May 4, 2006

Sleeping On The Job!

Yesterday was one of those 'think a lot' kind of days...
The morning was filled with activity, getting a new ID at MacDill, commissary shopping, driving to Indian Rocks for a task, stopping at the fabric store, etc....
Charlie asked me to do a little job for him....cover some cushions for the Milagro.
We carefully selected matching Marine vinyl together and in the afternoon I started on my project.
The strangest thing happened. My simple project became very complicated!
Knowing that I had to allow for the supports that secured the seat and back made a big difference in the design...
For the life of me....I could not 'work it out'.....
I was so mad at .....ME!
Deciding to leave it till morn, I reluctantly quit.
Lo and behold, at 8:30 this morning I walked to my patio work area....looked at my troublesome project.....and it became very clear what I needed to do!
I was finished in 30 minutes, to include sewing the back vinyl cover on my machine...
Funny how a ...Good Nights Sleep....can clear the brain....
But I have to admit....sometimes it does not work this way....
Celebrate....when it does!

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