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Jul 29, 2004
Marines Have Landed
Marine Chuckie…i.e. Pipo…came into town yesterday to spend the night with me and ‘hang loose’ today in order to welcome Pops from his trip to Puerto Rico….Pipo is working with his father in the family golf course business…Recent rains caused his jobs to be canceled for the last several days so he headed our way.
Chuckie just returned from 2 weeks reserve maneuvers in Camp Pendleton, Calif. He is in the amphibious tank division…a good place for a nautical Florida boy! Being in the reserve has its very own plus an minus’s. Driving an amphibious tank so far out to sea that you can not see land sounds dangerous to me….going at 10 mph takes a long time back….
See pictures below….
At any rate Chuckie, Brittney, Joshua and I decided to go to a movie last night…..a silly, crazy, laugh-a-minute ….stupid movie, called of all things
“White Chicks”….there was parts of it that I didn’t care for but it was so slap-stick that you had to laugh your head off…
This morning Neena brings Joshua over to swim and play with his ‘Marine Buddy Chuckie’…..first words from Joshua to Pipo…”Wanna fight, Chuckie?”….What a pair!
Seeing our ‘gentle Marine’ with the family 3yr. old….is priceless…
No doubt about the kind of father he will be one day!
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12:23 PM
Jul 28, 2004
Pictures are still being placed in my photo albums.
Click on Link #1 to go there....#1 Steinhatchee is the latest album.
I would like to have some feedback from you as to which picture process works best for you....posting photos with web page or Link #1 site...
Please respond...
Link #2 gives you the e-mail for comments.
Thanks You'll....
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9:09 AM
Moments In Time
Being still on vacation…kinda, sorta, kinda….since Charlie is still in Puerto Rico, I had an unexpected surprise yesterday when Matthew called and wanted to get together…..We discussed meeting for lunch at some of our favorite places then I suggested he come to my house and I would ‘throw something together’….That’s what I did…
Matt arrived with a DVD in hand he wanted to share with me ….
He said that he and Ashley had just seen 'The Notebook' the night before and enjoyed it....
I had a Mojo broiled chicken freshly made, stuffed crabmeat mushrooms fresh from Publix, Taboule, Southern Potato Salad and quickly fried some breaded okra….course Southern iced tea was our drink of choice.
Over lunch we caught up on the missed family news and Matt looked at the scalloping pictures on my computer….plus viewing the real thing in my freezer…talked about doing another trip with our family….
Then we settled ourselves down to watch “The Last Samurai”……
Tom Cruise plays Civil War vet Nathan Algren, who travels to Japan in the 1870s to help organize and teach the emperor's troops during a time of feudal conflict on the islands; the emperor's goal is to eradicate the remaining samurai. As he learns more about the warriors after he is captured by them, Algren comes to understand and appreciate the complicated system of honor under which they live and finally has to choose which side to fight on.
Matt and I have always had philosophical discussions since he was a child….it was interesting to hear his point of view….the movie was just another forum by which I reiterate again…..Matt’s brilliance….
Matt is an intellectual thinker…..he can take very complex thoughts and ideas and reduce them down to a simple formula which can be understood by even a child….such as I…..
These moments in time….are priceless….
See pictures below….other special moments in time….with Matt…
P.S. Thanks, Chad, for being busy and having to cancel our lunch...worked out great!
Posted by
7:39 AM
Jul 27, 2004
It IS A GOOD Life!!!
Settling down to a daily routine after an adventure week-end requires ….discipline….
The good time memories causes the adrenaline to flow and a return to ‘today’s reality’ becomes a sheer choice of mind over matter…..
Having listened to other friends and family members week-end, there was a wide spectrum of the positive to negative happenings in the lives of those who are dear to me….
I realize ANEW how very blessed I am….and I have God to thank for that!
And I do…..daily….all the time….
Reading today’s devotion speaks clearly my minds thoughts and I quote word for word from The Daily Word……
….”I let go of negative ideas and let God’s truth and peace flow into my mind…
Negative thoughts take up space and create heaviness, as if they were rocks in a bucket in which I am trying to carry water.
So I let go of them!
I let go of the idea that problems need a long time to work out;
that learning has to be painful and difficult;
that as I get older, my body deteriorates.
I let go of the idea that I have ingrained habits that can’t be changed………
Instead, I let God’s truth replace these and other false thoughts.
Because I make room in my mind for NEW IDEAS, God’s truth flows into my mind like water, and wonderful results start to become apparent in my life….As I let God work in and through me and my life, I am amazed and delighted by the ways of His Spirit and the blessings that come to me….”
Psalm 42:5-6.….”Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my HELP and MY GOD!”…
Yep, this is exactly what the Dr. ordered for today….Setting my mind straight, keeping my heart clean and free, and being constantly aware EVERY DAY of how very blessed I am…..
I am blessed with family, friends, people I have not ever met but know through correspondence, and…..BLESSED TO LIVE IN THE GOOD OLE U.S.A…..Rich indeed…..with that which money can not buy!
Now you know why I call this site…..IT IS A GOOD LIFE….
Posted by
8:01 AM
Jul 26, 2004
At Last…..
Going Scalloping in Steinhatchee, Florida over the week-end was another action adventure. Family members….Ann, Dockie, Cindy, Jane, Debbie & Richard and Jan from Lake City and nautical friends…Melissa, Kurt/Bozo#1, Pammy, Sweet Susan and Bill/Bozo#2, Kim, Ken, Brett and girlfriend, John & Amy and only God knows who else….
Five boats of us actually found the scallops……
Our boat, Dockie’s, The Sea Note, were the rookies of the bunch.
As a result we were a failure on Saturday since we did not go out at the same time the others did and we checked every patch of grass for 12 miles to no avail…They had great success to say the least….we were so much the ‘rookie’ that no one could find a pen to write GPS numbers with when Susan called us on the Ship to Shore…had to punch them in on ‘non-working’ cell phones to remember them! Duh!
See picture of Dockie holding our end result of a full days work….and play!
We were a huge success at…..having FUN!
Gaining experience and starting again on Sunday with all boats together gave us the results we had hoped (and prayed) for….the scallops were right there just lying on top of the sea grass….training the eyes to know what it sees when it sees it, happens to be a mental process as well….
Some of us….we found out….have better mental capacity than others!
And then there are others who had rather just play around in the water and have fun than actually WORK at getting scallops… others just wanted to take pictures all the time….
Annie P. and I did not invest in top-of-the-line snorkel equipment AS SOME PEOPLE DID…..our ’red neck mask/goggles’ worked just fine, thank you!
See picture of Annie P. with her ’see thru’ bottom fancy bucket….
Richard’s bright red water shoes were a hit as he never had to look hard to find his in a hurry!
Accommodations for our group were given to us by a ….Miracle…
Just ask Debbie….and Dockie who only had 50 cent in a phone booth to call for 911 Family Help for a bed….No cell phones worked in Steinhatchee at all….We heard a rumor than if you go to the middle of the bridge you might get service…didn’t work for us!
All in all….it was another one of those…and a good time was had by all….week-ends.
P.S. Bozo #1...I wouldn’t ride on your boat even if you would let me!
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Posted by
11:43 AM