Party- Heart..y!!!
Celebrated Mattie C’s 21st birthday last night at “Chad’s Place”....
Crazy zoo antics again....
He received some gifts in a “Barbie Bag”....fake money to pay for his college education and other curricular activities, miniature glitzy party shoes which we insisted that he put his size 11 foot in...and walk!
Joshua had to put them on as well!!!
Lynn and I prepared...too much food, as usual.
Pops cooked and cooked on the grill.....strawberry pie, birthday cake, party poppers etc. Sure am glad it was NOT at my house!
Being 21, 3rd year of college, having gorgeous Ashley at his side and all his crazy family around him......Mattie C still had his somber moments....
For you see....Mattie C is a ’deep’ thinker!
Yes, he enjoys a good time of family fun....but his internal focus is that of an.....intellectual muse.
Muse in this sense think deeply and at length.....
How Matthew got into this family is one of those...acts of God that makes insurance void!
Actually “Matthew” means...Gift of there is my answer!
Our family certainly needs and enjoys......Mattie C.
We are glad he was ’borned’ to us!!!
See pictures...Link #1....Matt’s 21st album....
See Matt.....Celebrate Life....the “Good Life” way!
May 30, 2003
May 29, 2003
Received a package in the mail yesterday and was thrilled when I opened it.
It was from Betty and Ray Fortner, my cousin, with whom we made the Kissimmee River boat trip recently.
Both Ray and Betty are very creative. Ray is an author with many unique ‘words and phrases’ at his command. He is also very eloquent with his command of words....even while telling a joke....:)
Betty, I’m learning, is a lady who can ‘do’ almost anything!
A recent purchase of a computerized program for a very ‘cutting edge’ sewing machine opened a world of ideas in Betty.
The gift she made for me....and other nautical ones for Annie P. are awesome. (See link #1....)
Many people are talented, creative and have unique abilities galore.
Not everyone ‘gives it away’....
It has been my experience that ’the more we .....give our creativeness away....the more we ’get’....
Thanks, Betty.....for so generously sharing your talents and gifts with others.
May God, GENEROUSLY, repay you, my dear!
Posted by
8:08 AM
May 28, 2003
Optimist or Pessimist...
An article in the today’s newspaper was food for thought about a basic choice of life. The decision I going to be an eternal optimist.....or a reality....pessimist?
Often we don’t ‘consciously’ set out to be either/or by decision or choice.
Many factors shape our personality, character, genetics and environment.
Out of a combination of these....we form the mentality of being optimistic about life.....or having a pessimistic point of view.
The terrorist activities in these years of the millennium bring out many fears. Some are justified....others become paranoia.
“Hope for the best and expect the worst” is a philosophy adapted by many.
It is really a depressing philosophy and self-defeating for achieving any kind of consistent happiness in life.
Should we really expect that every person we meet or every situation we face will be the very worst they or it can be?
It would be nearly impossible to have one happy or peaceful moment in one’s life with this outlook.
According to some people, even when things are good, we should fret and complain about them possibly ....turning bad!
On the other sail thru life with the optimist point of view that life will successfully run itself for my benefit....without my active participation of good sense, wise choices, hard work, honest endeavors and compassion and caring for my fellow optimist foolhardiness!!!
Recently, I commented about the beautiful weather to three different people one morning. All three of the people, instead of agreeing with me and saying how blessed we were to live in such a beautiful place.....expressed their concern and worry about future weather and how bad it might be!
I could not have ‘wished’ for a better example of....not experiencing happiness...even while happiness was taking place!!!
I choose, by faith..... to be a ....eternal order to thoroughly enjoy.....The Good Life!!!
Posted by
9:13 AM
May 27, 2003
That'z So!
Had a good time....relaxing and hot...over the week-end at our boat dock.
Many nautical friends were there and we ate, reminisced, and just relaxed in general. Quite a different scene....usually everyone is either working or
This Memorial Day week-end the waterways were dominated by....air-boats! Along one canal area, Charlie counted 60...
Probably 200 or more everywhere....the noise was unbearable at times....
Fish were caught though....Bro. Dockie hooked a 18 or so lb. catfish on Thursday. He fought the fish for over an hour...Then we had to listen to his bragging all week-end.
Another boater came by who had a 9 1/2 lb. bass...See picture on KRP Album....What a beauty!
We also celebrated birthdays with surprise pictures from the past...
All in all it was good-clean-fun and there were many ‘good sports’ happenings.....
Life is a continuous journey.....Enjoying the trip takes courage at times....then at just have to laugh yourself silly....
Posted by
11:43 AM
May 23, 2003
Prayer Request....
Bro. Eddie, our family missionary, called me last night requesting immediate prayer for the Hooper Family who are enroute to Africa along with his Pastor, Clyde Lanier from Winter Haven..
The Hooper's have been missionaries there for several years and with the terrorist threats NOW....danger is eminent.
Cissy, her young son, and Bro. Lanier were stranded (last night) in their flight from Orlando to Africa....They were changing in London to British Airways but all British Airways flights were cancelled going to Africa because of the terrorist threats.
Emergency prayers were sent Africa, U.S. etc....another Airline moved into the gap and according to the latest report from Bro.Eddie they are now in the air on their way back to....Africa. Talking about "A wing and a prayer' is happening!
Please pray for these missionaries below....NOW....
Bro. Eddie, himself, will be going back to Nairobi in January...God willing...(see March 10 blog for info on Bro. Eddie)
Joel & Jenna Cobbs,
Ernie & Cissy Hopper,
Jerry & Debbie Stephens,
Tom & Bunty Miller
I appreciate you, dear ones, whom I contacted last night thru e-mail etc. for the 911 Prayer for Cissy and Bro. Lanier....
May God Bless each and every one of you....
Posted by
8:20 AM
[5/22/2003 11:11:20 AM | Faith Fernandez]
Dear Readers;
I received the below e-mail from our family missionary...Bro. Eddie, and it was too good to just send to
random people. Hence, I post it here.
I hope you like to DANCE....I do!
When I meditated on the word ?GUIDANCE? I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.
When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky, and
When one person realizes and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow
with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or
by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one
body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and
attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE. When I saw the "G," I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i." "God, "u" and "i" dance."!
God, you, and I dance.
This statement is what guidance means to me.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance
about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you and
your family on this day and everyday. May you live in Him as He lives abundantly in
Dance together with God, trusting Him to lead and to guide you through each
season of your life.
Prayer is one of the best gifts we can ever give, or that we can receive.
There is no cost but a lot of rewards; so let?s continue to pray for one another.
I Hope You Enjoy Dancing !!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
7:50 AM
May 22, 2003
Here We Go Again!
I went to the zoo yesterday!
In my own home......
Our Wednesday night ritual at Cody’s was ’unexpectedly’ moved to our house....Marine reserve, Pipato, was in town for training along with another Marine buddy, Brandon. They planned to spend the night with us so all of the cousin’s etc. wanted to eat together at our house.
Joshua wanted to ride on Uncle Chad’s bike, the Marines wanted to swim in the pool after a hot game of basketball down the street and I had the job of
feeding a small army....
The challenge of feeding the hungry ...brought out ’instant creativity’...I’ve had some experience there!
All in all everyone had fun.....except perhaps Pops.
He had a hard time finding a quiet place to watch his ’ritual’ news.
Joshua had a ball....
See his ‘biking experience’ on Link #1
The Good Life is a ‘daily celebration’.....planned and spontaneous!
Posted by
8:56 AM
May 21, 2003
Yesterday as I was driving in traffic, I saw a business vehicle with the sign on the side saying...”Flawless Electrical Co.”...
Thinking that the word, flawless, sounds archaic.....I began to ponder the word and its meaning to me personally.
Perfection I understand.....flawless takes a big leap toward perfection yet has a definition of its own...
The word ...flaw...means...a defect; fault, blemish, error, crack, or scratch that spoils something.
Flawless, of course, would be the opposite.
Looking at an object and declaring it...flawless...would also suffice to is ...perfect....isn’t it?
Not necessarily in my opinion.
Perfect seems to me to describe ...completely correct or accurate; exact; precise; most excellent....
There is no such thing as....perfectless!
Flawless means to me that there were once.....flaws!
The process from flaws to WORK.
Flawless will never be perfection!
For there once was flaws, errors, defects etc. which was its original state.
Great energy had to be expounded in order to move from the state of flaws to flawless....Therefore being found flawless is much more costly to me.
......As a human being I WILL NEVER BE PERFECT no matter how hard I try....It just does not happen.
But I can become.....more flawless every time I correct...wrong thinking, wrong actions, or stupid endeavors on my part.
Getting the ‘human’ flaws out is an ongoing, maturing process.....
Perfection can be a worthy goal but it is absolutely unattainable this side of Heaven’s Doors.
Looking at other family members and friends....sometimes we see the ‘major flaws’ do they with us.
The process whereby each person either lives with or works on correcting their own flaws can be very painful to the caring ‘onlooker’.
Yet we are powerless to remove the flaws from any life but our very own...
Why do we try?
Hope beats eternal in the human heart.
Helping someone to change his or her destructive ‘flaws’ seems a ’noble’ goal.
It is futile!
Only they can remove the ’flaws’ from their own life...
I’ve found that only “prayer” can make a difference for my loved ones or myself...
Because the eyes of the heart must open to want change for our very own selves and to recognize there are ’flaws’ or blemishes that can retard relationships or personal growth.... Only an internal remedy can initiate this process from within.
Prayer works....My life is proof or evidence of that process used by my very own parents. As I have, too, used this ‘tool of last resort’ in behalf of my family and friends....
Only God can change a heart...or life!
The word...Miracle...applies to this process.
Having many obvious flaws of my own....some I don’t want to let go of....I must have patience and compassion when I watch others struggle with their own....flawless....condition.
For you see...there by the grace of God....go I.....daily!
There was and only will be.....One Perfect Human Being!
....and I am not He!
Rest assured....I and you, too, will still have flaws as long as we reside on planet earth....Therefore, we can identify with the rest of the human race and perhaps have a measure of compassion...which is real....for our fellow man.
May God continue to bless and guide us in this ongoing process ...flaws and my prayer for you!
Have a...Flawless, Blessed.....Day!
Posted by
9:43 AM
May 20, 2003
Let’s Celebrate
May is the month that I have many family and friends.....birthdays!
My husband‘s, Charlie.....Blake, Cindy, Nancy, Sam and Matthew are a few.
Anyone who knows me......kinds laughs at me at the ‘importance’ of which I place on......birthdays!
I enjoy making a very ‘big deal’ of that certain day set aside in time....on which those I love.....was born.
That is ....”Their Day” matter what!
Adults sometimes ‘cringe’ when it becomes their day around me.....but I ignore this their dismay!
Ask Annie P. Sometimes I make hers last a whole week!
Silly isn’t it?
Because people are so important to me.....I NEVER want to take the ones who choose to stay in my life......for granted....
Anyone who can ‘put up with’ me.....deserves a medal!
Family and friends whom I love dearly.....are my heroes....
Not the stars of Hollywood, or the news media....or the whim characters of the day.....BUT the everyday, common, ordinary/extra-ordinary....people who make up my daily existence.
Therefore I have celebrate the life of these “home-grown heroes” in a simple way that says....I love and appreciate YOU....
.....As life goes forward, people come and go as well.
Each given time of life has its own chapter of ’local characters’......
I will continue to celebrate the birth of those whom God has placed around me enhance the quality of my life.
Therefore, Let’s Celebrate together!
Now is the time......Happy Birthday to ....
....Charlie, Nancy R., Blake (aka, King B), Cindy,
......Sam the Man, & dear Mattie C.....
God Bless ALL of YOU!
Posted by
9:39 AM
May 16, 2003
More Bull!!!
Returned from our trip a few days early in order to celebrate Charlie’s birthday with the family in Clearwater.
I laughed and laughed on this boat trip...
Our cousin, Ray Fortner and wife Betty, live in Pensacola, Florida.
Haven’t been around this cousin in years but knew that he had adventure in mind when he suggested the boat trip from Bro. Dockie’s book.
First of all the weather was really....HOT.
Getting a late start on Monday made being on the water at high noon - severe. Kenneth and Patsy joined us in their ‘nother new boat’.
While going down river, Kenneth hit something hard in the center of the channel....we believe a big gator moving slow. Anyway, enough of an impact to bend the blade of a brand new boats prop.
.....No problem...a crowbar comes out of the bilge....and we are on our way again....
Dockie explains the history of the areas we are going thru to Ray and Betty.
Yes, we do go the same run on which I run into the trees with the Milagro.
Who could help it....just look at the pictures on Link #1....Boat Trip Album and you can see how very easy it is to gather a few tree limbs on a big boat run.....The water was even lower this trip so we had to watch carefully for sand bars around every bend. Charlie did hit one going 900 miles an hour it seemed....I was sitting on a cooler taking pictures of the boats behind....the first thing I knew I was flat of my back with the cooler spilling ice and cold water all over me and the boat. We came to a complete stand still - immediately. No damage to boat, me....or camera. I made sure my camera was matter what.
Annie P. excelled again in her fish frying for the night. Specks were delicious...
Gator Bull was also served....EVERY DAY!
Laughter was....contagious.....poor Dockie got more than his share...he was stung by an ‘invisible varmint’ and had such a swollen upper lip that NO ONE could look at him without bursting out....LAUGHING!
We all tried, very seriously, to offer our condolences....just ask Ray.
Needless to say, the visit and trip was a huge success because a good time was had by all.....even ‘poor Dockie’.
Yes....It Is A Good Life!
And.....More To Come.......
Posted by
9:23 AM
May 9, 2003
Crusin’ Down The River
Preparing and taking another boat trip will occupy my time for the next week I’m sure.....
My brother, Dockie, has written a first novel entitled...
“Land Of Milk and Honey” by James R.(Dockie)Baxter...
It is a fictional story based on actual times, places, and many people who lived in the State of Florida from 1884 thru 1997.
The story starts in 1997 when a middle 40’s couple, living in Jacksonville, decide to chuck it all and retire on a boat. They go to Kissimmee and down the chain of lakes to Basinger . The story then reverts back to 1884 with a family in the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia ‘chucking their life’ there for the offer of homesteading in Florida for free land. They build a raft and with their three children start a water adventure which is life changing....
This week we are doing this same trip by boat which Dockie wrote about in his book. In fact, we have been traveling these same waterways over and you have been reading on my previous pages.
The first half of “The Calhoun’s” raft journey begins on the Suwannee River. They then go inland to Kissimmee for the last half of their journey by raft on the chain of lakes, which we have been moving big boats on for weeks now. There are smaller creeks and tributaries that can only be accessed by small boats, or in our case our dingy, or airboats.
Our cousins, Ray and Betty Fortner, from Pensacola had expressed a desire to do this run.....hence this weeks trip was planned.
Old Florida waterways and history of early settlements along these rivers and lake beds.... Is a specialty of Dockie and Ann’s research and living this book. A modern day Huckleberry Finn is this brother of mine.
Boating with him is....NEVER BORING!
Ask Charlie, Kurt, Sam, Kenneth, Walker, Buddy and countless others who get caught up in his nautical antics.
Dockie is one who always provides.....unforgettable experiences!
Any of you family and friends that are interested in his book can contact him . Price $12.95
He is self-published with a limited amount printed at any given time.
You see, he does not have time for anything so trivial as....’notoriety’!
I will write, again, IF I’M ALIVE, after returning from this ‘by-the-book’ adventure.......I can hear Dockie exclaiming....”All aboard, that’s going aboard....we’re out of here!”
See ya, mates....
Posted by
8:56 AM
May 8, 2003
What Do You Do???
Yesterday I was busy running around and around...
My husband, Charlie, has been at our boat this week....1 1/2 hrs. away doing of all things......working to put the fly bridge canvas back into shape.
As I have written before...I did temporary stitching on the zippers. This week he has driven into Winter Haven....short distance work with a Marine Canvas shop in order to do the job right!
Why all this emphasis on canvas?
Price custom made canvas with stainless steel frame, 3 bimini tops for a 33 ft. boat and see what kind of figures you come up with.
Therefore.....a stitch in time.....saves nine....stitches and dollars!
Having a block of time I can call my own....has kept me busy, busy, busy....
On Tuesday having lunch with our son Chad, put me up to date on his business adventures plus gave my heart a blessing.
Yesterday Lynn, Joshua and I did a great deal of running. Then we stopped for a quick lunch with Joshua being the delight....and fright....that he is as a two year old. He loved having two adults chase him at slow speed compared to his ’racing package’ motor run!
Arising early today, our son Chuck calls shortly before 7:00 am and he is already finishing a golf course job after a 4:00 am. start.
Asking, “What are you doing today?” threw me for a loop!
I could hardly tell you what I did yesterday....had to think hard to write the above.....yes, he, too.....will be in town today and I will have special time with he and Pipato, his helper, as well.
Mother’s Day Gifts of Joy have been mine all week with my three children blessing me with their presence and love...They each are so busy with their own lives that it can be costly to take ....time off.
Who could ask for anything more.....
As I read one of my morning devotions, these words hit me right between the eyes!
How true....
I am a ‘proud’ mother....and I am proud to be the mother of my three children no matter what their age is now.....nor mine!
You ask me what I do for a living?
I am filled with such a diversity of life that I could not compact the answer in a few words....
Except to say....simply......What I DO for a living is...Enjoy the Good Life and ALL the blessings God brings to me through my dear, dear family and friends.....
I am.....a woman who loves the Lord, her family, her friends, her country and good clean fun living!
What do I do for a living?
L I V the above realm.....
Welcome to my world......
P.S. Sounds like I don’t ‘work’ doesn’t it?
.......Let me tell you a secret......’WORK’ is the heritage of my family...”WORK’ is our middle name, “WORK’ was made ‘fun’ by my Mother, her mother and probably her mother as well....
It is ‘work’ even to .....have FUN!
Try going to the beach, or camping or boating with children or adults.
....In order to really have a good time....somebody has to work and set the stage for a ‘successful happening”!
There is no ‘magic wand’ .
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you working Mother’s!
I salute YOU+++
Posted by
9:20 AM
May 6, 2003
I have a ritual...upon arising every morning I greet my husband over a cup of coffee...and anyone else who happens to be in our home.
Then I, immediately, read my devotions.....about 4 of them....some light and positive, some with great depth and thought provoking. Often I will look up the Bible reference and meditate on its application to my life and the life of my family. Sometimes Charlie and I will comment on what we found important in that morning’s devotion. I then read the local newspaper, chatting off and on with Charlie. Sometimes I stop to take a phone call or place one....usually to our children.
This is the usual chain of events.....even when we go to the boat but without the newspaper part. I find that I MUST start my day with the right thoughts.
This chain of events happen at 5 or 6 a.m. or at other times it can be 7:00 am. Always being an early riser....7 a.m. is late for me.
Then off to the computer...checking e-mail and writing a ‘thought for the day’. When there are early morning appointments or running around in traffic-laden Tampa Bay....I just get up earlier.
You may say....”How boring!....Who really cares?”
The rest of the story is this......
......This ‘ritual’ didn’t begin just yesterday. It has been my discipline for years.....little Carla at 5 or 6 years of age (she is now 17)would often get up and come out with her little “Precious Moments” Bible and say so sweetly....”Can I please study with you?”
We would then read something from her little Bible and talk about it in her language.....Today Carla has much this same ritual. She does her devotion before going to school and no one tells her she must. When Charlie and I took her to Cocoa Beach for our “Special Week-end”.....she lay in bed doing her devotion before taking her “forever shower”....
What a blessing.....
Oh, yes, I am blessed to see the forward process in this simple routine of morning devotions being the continuance of....
A Good Life!
Posted by
9:24 AM
May 5, 2003
It’s About Time!
There are some people in life that you just can’t help.....liking!
They are just so....cute....lively....personable and.....FUN.
It is just delightful to be around them.
I know several of these individuals and I have one in mind that fits this description.....His good humor and MISCHIEVOUS Smile are so infectious that you CANNOT help liking him.....and wanting to be liked by him!
Do you know someone like that?
Bet you do!
.......Enjoy them....they have a job in life called....being the “Good Cheer” person! Every home and family and office needs one or two or three.
Tell them you appreciate their place in your life.
They are good at what they do....which is....making other people...HAPPY!
Sometimes it is work....when they run into a....determined sourpuss!
Yet their ‘attitude’ is infectious!
I salute you......Cheerleaders of life!
You help make...It A Good Life!!!
Bless you always.
Posted by
9:41 AM
May 2, 2003
New - Old
Yesterday I went to Bradenton to see my niece, Cindy.
Cindy recently bought a new house....actually a 1925 Florida original style house. It has been restored and walking into it was walking back in time.
It is immaculate. The feeling of the past plus the convenience of the present makes this a truly delightful and inviting.....home.
Also, it is only about 2 or 3 blocks from the river and many of the homes are being restored in this area.
It is wonderful to see the new and old come together in its natural environment.
A new community is being developed on the Hillsborough Bay that builds imitations or replicas of these old Florida/Key West look homes.
Go to and you will see millions of dollars being spent to provide the ambiance of this 1925 Florida Home.
Clink on link #1 and see the original....
Cindy sure knows a good thing....after all she is an original, first-class, old-fashioned.......Florida girl!
Posted by
9:19 AM
May 1, 2003
Last night our family met at Cody’s for our usual Wed. night Fajitas..
2 for 1 is a big draw when you have a ....big family.
We’ve been doing this periodically, for some time now.
Because several of us live in the Bay area, meeting once a week or so and catching up on the ’whatz happening’ gives us a chance to regroup...make plans...see any relatives who happen to be in town.....and feed a lot of people, good food at a reasonable cost.
Last nights event was just that...Matt & Jacob changed plans at last minute and went to Jacksonville...they called and said that ten of them were out in a sailboat...having fun!
Anyway, there were two....very members there.....Lynn and I.
Guess who got ’picked on’?
Not having the energy to meet the challenge...they went on and on....Especially Britt and Chad who have a very similar sense of humor.
Teasing me about ’boycotting’ anti-American dissenters....they carried it to such extremes in teasing that it was....ludicrous.
Drama was evident....mimicking me catching a fish and saying to the poor critter...”I have to throw you opened your mouth at the wrong are boycotted.....”....”Now guess I’ll just have to become a vegetarian.”...On and on it went....transferring from me to Lynn as the object of ridicule....We both became...aggravated.....needless to say, that fed their ‘fun’ even more.
Usually I am as bad as they are....when they are the object.....
.....but finally I got my ‘breakthrough’......I had to laugh at their downright ridiculous.....stupid.....FUN!
Knowing that they had no malicious intent......succumbing to the prevailing ‘mood’ of the majority was a ....MUST...finally!
Looking at Lynn several times during their ‘performance’....seeing a smile playing lightly around her mouth as she...’defended herself’....I knew that we had....”been had”!
Being a ‘good sport’ is not always easy on the receiving end of family fun.....ATTITUDE is everything in this crazy family!
Just back is coming....SOON!
Posted by
7:38 AM