be....
....A Champion as a human being....
Posted by
9:15 AM
Jan 26, 2004
Let’s Laugh Now!
Some of the last words that were spoken to me from my dear brother-in-law, Victor, were these....”Let’s Laugh Now!”
In 2001, Victor was dozing off and on in consciousness and our son, Chad, and I were praying by his bed....we were softly weeping at the awareness of Victor’s physical condition....and our soon to be loss of this dear one....
.....While his eyes were closed....he asserted his old playful self in the moment by declaring that we .....”Laugh NOW!”
Victor is the author of the famous family phrase....”It’s a Good Life!”
but he always enhanced it by saying....”....And MORE to come....”
Remembering Victor’s parting odd moments in time.....makes his spirit of love, happiness and fun.....Live Eternally....
By the way, Chad is Victor’s namesake.....Chadwick Victor has much the same ’delight of life’ in his heart and spirit that Victor lived.
.......Yes, It IS a Good Life.....Laughter enhances it immeasurably!
Posted by
9:13 AM
Jan 22, 2004
Keep On Dancin’
One of my today’s inspirational readings is a perfect summary of my
“It’s A Good Life” philosophy....It is written by Tim Hansel who is a speaker and author....Tim wrote this....
.......“One of the rarest species on the face of the earth may soon become extinct .....those few human beings who truly know how to enjoy life....
They glorify God not only with their words but even more with their lives.
They enjoy God FOR WHO HE IS, not just for what He can do for them.
To them, each day holds its own reward.
They know that each twenty-four hours is a once-in-a-lifetime privilege and that happiness is a by-product of quality living.
Their lives are lived according to their priorities, in spite of the consequences. They have cracked through the thin crust we call civilization to find the supernatural substance upon which life rests.....”
Matthew 6:34...”So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time....”
Posted by
7:25 AM
Jan 20, 2004
St. Augustine Boat Trip
Last Thursday, Charlie and I loaded up our small boat, the Go Gator, and headed over to Daytona Beach. My brother, Aaron and Ruth Ann, lives in a condo on the Intracoastal Waterway. My other brother, Dockie and Ann, met us there with their boat and we proceeded to unload boats at the Pt. Orange bridge ramp. Aaron came in his dinghy to lead us to his dock since it is quite tricky into his landing.
Lo and behold, the Gator steering went awry. First thought it was the prop...but after several process of elimination tactics....the answer was found to be an internal problem that would require more than a quick fix.
We towed the Gator back to the boat ramp and loaded it out on the trailer.
A decision was made that Charlie and I would ride with Aaron and Ruth Ann in their big ‘Pretty-Ugly’ boat . This meant that we would start our trip early, 3:30 a.m., since our speed would be 8 or 9 mph. The other 3 boats going with us could go 25 mph or so....therefore the 57 mile trip for them would! We arrived at St. Augustine Municipal Marina 30 minutes before they did!
The week-end was a bit rainy, cool at times for Florida....but we ate, toured, bought gifts, and in general had a great time....
I went to church on a very old church called the Trinity Episcopal Parish on St. George St....I also viewed a wedding... Florida look....where the groom truly wore a tux....shorts and all...
Visited the oldest house in the U.S.....
All in all....a good time was ALL!
See pictures... Link #1....Boating Album....
Posted by
9:48 AM
Jan 15, 2004
For pictures of medal and "Last Mile Winner" Chad....go to
Link #1....2004 Begins Album....
Chad is now headed to the slopes of Colorado with friends....
He can hardly WALK....from results of his Marathon run!
Oh well, he is enjoying...The Good Life....
We are as well, Thank God....for now, today, we are
going on a boat trip with 6 other boats to the East Coast of Florida...
Destination being...St. Augustine for 2 or 3 days...
Happy Hunting, Blake and Family....
Sea Ya.....
Posted by
7:19 AM
Jan 13, 2004
If you have already read my today's page may want to go back to
the bottom and read Chad's response to the race....
He said it all......The Secret of......The Good Life!
Posted by
11:32 AM
Walt Disney Leukemia & Eye Disease Marathon
WALT DISNEY WORLD® Road Races are designed to capture your imagination.
The latest.....
24,000 Participants....
2004 WALT DISNEY WORLD® MARATHON...Jan. 11, 2004
Place Last Name First Name Age Gender State
7406.. FERNANDEZ CHAD....32.....M..... FL.....
Official Time Net Time Pace
Our son, Chad, ran in this race and you can see the above-posted results on the Disney Page Events. It is amazing that he finished it as well as he did (top 31%)since he was not as well prepared as days of long ago.
Chad has climbed mountains in Colorado, Mt. Crestone which is 14,000 ft..... participated in several Triathlons, which consist of 1-mile swim, 28-mile bike and 6 mile run.... and is always seeking a new adventure...
He is the one who enticed me into skydiving with him. What an unbelievable adventure!
Chad said this race was special since many of the participants were running in memory of someone and had that posted on their backs....Can you imagine running 26.2 miles this soon after Christmas?
Needless to say, the family is proud of Chad’s run....
...The last mile was the killer for him.... took special, untapped strength to finish the mark. BUT FINISH HE DID AND WITH A RESPECTABLE PLACE. Awesome....
Chad’s physical challenges have been tested time and time again....and each time he has pushed it to the limit.....and won the ‘fortitude test’ within himself....
Do we not all have some....untapped strength....that life has not tested?
The ‘comfort zone’ of life is surely a ‘cozy nest’.....but people like Chad put many of us to shame....not just in the physical sense....but in the ‘meeting life head on’ kind of mentality....
The “I Dare You” challenge is before us step out of the known....into the unknown....and test many areas of our character that have never been explored before. This challenge gets us out of the ‘rut’ of life, the mediocre of life, the ‘ordinary’ way of living and being....
It makes us MORE of who we can be....and proves again and again....we are all stronger than we realize any age....
Doesn’t take much to be....a couch potato....a mental emotional child ...a spiritual midget or a totally indifferent human being....Do NOTHING and it happens automatically.
Challenging ourselves...against our own past selves.....daily.....requires constant growth and involvement in many aspects of life....
Chad’s Marathon run was a good reminder to me....of how sloppy I have gotten in life.....The New Year is a challenge for me personally.
I DARE join making 2004....THE BEST YEAR EVER....Happy, Happy, Happy.....New Year!
After writing my today's page....I received the following response from Chad.....
He put it all in perspective for me....
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: Todays Web Page.....
Thank you for your wonderful and beautiful acknowledgement. It makes the intense pain much more worth it in order
to push one's self further than one could imagine. At that point the illusion of fear disappears and the reality of self-confidence and belief in a higher authority takes place. It was in that last mile that I ran that race.
The first 25 were just a preparation for the real race, the last mile.
In that mile, I realized that "I can" do anything I set my mind to. No matter the physical or mental challenge, there is no excuse acceptable to stop a determined person. Add in the spiritual "thrust" of your belief in God and you have in mind an "unstoppable person". Now imagine channeling that same energy into finding a cure for cancer, for Aids, for diseases that cause blindness(like Uncle Dockie's) and what you have is the purest of determination. Here is the irony. If one could bottle this stuff, "the last mile stuff", one would be richer than anyone on earth. But it is in this stuff, that comes from above that true greatness is realized. On this day that I sit here in unbelievable pain, and barely able to walk, ask me if I would do it over again, and I would say, sure, when?
Magic, miracles and the purest of love, live in the "last mile". I found out the secret to it all, don't give up on mile 25.
Love ya,
-----Original Message
Posted by
9:36 AM
Jan 12, 2004
Taking Joshua to the airport to pick up his beloved ‘Poppie’ was quite an adventure. For a week, every time he saw an airplane fly overhead....he would speak to it saying....”Popie, get off airplane...”
The big moment arrived and we all rush forward.....I stand back a little to let everyone else greet him first....Joshua comes over to me and pushes me forward saying, “Maw, Maw, Popie here!” This is from a 2 1/2 yr. olds heart insight! Of course, he wants to help with everything.... insisting on carrying his part of the luggage. I think he will remember airport greetings as a wonderful, fun experience.....can’t wait to see his first ride on an airplane.
(See pictures...Link #1...2004 begins album).
Next day Pipo comes by our house with his ‘new toy’. He found that his Christmas Monster truck drank (or gulped) $500.00 in gas in two weeks and it was a ‘get-it-out-of-your-system’ toy anyway. As a result, he purchased a sleek, black, small.....Chevy Xtreme..(see pictures...Link #1...2004 begins)
Pipo had to join his Marine group at Camp Blanding for the weekend so he visited with his Tampa Bay family while passing through.....
Joshua adores Pipo.....his Marine tough guy wrestling buddy....
He...and we....never know what form Pipo’s “Dreams Come True” will reflect next....Nor Chad's, too, for that matter. There is a principle involved here that I need to learn....if something doesn’t work....don’t hang on forever just because a decision has been made.....that was right for the moment. Analyze quickly and consider other options that are available. Sometime there will be losses involved...‘better a short term loss rather than a long term one’, says Pipo.
In the long run.....Pipo has experienced very few financial losses (if any) in all his wheeling and dealing. Establishing a very lucrative lawn mowing business at an early age helped teach “Chuckie/Pipo” the value of money....and things. With this common sense background....he wheels and deals and always has what he wants....when he wants it.....and labors to get it honestly.
Whatever is a word that comes easy for him....he simply goes on to the next chapter of life....ALL THE TIME! I can learn a lot from....Pipo.
As he came through late yesterday....Sunday.... telling Poppie and I about his cold, Marine Reserve training weekend.....he was in a hurry saying, “Sorry, I’m in a rush. I have to make it back home in time for church.”
The secret of his strength is evident.....He really knows how to enjoy...The Good Life!
Posted by
8:53 AM
Jan 8, 2004
Redneck Riviera Adventure
Yesterday’s events were....FUN !
I met, sister Joyce and Brother Blake, at a BBQ place in the early afternoon.
This was a real treat....they live less than 15 miles away yet we very seldom see each other except at family events. What a shame!
We used to ’visit’ more when they lived in Belgium and we lived in Germany as a military family....or they lived in Texas and we lived in Oklahoma....The fast pace of our ‘now life’ and our own family demands do not leave much time for ’ole fashioned visiting’ as in the ‘olden day’.
That’s something that ’needs fixing’!
We had a nice meal, talking all the time.....went to another restaurant for dessert....and they decided to go with me to a bookstore that had an author signing that I was interested in hearing and seeing.
A man named Dennis Covington who has written several books, had just released one called Redneck Riviera.
Dennis writes about the American Dream of his father....who purchased sight unseen in the 50’ in Florida. Dennis inherited this land and in the late 1990’s set out to view and pursue....This parcel in question is found to be small and worthless but occupied by outlaws....who were the law...squatters....and anyone with a high powered rifle who called themselves ’hunting club members’. This place is notorious even today....River Ranch in Polk County is its name and it is known and has always been having quite a history and ‘reputation’.
If you remember from some of my previous writings, we had our big boat, the Milagro, at their marina from 1999 to 2001. We had to leave because the Ranch/Resort ended up in bankruptcy....AGAIN! That is another story!
Last nights book signing was a fun time....except for a ‘redneck squelcher’ who wanted to ‘out-talk’ the author.
Joyce, Blake and I reminisced, joked, ate and enjoyed ....the Good Life together....We also enjoyed our ‘book signing‘!
Happy Birthday, Dockie!
See pictures on Link #1....2004 Begins Album.
Posted by
6:46 AM
Jan 7, 2004
Local Custom
Yesterday was the Epiphany celebration of diving for the cross in Tarpon Springs, Florida....In January it is a local custom of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. The young men of the church between 16-18 years of age dive into the muddy brown chilly waters of Spring Bayou in the hope of retrieving the ’Holy Cross’ thrown by the archbishop.
Yesterday some 47 young men made the dive with 20,000 onlookers.
James Hughes, 16, a local football player and onlooker for years, emerged triumphal with the cross....
Hughes didn’t do anything different than the other 16 divers...
He ate a good breakfast.
He listened to some rock ’n’ roll.
He thought about the cross.
But Hughes, a Berkeley Preparatory School sophomore, recognized his chance the instant the white oak cross left the archbishop’s hand.
The lanky football player plunged into the 64-degree water.
Less than 5 seconds later, he came up sputtering with the cross in his hand.
“I saw this cross gleaming in the water and I just got it,” Hughes said.
“It kind of stood out in the dark muck.”
The crowd yelled in Greek....”Axios!” - Greek for “He is worthy!”...
“Jimmy, you did it!” came the cries from his friends as they hoisted him on their shoulders.
Red towel over his shoulders, Jimmy tried to shake off the waters chill after he received a special blessing from the archbishop. Women in black dresses gathered around him like he was a rock star, kissing the cross in his hand. Jimmy's’ cheeks flushed with the attention simply said, “It’s not me they’re kissing.”....”It’s the cross. It’s the power of the cross.”
But the word used in a nonchurch context in James Joyce’s autobiographical novel ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.’
The book describes the man, Stephen’s personal epiphany on the beach.
In this case it meant....a startling insight, a realization or understanding that changes a person’s life.
Isn’t that what we all need from time to time in order to put our lives in proper prospective and focus? What better time than a New Year to ask for and seek this....Gift of Grace.
Jimmy Hughes had his...Epiphany yesterday....(See link #1...Special People Album)
May you....have!
God Bless you....and may God continue to Bless.....America!
Posted by
7:25 AM
Jan 6, 2004
I Am a Silly Goose...
As I read my today’s devotion, I couldn’t help sharing it with all of you......Happy New Year!!!
There failed not aught of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; All came to pass. JOSHUA 21:45
Prayer sometimes worries me. Don't get me wrong. I do it every day. It's just that sometimes I wonder about whether I'm doing it right. For example, people tell me all the time that "God told me" to do something. This information is usually communicated with a great deal of delight and confidence. For years, I'd be happy for them, but I couldn't help but wonder how they KNEW God was talking to them, I wanted to believe God actually talked to me, giving me clear-cut direction in my life. But all God's answers to me sounded suspiciously like my own words.
Then a Christmas sermon for children gave me new perspective on the problem.
It went like this:
There was once a farmyard full of geese. The geese constantly fought with each other about one thing or another, and the farmyard was in chaos. God decided to do something about it: He sent a goose from heaven to the farmyard. The goose from heaven explained that the geese must stop fighting and learn to live in peace. They listened and changed, because the goose from heaven spoke in goose words, so they could understand. So when God wanted to teach us, He sent His Son, a little baby who grew up to speak in people-language so we could all understand.
The children were delighted, but they weren’t the only ones who learned an important lesson.
Why was I so suspicious when God answered me in words I could understand?
How else would I get the message?
Lord, thank You for speaking to me in a language simple enough for me to comprehend***
Posted by
8:46 AM
Jan 5, 2004
Yesterday we met at Bennigan’s for our daughter, Lynn’s, birthday celebration. Our party mood was a bit diminished by the fact that it seems as if we have been celebrating continuously since....Thanksgiving!
Still yet....(a phrase our Southern friend Kenneth always uses)....we continued to have a good time and tease each other unmercifully.
Ashley was flashing her beautiful new engagement ring with a million dollar smile, Matt was beaming with pride, Chad was dragging from the move into his new custom built home and Britt was her always ‘joyful’ self.
Joshua, as usual, was thinking the party was all about him!
Lynn loved all her carefully chosen gifts....and proceeded to put her new jewelry on immediately.
Pops was missing since he was in Puerto Rico for a nephews wedding but he had written a note to his ‘Princess/daughter’ that brought tears to her eyes. It is hard to surprise Lynn since she is the ultimate ‘gift giver’.
Her birthday was a success....she left happy....meeting other friends for more celebrating....
Everyone came back to my house and Chad and Matt installed Pops new DVD Home Theatre unit to go with his new large screen TV.
This way the sound will blow you out of the water....when he watches his favorite team, The Gators....loose! I also have been watching the Bucs loose....Yuk! Win or loose...they are our team of choice. As well as The Dolphins.....Oh well, will see what ‘next year’ brings in winning or loosing..
One thing for sure.....we will continue to ‘celebrate life’ in the good ole U.S.A...God Bless America!
See pictures...Link #1....Birthday album
Posted by
9:48 AM
Jan 3, 2004
Happy New Year!
It has arrived!
….2 0 0 4…..
Can you believe it? Seems like we just passed the millennium and all the anxieties of ‘computer crashes’. Just goes to show that half the things we ‘worry’ about….NEVER HAPPENS! Or more than half!
It is 2004…ready or not!
I am ready…..knowing psychologically that I have no other choice causes me to accept the New Year…..and look forward….eagerly… accomplishing things that I have never even dreamed of….
So I.....Rejoice….it is a New Day… is a New Year!
Consciously letting go of the past… a decision…(I have discovered this by personal experience).
For me, it is harder to ‘let go’ of the good times…..than the bad times…
Forgiveness comes easy for me….usually….but the good times linger in my memory and I often compare the present to….’the good ole days….of 2002, 2003 etc,. Today I resolve to help create more ‘good times’, more wonderful times with family and friends….
It is my prayer that all of you… family and friends….may find that the year of 2004….is the year that….ALL your DREAMS Come True!
Celebrate Life……The Good Life….in the good ole…. *************U.S.A
Posted by
9:10 AM