Create your own.....H A P P I N E S S.....
Saw an article that caught my eye.... reminiscent of Dale Carnegie or Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.....
In any event, based on my personal experiences, there are a few pointers worth enumerating....
First of all, no one can expect to be happy ALL THE TIME.
Yes, there are some people who seem to radiate happiness MORE THAN OTHERS....
But you is not that happy people are completely unaware of life’s is just that they have learned how to balance the bad with the good....They seem to be able to cope better with anxiety and distress.
Unhappy people seem to approach life with a different mind set.
They often place the blame for their unhappiness on something or someone other than themselves.
They have a tendency to become cynical and seem to have problems...trusting others.
Real happiness has nothing to do with money or material things, but has more to do with how a person.... nurtures the mind.
Bringing happiness into your life starts by investigating some of the negative habits you have been harboring.
Once we create the habits.....the habits then....create us!
Some practical strategies are:
1...Take charge of your feelings. Assume responsibility for your actions and feelings. Do not waste time feeling like you are a victim; use that energy to take charge and focus on ways to solve your problems. There are options of life that you may not have considered...with a victim mindset.
2...Learn to deal with negative emotions...Anger and anxiety is the No.1 enemies of happiness. When they occur....and they will, do not deny the feelings.... acknowledge them....then step back and give yourself time-out to analyze, forgive, or dispose of the unnecessary elements involved. This will help you regain control of most situations; Patience and tolerance are options to negative mind sets...
3...Energize your life.....Research shows that when people lack energy, they worry excessively making minor problems seem....insurmountable...In Southern lingo....they make mountains out of mole hills:)
In contrast, high energy creates upbeat, positive moods...
Exercise is a way to make you feel better because it reduces tension and increases your energy level....If you put a little energy into motion; you will receive double energy in return.
4...Give out a little sunshine....Acts of personal kindness....paying a compliment....sharing a conversation....or just taking time to listen might make someone’s day a little brighter.
5...Put on a friendly face:)......Smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, WILL make you feel better.....Positive actions produce positive emotions.
6...Think gratitude...Count your blessings. Make a list of all the things you have to be thankful for: family, friends, home, faith, etc. Then write a gratitude list, which includes everything that happened that day....for which you can be grateful!
7...CHOOSE to be an optimist...Attitude is everything.
How you react to situations is your choice.
Optimists have a sense of control.
They believe that good things will last ....a long time.....and they label bad things as.....temporary events!
Psychologist says that pessimist suffer from what is called....
....”learned helplessness”....always expecting the worse.
Stop and confront habits that criticize, complain or find fault.....everywhere!
8...Find a creative outlet....some call it ’hobby’....something that you totally enjoy doing and allows you to be......YOU! This will give a reprieve from the daily responsibilities of helps to relive the stresses of daily living.
9....Be your expectations....
Many people truly believe they can alter their unhappy feelings through the love of another person. It is totally unrealistic to EXPECT others to be RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS....
Yes, you can receive support and encouragement from loved ones, but....
10.....Take time to develop personal faith.....this is the solid rock upon which all....physical, mental, emotional and founded.
It is in this that a person becomes Whole and Complete.....and....Healthy, Wealthy and Wise....
11......Happiness happens as a result of being be YOU!
12.......Happiness is a magnet.....surround yourself with ...happy, care free, healthy filled.....good-clean-fun....people.
12.......What or who you become.....Show me your friends and I will tell you who YOU ARE!
.......Bottom line....Don’t Worry+Be Happy! It is a.....Choice!
P.S. Nancy....keep it up....writing and.....Being Happy:)
Jun 25, 2003
Jun 24, 2003
Yesterday a member of our family, our son-in-law Tony, had a car accident.
Lynn, his wife....our daughter, just happened to drive upon it as she was leaving her condo complex. Tony had been taken away by ambulance but the Highway Patrol was there as well as Florida Power Electric since he hit a concrete light pole and broke it off to the ground. The Miracle is that the concrete pole did not fall toward his vehicle but in the opposite direction....This is the scene that Lynn drove upon....
She was very distraught to say the least as she called us and headed to Bayfront Hospital. Other family members were alerted along with prayer partner, Nancy. All of us arrived in the emergency room in a state of anxious concern.
The Florida Highway Patrol came in with some of Tony’s personal effects to give to his wife. What a wonderful, professional man he was along with being a very caring human being.
His name......Jesus’ Lopez.
Since both air bags ejected.....Tony was protected somewhat from the impact but had numerous abrasions from the airbags themselves.
After tests and x-rays it was determined that.....everything was normal, thank God, except for all the shocks of the impact that produced cuts and bruises, which would heal with time....
The family breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God for the Miracle of Tony’s life being spared from .....what could have been a real tragedy!
......Today in my morning devotion these words leap from the page.......
Prov.27:1.....Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.......
This truth became real yesterday.....
Our knowledge as a human race seems impressive - awesome.
We can split atoms, we can build skyscrapers, transplant kidneys, program computers, explore and explain outer space.....
But when it comes to ......tomorrow.... our knowledge drops to zero.
Tomorrow remains a factor X.....a mystery.
It may bring sickness, sorrow, or tragedy.
It may bring an answer to your hearts desire....a dream come true!
It may bring you to prosperity, the beginning of a friendship....
....or just another twenty-four hours of ......
It may not even come!
This kind of thinking leads to the ......inevitable question:
Are you/we ready?
“Ready for what?” you may ask...
“Ready for anything?”....I say!
.....Is your trust, your faith, your attitude of dependence on God....stable to sustain you/us.....regardless?
......I say after yesterdays encounter......Thank the Lord, it is His LOVE....that arranges our tomorrows.....and we can be certain that whatever it brings, HIS LOVE is sent our way....
That is why I smile every time I read Romans 11:33....
...”Oh, what a wonderful God we have!
How great are His wisdom and knowledge and riches!
How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and His methods!”
....It is this that brings a smile into our tomorrows ....
Yes, Tony is going to be all-right......for God is IN CHARGE of his tomorrows......and he will.....continue to enjoy.....The Good the grace of God!!!
Posted by
6:47 AM
Dear Readers......
Taking a few days off from daily writing makes it a little harder to get back to the habit. Being busy is no excuse for me.....I chose busy so how can I complain? We all have the same 24 hours in each day....
I do thank many of you who responded to my survey of comments about this page....taking the time to let me hear from you was a blessing.
The majority of comments were.....write once or twice a week as a catch up but continue on a regular basis....
I have several blogs that I follow and I am disappointed when I go to their pages and they haven’t posted for a ....long....long....time....
Nancy do you hear me???
Therefore I will continue....periodically.
Posted by
6:03 AM
Jun 21, 2003
Vacationing in Florida
Yo! Have been on vacation for a few my own home!
Our family had other family members visiting us from Puerto Rico this week and we did a mini-vacation with them.
Carlos, an accountant...and Alida, a teacher along with 6 yr. old Paula visited us for a few days. Rain did not stop their vacation.
Busch Gardens became a ‘water park’ adventure for them yet they had a ball. No lines and no heat they said....just water!
Having a “Happy Birthday Chad” party gave them a visit to the family Zoo.
Good food and fun was on the menu...a bit of violence cake frosting found its way into birthday boy’s new ‘hairdo’....and clothes.
Even though a price was paid....I, too, became a bit blue....but Matthew came to my defense after first stripping off his white gator shirt...
See pictures....Link #1
Two year old Joshua and six year old, Paula, looked on with amazement!
Adults being children and doing things that they would have been punished for.... was quite a shock!
Hope all they learned was......Fun is....ageless!
Posted by
9:39 AM
Jun 18, 2003
Dear Readers;
I received the e-mail below from a beautiful young lady, Melissa Jo.
Thought you might get a laugh also...
Have a good day!
RELIGION: Through A Child’s Eyes
*3-year-old, Reese: "Our Father, Who does art in
heaven, Harold is His name. Amen."
*A little boy was overheard praying:
"Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it.
I'm having a real good time like I am."
*A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to discuss the last one. The teacher asked if anyone could tell her what it was. Susie raised her hand, stood tall, and quoted, "Thou shall not take the covers off the neighbor's wife."
*After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, "That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys."
* I had been teaching my three-year old daughter, Caitlin, the Lord's Prayer. For several evenings at bedtime, she would repeat after me the lines from the prayer. Finally, she decided to go solo. I listened with pride as she carefully enunciated each word right up to the end of the prayer:
"Lead us not into temptation," she prayed, "but deliver us some E-mail. Amen."
* One particular four-year-old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."
*A Sunday school teacher asked her children, as they were on the way to church service, "Why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping."
*Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother, Joel, were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church." "Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked.
*Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door? They're hushers."
* A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, Ryan 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, 'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.”
Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"
* A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. "Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked. "He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied.
The boy thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?"
*A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied.
"Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered.
The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"
Posted by
9:28 AM
Jun 17, 2003
Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer, given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets some people.
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:
"Heavenly Father,
we come before you today to ask your forgiveness,
and to seek your direction and guidance.
"We know Your Word says,
"Woe to those who call evil good,"
but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium
and reversed our values.
"We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word
and called it Pluralism.
We have exploited the poor
and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness
and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn
and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists
and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children
and called it building self-esteem.
We have abused power
and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions
and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography
and called it freedom of statement.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers
and called it enlightenment.
"Search us, O God, and know our hearts today;
cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
Guide and bless these men and women
who have been sent to direct us to the center of Your will
and to openly ask these things
in the name of Your Son,
the living Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The response was immediate.
A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest.
In six short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls, with only 47 of those calls responding negatively.
The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India, Africa, and Korea.
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, "The Rest of the Story," and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired.
With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire, so that we again can be called "one nation under God."
In The Garden Ministries
(Shared by Fred Holt)
Posted by
6:22 AM
Jun 13, 2003
As we approach “Father’s Day” on Sunday I am very much aware of the blessing of life of the wonderful Father’s in our Family.
My husband, Charlie, loves his children.
Our children, Chuck Jr., Lynn and their Dad....
This is a ‘known given’....
Chuck Jr. has Chuck III..a Dad...clone.
Also, he has Carla and Vinnie boy...
Chuck a wonderful, awe-inspiring DAD!!!
Anyone who knows him.....respects and admires his role as Dad.
Some Dad’s take their role seriously.....others don’t.
I would like to pay special tribute to...
.....Charlie, Chuck, Rich, Blake and Uncle Frank!
May God bless their example of fatherly love and guidance.....even after they are long in the case of Uncle Frank.
Issues of the heart are eternal.....Fatherhood is sacred.
Some men know that instinctively.
So let’s celebrate the Dad’s in our family....
Of course, none of them are perfect...they are just simple human beings doing their best in the good, bad and ugly of daily life.
Real Love perfects....imperfections!
Dads we love you! Happy, Happy, Happy Father’s Day!
Posted by
8:39 AM
Jun 12, 2003
Freedom Concert
A Salute to the U.S. Military & Their Families
Last night Charlie and I attended Operation Tribute to Freedom at the Tampa St. Pete Times Forum. (Go figure name...)
It was totally awesome....
Governor Jeb Bush was there... Mayor Pam Iorio and even a couple of Tampa Bay Bucs...
The concert was free and exclusively for active and former U.S. servicemen and women and their guests. American patriotism and praise and thanks to those that served and are now serving was the purpose and focus.....A quiet, reverent tribute to the 246 soldiers, by name, who died in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, was presented on a giant screen. Some families of the deceased sat around Gen. Tommy Franks and wife Cathy and other military leaders.
Approximately 10,500 attended this country artists’ tribute to our military ....It was dedicated to ...The Great special appreciation to...People Who Do Their Jobs.
.....An unexpected appearance by Lee Greenwood and his trademark song..
If Tomorrow...started the momentum immediately.
Along came of all things...12 year old Ashley Gearing a first-class
Chris Cagle promised Gen. Franks that he would perform free, anywhere in the world especially for as he said....”A Street Dance in Baghdad” for the American and Coalition heroes still there....
Rebecca Lynn Howard sang her top 10 hit....Forgive.....
Charlie Daniels performed his...‘signature song, The Devil Went Down to Georgia’ with the apt remark, “A few weeks ago I bet Saddam thought the devil came down to Iraq!“ Then he transferred the mood rightly by singing one of the most beautiful renditions of “How Great Thou Art” that I have ever ever heard.
Next appearing was Darryl Worley, one of the first stars to take a stand for the U.S. and our President...Darryl played with great power and heart....”Have You Forgotten?” in reference to 9/11.
When Jo Dee Messina came on stage, this audience was in perfect agreement with the truth that....Freedom is NOT Free...
Each star, upon appearing on stage, bowed to the section containing lost family heroes and paid sacred tribute to the families for their sacrificial contribution for all of us.....
As Jo Dee Messina sang...Heaven Was Needing A Hero .....tears flowed freely from men and women alike.... Armed Forces network was carrying the concert, live to all parts of the you can imagine the impact on military listeners abroad.
The showstopper was.... Gen. Tommy Franks himself.....not only in his professional capacity but also as a wonderful, loveable, humble....delightful man who is a a human being. When he asked....”How ‘bout them Bucks?” in his Texas twang, the audience cheered. When he said, “How ‘bout that Tampa Storm?”(Arena Football)...the crowd shouted their approval.....then “How ‘bout that military that never quits?’...then saying in salute and tribute...”That’s YOU.”...
The crowd went wild....
But when Jo Dee prodded Gen. Franks into singing, impromptu....a few country/Texas sounding lyrics, he delighted the crowd ecstatically.
Bucs player Joe Jurevicious said it for all of us when he took the stage and mentioned his boss. “John Gruden’s got a great game plan,” Jurevicius said. “But none of them compare to this man’s,” he said to Gen. Tommy Franks....
All present.....were in “One Accord”...
The one theme for all of a personal sense for me.....
.......................R E S P E C T................
Plain and simple from the heart and lives of at least 10,500 other fellow red, white and blue...loving Americans.....
Ending in unison while singing ‘America” .....made the fact that It Is A Good Life....become a reality...again!
Link #1...two (bad) pictures...long distance seat...
....short zoom lens..dark stadium etc.
Posted by
9:40 AM
Jun 11, 2003
Yesterday I received a wonderful phone call from my dear “Joy Child”, Brittney. Britt had just gotten X-ray results on ‘nearly’ 2 yr. old Joshua.
Joshua has had a congested cold, off and on, for over a month. Resorting to dramatics....the Doctor suggested that he could be ‘asthmatic’ or be allergic to everything under the sun.
Finally Brittney got aggravated with...could be, maybe, or possibly and being ‘bright’ herself.....started demanding the medical profession listen to her.
But I am getting ahead of myself.....
Yesterday’s conversation on the phone with Britt left me.....Spellbound!
Britt said the night before that she had a dream of taking Joshua to the emergency room hospital and demanding that x-rays and some other tests, which she had not heard of until her taken.....
The next day....coming home from work, Lynn tells her that Joshua really needs to see the Doctor....
Interestingly enough, Brittney knew exactly what to do. There was even one part of the costs of X-rays covered by a special grant the hospital issued to her when her ’single mom’ coverage was inadequate.
.............The dream became an actual reality!
Brittney was in heaven with the results.....EVERYTHING NORMAL!
Nothing that plain and simple Miracle working prayer.....and $80.00 in respiratory medication could not heal!!!
Needless to say, Britt knew who to thank for her “Miracle Dream” and the results thereof!
The “Great” Physician, of course....Dr. Jesus!
Posted by
8:32 AM
Jun 10, 2003
That was....Then
Having dinner with Matthew and Chad last night...La Teresita no less....I was exposed, again, to some very different lingo.
The two of them are involved in a very creative marketing project for Matt’s benefit since his major is marketing.
Chad is several years down the road in successful experience in this field so he has cooked up a project in order for
Matthew to implement some of his ......NOW ‘book learning’.
I had to laugh at their humorous antics with each other and I was taken aback at some of their marketing words. yuppies today.....dinks....dual in-come, no kids.
Each year the staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together a
list to try to give the faculty a sense of the mindset of this year's
incoming freshmen. Here's this year's list:
The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were born in 1983.
Their lifetime has always included AIDS.
Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic.
The CD was introduced the year they were born.
They have always had an answering machine.
They have always had cable.
They cannot fathom not having a remote control.
Jay Leno has always been on the Tonight Show.
Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave.
They never took a swim and thought about Jaws.
They can't imagine what hard contact lenses are.
They don't know who Mork was or where he was from.
They never heard: "Where's the Beef?", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel", or "de plane Boss, de plane".
They do not care who shot J. R. and have no idea who J. R. even is.
McDonald's never came in Styrofoam containers.
They don't have a clue how to use a typewriter.
Time warp is around every corner....
That was then....this is NOW!
Let’s continue to make It a Good Life...NOW!!!
Posted by
7:59 AM
Jun 9, 2003
Who Would Believe It???
Yesterday at our Church, The River of Tampa Bay, we had an unexpected treat in the form of a Rock Christian Band from Minsk, Russia.
I was astonished when I reflected back to my blog writing on March 14, 2003...Craziest Instructions God Ever Gave Me... (see Archive to go there) In this blog I referred to my trip to then...Communist Russia.
Yesterdays happening was a ‘back to the future’ encounter for me....In 1983 when I received “God’s craziest instructions’ to go to Red Square in order to pray the prayer of Good over Evil....all I thought I was learning was....obedience.
I had not the foggiest notion that in 20 years l would experience the results of that....answered prayer....brought to the very doorsteps of where I live in the good ole USA! You can imagine the gratitude in my heart to God for His allowing me to be a small part in His great plan for Communist Russia.
Yesterday just ‘blew me out of the water’ to speak!
The music was awesome.....6 or 7 young men with spiked bleached hair, ponytails etc. led a praise and worship time to God.... Language was no barrier in the music of “How Great Thou Art“....our hearts leaped for joy in praise to the One True God....The God of the Whole Universe....The God over Heaven and Earth....The God of Russia and America.....
The God of ALL!
Yep, that’s ....My God!!!
My God of.....The Good and forever and ever more....Amen
Posted by
9:27 AM
Jun 6, 2003
Being an avid reader, I go through a lot of books.
Some good, bad and .....ugly!
Yesterday I finished a historical based love novel of early America life and happenings.....The book was full of words which were foreign to meaning or usage for me or my ‘Southern family and friends“.
Words like...vitriolic, cogitate, prurient, hubris, pulchritude, temerity etc. I had to refer to my dictionary. repeatedly, while reading the entire novel.
Seems to me the English America and ’my South’ is being spoken and written as popular and acceptable...kitsch.
My America Heritage Dictionary defines kitsch as...gaudy, writing, etc of a pretentious, but shallow kind, calculated to have popular appeal...pretentious bad taste....
Guilty, guilty, guilty.....
Movies, art, books, politicians, news journalist and reporters....use...kitsch.
Listen closely in the next few may need an interpreter in order to comprehend the language in reference to...computers, cell phones, politics which is ’politically correct’ with no ’spin zone’, religious phrases, teen lingo, nautical terms, golf talk and many other ’quacky words’ whose meaning is known only to a ‘chosen few’....
Then may clearly understand this.....kitsch!
Forgive me, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and many others. of being guilty of desecrating the English Language...knowingly and unknowingly....
Guilty, guilty, charged!
Posted by
8:37 AM
Jun 5, 2003
Today's thoughts are from an e-mail from my friend Bonnie....Thanks, Bonnie...
Happy "Special" Birthday to my friend....Sally Butler....Ding-A-Ling says, "Happy Day" also.....
Enjoy The Good Life, Honey!!!
Y E S!!~
When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of
weeds that are going to take over my yard.
My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff
you can wish on.
When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a
smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away...
My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back.
When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune
and don't have much rhythm so I sit self-consciously and listen.
Kids feel the beat and move to it... They sing out the words...
If they don't know them, they make up their own.
When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it.
I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk.
My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it,
until they fall to the ground laughing.
When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that.
My kids say, "Hi God! Thanks for my toys and my friends.
Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go
to Heaven yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy."
When I see a mud puddle I step around it. I see muddy
shoes and dirty carpets.
My kids sit in it. They see dams to build, rivers to cross,
and worms to play with.
I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from?
No wonder God loves the little children!
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may
look back and realize they were the big things.
I wish you Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
but by the moments that take our breath away."
Remember....we can NEVER come back to THIS moment...+++
Posted by
8:40 AM
Jun 4, 2003
Come On Now!!!
Don’t know about many of you...but having a wide variety of ‘nautical family and friends’....I am surrounded by people who can really tell some....Tall Tales!
Being dubious toward these tales has prevented me from becoming the ‘butt’ of their ‘foolheartedness’ at times.
Then at other times......they really were speaking the God’s truth!
Take the time Ray and Dockie come in talking about their one and only fish they caught after 2 to 3 hours on the water with ‘nothing‘ to show for it..... They swore they had placed the nice size bass on the dock outside of their boat as they became busy docking. Then they accused us of hiding it to make them look like ‘fish liars’ of all things! Of course the fish got larger and larger as we questioned them. Occasionally I would see Ray shaking his head while saying, “Wonder what happened to our bass?”
No one believed them.....No One.....not even the wonderful trusting wives.
Lo and behold, the next day someone spotted underneath the same dock a half-eaten, nice size fish. Needless to say, that was ’their’ fish!
The joyous vindication was obvious....
Was it real?
Only God knows..... my dear Mamma used to say.....”Even liars tell the truth...some time!”
Posted by
7:43 AM
Jun 3, 2003
Survey Blog
I am taking a survey on whether to continue writing my blogs or take a temporary sabbatical over the summer.
My response address for this web page is listed in Link#2.
Please let me hear from you.
Enjoy and Celebrate....The Good Life!!!
Posted by
8:57 AM
Jun 1, 2003
Received these thoughts below from my husband’s childhood friend, Brenda.
They are a short and concise summary of
my philosophy of ....The Good Life!!!.
Thoughts Worth Thinking About
(1) God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
(2) Dear God, I have a problem-- it's me.
(3) Growing old is inevitable, growing UP is optional.
(4) There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
(5) Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
(6) Do the math.... count Your blessings.
(7) Faith is the ability to not panic.
(8) Laugh every day, it's like inner jogging.
(9) If you worry, you didn't pray. If you pray, don't worry.
(10) As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home everyday.
(11) Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.
(12) The most important things in your home are the people.
(13) When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to
be still so He can untangle the knot.
(14) A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
(15) He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
(16) We do not remember days, but moments. Life Is moving too fast so
enjoy your precious moments .
(18) Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it's just
(19) It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just
remember to flush it!
(20) Enjoy....The Good Life.....DAILY!!!
Posted by
7:24 AM