Psalm 25 12-13....."Are there those who respect the Lord?
He will point them to the best way.
and their children will inherit the land."
May 30, 2009
May 27, 2009
Ya-Ya Sisters, Pat & Sally...
Using a colloquial phrase common here in the south it has been insinuated to me that...
I will state some FACTS and then we shall see....
I am very healthy, (Thank God)
I am surrounded by almost ALL my relatives that I love.
I can talk to my children, and their children, almost at a moments notice. Or...see them!
I have friends that I travel with, laugh with, cry with and...act goofy with....and 'feel' normal.
I have choices of food at home or in restaurants or in super-market....that are unlimited.
I have more Bibles than I have ever counted. I read through the Bible every year!
I look at an inspiring tropical site out my windows and back patio every day.
I have a husband who 'indulges' me daily.
I have all the digital toys I need, ie: laptop, cell phone, digital cameras, GPS, printers (4) etc.
I have ALL my bills paid....
I can see, hear, smell and touch......daily. (Thank God)
I know the value of hearing and saying, I LOVE YOU!
I can SEE someone saying "I LOVE YOU' in their actions.
I feel and know....the Presence of experience.
I know for a fact that ALL my sins are forgiven by Jesus...past, present and future!
I don't worry....because I know how to pray.
And I am BLESSED with The Good Life by the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Now, tell me please, aren't you, too, 'spoiled'?
The three 'Life Is Good' YaYa Sisters...
Thanks Sally, for our shirts. We needed them!
Posted by Faith at 8:47 AM 0 comments
May 26, 2009
Celebrating The Good Life in Florida
Pat, Faith, Sally, Kim & Melissa catch up on news at
Marina in Cocoa Beach...Memorial Day week-end was a fun
time with friends...
Melissa, Kurt & Pam have lunch and visit with us at the
Club Beach area at Patrick AFB
Short & Tall...Sally & Pam...what a contrast...
Faith, Melissa, Pam and Pat...Beach Lunch at The Tides
Posted by Faith at 4:34 PM 0 comments
May 21, 2009
The Power of....I Love YOU!
One of the 'hardest' jobs for me as a woman of faith is trying to help someone 'think higher' than they are presently thinking....when all they think is NEGATIVE about themselves and their world!
It is hard to help someone.....who does not WANT to be helped but 'hugs their misery' to themselves and tries to convince others that they are right to do so.
As Abe Lincoln said, "Most folks are as HAPPY as they make up their mind to be!"
I find this to be true!
But I can not give up on these dear ones that God places into my life as I know that God loves them and wants to bless them MORE THAN THEY REALIZE.
It is my job, and yours as well, to help other see the beauty of their life...
through the eyes of God.
How can we do this against their 'will'?
Loving others through our heart, and not just our head, creates an invisible energy which penetrates even the hardest of hearts.
Love determined to love at ALL COSTS will always win....Change may not be visable immediately, but with time the person slowly gets the idea that 'they are worth loving'....WHICH IS GOD'S TRUTH...
It is up to us, as humans, to allow God to transmit HIS Love through us as His children, out to others in need of 'a touch of Love'....
"GOD IS LOVE' (1 John 4:16b)
Love is not something that God does....IT IS WHO HE IS!
And if we are His children and He lives in us....then we can not inhibit God's spirit, which IS Love, from reaching out to others and showing forth that they, too, are included in God's Love.
Remember John 3:16....That God so LOVED that He GAVE....His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"...
Everyone is a....WHOSOEVER!
....We , as believers, have a mandate to show forth God's Love....(1 John 4:21)...."And God gave us this command: Those who love God must also Love their brothers and sisters..."
Changing ones mind and heart from Negative to an 'Act of God' called a MIRACLE and God is still in the Miracle business...
I know...I speak from experience....I am a Miracle....
Put Psalm 139 in the Bible meter to the right of this page (scroll and select New Living Translation) and you will find that you, too, are a Miracle...of Love....
God Bless.
Posted by Faith at 7:27 AM 0 comments
May 19, 2009
Nancy's B'day...Prayer Girls 'Night Out'....
Faith, Fallon, Abby & Nancy
have a good meal and fun to celebrate Nancy B'day!
Sometimes family and friends look at my life and wonder how I can write 'cheerful' words of inspiration when there are still so many things that need to be 'fixed.' Even now I have a crazy cold that gave me laryngitis and I can hardly talk...a gift of peace to my family! Yet having 'fun' with my family and friends refreshes my life, constantly. Do you know that everyone needs others in their lives that they can just 'act goofy' with? I have many, many family and friends that are so 'like minded'...and I could not exist without this part of my life!
I thank God, daily, for the wonderful people He has given me...TO ENHANCE MY LIFE! Last night we prayer girls were recanting to Fallon, who is visiting from Chicago, about some of the miracles God has brought in answer to prayer. We had prayed for Nancy, as a single Mom, for 7 years....for the 'right' man, according to the will of God, for Nancy and her girls. Making a 'specific list'....a woman's list of course, made us laugh at some of the things Nancy included. When she met and married her 'dream man', Stan, God added His own 'bonus' items to Nancy's list plus fulfilling everything she asked for in this 'love of her life'....
THAT WAS A MIRACLE....we know it as a fact...
So, how can I 'Be Happy', Be Joyful' when things need to be 'fixed'? I BELIEVE that whatever I am going through ( and those I am praying for) IS ONLY TEMPORARY! I am ,also, a realist in that I KNOW these things are happening and I use my 'God given brain' to resolve what I can but in the long-run I have the PROMISE that 'God will fix' that which I can not....God is still in the MIRACLE BUSINESS! And it is a 'sin' as a 'person of faith' to not live this belief! Pardon me please, if I just continue to enjoy....The Good Life!
Psalms 78:32 Living Bible says it clearly (talking about the children of Israel in the wilderness) ..."Yet even so the people kept on sinning and REFUSED TO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!"
Posted by Faith at 6:31 AM 0 comments
May 18, 2009
May 17, 2009
Happy 'Go Gators' Birthday Pops...
See album at:
Britt, Ash, & Chad...actin' craZy....again!
FAMILY: We may not have it all together...
Posted by Faith at 8:20 AM 0 comments
May 12, 2009
Let's LAUGH Now!
Humor has the unshakable ability to break life up into little pieces and make it livable.
Laughter adds richness, texture, and color to otherwise ordinary days.
It is a gift, a choice, a discipline, and an art.
I believe that laughter is a sacred sound to our God.
I also believe that it has an incredible capacity to heal our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.
Job 8:21==="He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy!"
Posted by Faith at 5:58 PM 0 comments
May 9, 2009
Mother's ...God's choice of Life Partners in Creation
See Dance on above link sent to me by our German friend, Thomas...
Posted by Faith at 6:50 AM 0 comments
May 8, 2009
Thank you all for praying for Lynn during her recent neck/back surgery...She will be getting out of the hospital today and will come to our house for rest and recuperating. When she is 'down' it affects many people's lives as she gives so much, ALL THE TIME, to her family and church...Lynn is much loved by family....and her Lord.
Anyone wishing to send her a card can send it to our address and I will see that she gets it...
Posted by Faith at 9:03 AM 0 comments
May 7, 2009
Posted by Faith at 5:53 AM 0 comments
May 5, 2009
Blessings....Benefits....of Serving God!
To all of you Family and Friends....
I think I must make it perfectly clear, once and for all, I AM NOT PERFECT.....nor are any of you! We are humans, albeitly flawed, doing the very best that we can.
As I read my Bible this early morn, it says in Psalm 115:12-15 NCV.....
"The Lord remembers us and will bless us.
He will bless our family.
The Lord will bless those who respect Him, from the smallest to the greatest.
May the Lord give you success, and may He give you and your children success.
May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
(92:12-15)..."But good people will grow like palm trees
When they are old, they will still produce fruit;
they will be healthy and fresh.
They will say that the Lord is GOOD!
We are blessed because we are.....God's Family!
We are HIS children....
Are your children perfect?
I know mine are not here comes the qualifier.....
As a result of the above we are always prepared and willing to help others and to share what we have with others.
Actually, we seek opportunities to BE A BLESSING!
Being human, I take comfort in God's word that says
"Love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8)
For you see God knows His children are not perfect just as our children are not perfect. He understands our 'humanness' and actually overlooks it because when He looks at us, His children , He sees Jesus and what Jesus did in our behalf!
This does not give us a license to 'do wrong...or sin'.
We will be held accountable because our hearts and conscience will tell us, immediately, when we walk 'out of the secret place' in our love circle with God.
Being right with God, our Heavenly Father, is the only place to be for a child of God.
The children of God are not just a little blessed - they are super-blessed!
My personal Psalm is this...(Psalm 24:12&13)
"Are there those who respect the Lord?
He will point them to the best way.
THE WILL ENJOY A G O O D L I F E and their children will inherit the land..."
Now you know why I can say truthfully...
Posted by Faith at 6:32 AM 0 comments
May 4, 2009
Bermuda Cruise
A week cruise with friends, Sally & Sam, Walker & Pat was a fun experience, as usual.Our ship, the MSC Italian Cruise line was a beautiful luxury ship BUT you will have to ask our friends about their shipboard experiences as...that is another story...
Bermuda is a 'fishhook' shaped island with pink sand beaches and the most turquoise water I've ever seen in the world! It is truly breathtaking.
The pink sand from the beach is colored by the deep pink reef broken in tiny pieces by the currents and mixed with the sands of the is evident when it is wet...
Charlie & I Praise The Lord for this time of beauty with friends that we love so much...
King's Wharf and our Cruise transportation in the back ground...
We, also, saw the island by Express Ferry to St. George then 'express' bus from there to the city of Hamilton and then return to King's Wharf. The public bus ride was one of the 'greats' in our adventure..
MoonGate...Make A Wish Arch...
According to Legend it says..
"Couples who kiss under our moongates, the wedding band-shaped found throughout the island - will be assured a long and happy life together.
Make a wish and look forward to
Dreams Come True!"
Yep, this trip was that...
One of our beautiful pools on the MSC. It had Turkish baths, (clothed for sure) sauna's, steam rooms, tennis courts etc.
My dear husband picked me a flower every time we took a walk...
Kissing under the 'moongates' enhances The Good Life!
Posted by Faith at 5:27 AM 0 comments