Oct 28, 2006

Gonna take a SeaCruise this week....on the...Milagro........
Miracle in Spanish is....Milagro....
yep, life is a continuous...Miracle...in 'the faith'....

Western Caribbean to include Belize...
I've wanted to go to Belize for YEARS!
Dreams DO Come True!

Oct 27, 2006

Three-story townhouses with private boat slips on the inter-coastal....
Florida living at its best....Good 'nautical' Life.....

Oct 26, 2006

Thanks, Blake, for the following....I needed this reminder...TODAY!
Broke #9 yesterday while helping Chad move quickly by selling his house in 3 weeks...
Today I'll break some more....but not without feeling 'guilty' after being reminded of these things below....
An Angel says, "Never borrow from the future.
If you worry about what may happen tomorrow
and it doesn't happen, you have worried in vain.
Even if it does happen, you have to worry twice.
1. Pray
2. Go to bed on time.
3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.
4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule,
or that will compromise your mental health.
5. Delegate tasks to capable others.
6. Simplify and unclutter your life.
7. Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)
8. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
9. Pace yourself.
Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time;
don't lump the hard things all together.
10. Take one day at a time.
11. Separate worries from concerns.
If a situation is a concern,
find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety.
If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.
12. Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
13. Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet,
an extra housekey buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
14. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can
prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
15. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.
16. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.
17. Get enough rest.
18. Eat right.
19. Get organized so everything has its place.
20. Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life.
21. Write down thoughts and inspirations.
22. Every day, find time to be alone.
23. Having problems? Talk to God on the spot.
Try to nip small problems in the bud.
Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.
24. Make friends with Godly people.
25. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.
26. Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is
often a good..."Thank you Jesus."
27. Laugh.
28. Laugh some more!
29. Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.
30. Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).
31. Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most.
32. Sit on your ego.
33. Talk less; listen more.
34. Slow down...
35. Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.
36 . Every night before bed,
think of one thing you're grateful for that
you've never been grateful for before.
"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)
+++Chad's new view...

Oct 25, 2006

Get It On....
My public 'musings' can be a real 'pain in the butt'....
But a writer....has to write....or they are not a writer are they?
I have been writing for many years now....most of it just rambling vignettes...
I've written about....family, friends, strangers, boating, spiritual
growth or lack thereof, relationships, laughter, tears and........nonsense.
Years ago I printed these little 'vignettes' and
gave them away...
The internet allows this same kind of 'giving away'
but in another 'format'....aka: blogging
Now I have to decide if I want to continue in this
way or make a change.....
With a new year looming ahead there are
changes taking place in my life and family that causes
me to reflect, analyze, seek, pray and prepare
for ....CHANGE!
As Forrest Gump used to say...
"Life's like a box of chocolates....
you never know what you're 'gonna get'!"
So I say today....Let's get it on!

Oct 21, 2006

Salute To The Military...Aerobatic displays, vintage aircraft, fly-bys, Marines assult on the beach and people galore...You all are our heros!

The St Petersburg Airfest....Salute To The Military...was an awesome and hot, hot, hot, time today....Our Marine, Pipo, was part of the many displays open to the public....Makes one proud to be....An American...

Awesome display of air power....and skill!

Charlie and Chuck among the crowd looking to the skies for airfest activities....

Paratroopers with Florida state flag....

The USMC 4th Assult Amphibian Bn., Tampa, Florida landed at St. Pete Airfest...Our Marine 'Pipo' was 'on duty'....in the Florida heat...which doesn't compare with the Iraq heat he experienced last year...

Carlos I, II, and III....IV was with 'Mommy'....

Our Marine greets his Mom, Terry.....

Charlie and friend view race car...

Russian plane

Blue Angels

Army Howitzer like Charlie used in Vietnam

Children on Marines amphibious assult vehicle

Greetings from the Marine Corps track....

A word that every
one uses all the time.
Did you ever wonder what
"Sorry" looks like.

Thank You...
Having a 'grateful heart' is a beautiful sight to see!
Lately I've observed some people who have this....and some who do not!
Those that do not have this.....are truly missing out on a thrilling way to live .
Even Jesus made note of the 'grateful heart' experience when he healed 10 lepers (in Luke 17:11-19) AND ONLY ONE CAME BACK AND THANKED HIM!
Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the nine? Does only this one return to give thanks and acknowledge God?"
How in the world could anyone who has received such a blessing of life as 'healing' not be so thrilled that their heart would shout with appreciation, gratefulness and thanksgiving?
I really do not know because my humanness has to tell...and thank the persons responsible for blessing me personally...
This is also true of the 'little things of life'.
When someone, anyone, does something 'nice' for me....my heart fills with an emotion of gladness to the degree that I want to reach out to that person and hug and kiss and hug and kiss and say, "God bless you, honey, for being so good to me"....I thank, thank, thank you sooooo much! My heart must convey what mere words can not.....sooo I go and tell 'God' how wonderful this person has been to me (as if He doesn't know) and would He please help me by blessing them Himself. Then I look for human ways and actions to show my gratitude to this dear one.
As I write a 'thank you' note, my heart explodes with gladness and this emotion finds it way into my words...but this must be done quickly after the event while the heart is filled to the top with......this valuable emotion called 'gratitude'.
Left neglected, gratitude slips quietly away and is soon replaced with complacency or a 'taking for granted' attitude.
Nothing sours the soul like an 'ungrateful' heart!
Saying 'thank you' is only 'manners' we learned at our 'Mother's knee', at Kindergarten, from caring parents......
Is it really so hard to say a simple 'Thank you'?
Thank you, Dear One, for taking the time to read
my 'wrambling writing' page....God Bless your heart....Today!

Oct 17, 2006

Mattie C. & Ash take a Caribbean cruise on the 'Inspiration'.....
their continued love (since high school) is an inspiration for sure....
God Bless you both, Dear Ones....
Click on picture to enlarge ...
Go to left...Links....Photoshow for Animation to see pictures in video format.

Engaged and HAPPY Ashley....with a Million Dollar Smile...

Senor' Carlos....and Matthew Carlos a VIP...Very Intelligent Person!

Island fun for two very enterprising, hard working young people...

Welcome to...Passion Island....

Matt enjoying a Cuban & Corona on Passion Island where all the filming of Corona takes place...

Very 'unAsh' like....in fact...these are mere props....you go girl!

Isn't Love Grand?

Matt & Ash saying, 'It's a GOOD Life!"

Oct 8, 2006

My Angels with a 'timeless' message for YOU!

LOVE is the reason for.....L i v i n g!

I write my morning prayers in a personal journal...in the past I would compile some of these prayers and print them in little books of inspiration for my family and friends...today I am going to include one of those prayers, about love, here.

"Lord, as You have taught me....Love is the reason for Living! Those who live in Love....live in God...and God lives in them. This is how Love is made perfect in us:....a person can not have Love...the real Love....Without God....because simple put as it says in 1John 4:8b.....God IS Love.... Love is not 'something you DO'....it is WHO YOU ARE!

Love comes from......LOVE.

like apples comes f rom an apple tree...oranges comes from an orange tree.....Love comes from the Love source.....YOU !

Doesn't get much 'plainer' or better than this does it dear Father? Now, also, Love gives.....'For God so loved....that he gave....(John 3:16)...Love is a giver + not a 'taker'....anyone who lives in Love wants to GIVE....this is a 'sure sign' of one who knows YOU (love) personally......But, Lord, I have learned....'you can not 'outgive' YOU our God!

God, You are the greatest of all....giver.

Make me more like You, I pray.

......Your word says all of the above simply and clearly............................. (1John 4:14)..."So you see, our love for HIM comes as a result of....HIS LOVING US FIRST....We can only return what you have first given us......for....GOD IS LOVE"....Don't you know? In Jesus Name, Amen

Oct 7, 2006

Family Seafood fest at Chuck & Terry's was a FUN time....getting to see Pipo & Melissa Jo's house was a treat...

Sr., Jr. & III, taking a ride on the lake behind Chuckie/Pipo's house....

Clowning around with 'Lil Turkey'...Aunty Carla, Uncle 'crazy' Vinne, and Gracie Poo...

Vinnie and his 'perfect' girl, Gracie...love your new haircut, honeychile!

Aunt Carla gives lil Chuck/Turkey a long, long ride...he loves it!

Howdy Everybody....

Lil Chuck's look alike friend next door, Conner, is his 'best buddy'....

Home Sweet Home for Marine Chuckie, Melissa Jo and 'Lil Turkey'...

Oct 5, 2006

Do you know this place?

Today's Reminder.....

Oct 4, 2006

Lab work that is productive and FUN!

Playpen Babies and dedicated scientist

Happy Faces....multiplied....

Oct 3, 2006

Thought for the Day...
Below is a short, simple e-mail from my sister-in-law, Liz.
'Tis the God's truth, don't you know!
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Oct 2, 2006


Peace Be With You.....
This sounds like a normal greeting on Sunday morn
heard in churches all over America and.....elsewhere .....
Yet at times these words roll off of the tongue without the true
essence of their meaning ever being impacted upon the
mind and heart!
Of course, I'm speaking 'from experience' , don't you know!
I'm reminded of the 'olden days' when a friend or neighbor died,
in the South, don't you know,
and one of the questions asked of him or her was,
"Did she make her 'peace with God' before she died?"
This was a pertinent question somehow that I never understood as a child...
Why was that important?
Now I find myself saying at times about certain incidents,
"I just don't have peace about that!" or
'that upset me or made me very mad.....
but I prayed about it and now I have peace about it!'
PEACE is vital to.......good health!
Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual...
If I don't walk in constant, daily peace with myself and God,
I am out of sync with the essence of life for....me.
...In one modern version of the Bible it reads....
"Let the peace that Christ gives, control your thinking...."(Colossians 3:15)
The peace I need daily, I can't get by myself...I need 'outside help'...
Ask a Mother Theresa type person how they deal with all the
injustice in life aimed at the 'forgotten'....
Work in a domestic shelter for a few days and 'feel' how 'angry' you get!
Look in the face of a 'neglected child' and 'feel' your heart break....
We are inundated by the news with much of the above....how can
this not penetrate our hearts and cause us anxiety and stress?
Taking action is necessary and helps.....
but our minds and hearts rebel and must be....'laid to rest'.
It is in this that the simple prayer of..
"Lord, let the PEACE that Christ gives.....
set my mind and heart to rest today...
It is for this I pray..."
This, too, is my prayer for YOU.....Peace Be With You....
and I truly mean it, don' t you know?

Oct 1, 2006

To see photoshow of the pictures below....go the left of this page under Links:
choose ....Recent Photoshow Animated....then click on ...Family Fun....
It is short....
I'm experimenting with this process....
Have a great....FUN....day!