Laughter IS Medicine!
Come laugh with me
I say to you...
CHANGE that look
from sad and blue...
Indeed you MUST...
For in my words
you sure can trust....
That Laughter chases
the blues away...
And releases your soul
to come out and play....
To play and explore
your special “Light Side”....
Where no pill nor drug
can turn the tide.....
Because to laugh
is to release yourself,
Completely to LIFE
and fullness of HEALTH.....
John 16:24...LB.....Jesus said, “Ask, using My name,
and you WILL receive, and YOUR CUP OF JOY
Feb 28, 2003
Feb 27, 2003
Celebrate Life!
Let’s have a party and have some fun,
Like Christmas, like birthdays,
all rolled into one.
Let’s celebrate and
Ring those chimes
Releasing ourselves to wonderful times....
Of happiness, fun and
living so grand
That Heaven itself
seems dropped on our Land....
Let’s celebrate life’
in ALL we think and do...
By allowing God’s energy
to flow through and through....
In this we will be blessed anew each day...
If only God....could have His way....
Psalm 96:11......Let the heavens rejoice,
and let the earth be glad....
Posted by
8:39 AM
Feb 26, 2003
To Be or Not To Be?
Have you ever let your soul....roll?
Have you ever set your
Have you gotten in tune with life
Like a monkey in a tree.....?
If you have not my friend,
Why, you need a kick in your end.....
Because life is a frolic when once we see,
That in taking ourselves soooo seriously,
We often miss the joy each day
Of living, fully, in a creative, fun-filled way....
But tis not too late to have some fun,
Just take your troubles to The Son....
For what He said is full of life,
Which cuts across all pain and strife
This releases both you and me...
To be totally and joyously,
100% FREE!!!
John 8:36...... If the Son makes you free,
then you will be really FREE....
Posted by
7:58 AM
Feb 25, 2003
Monkeying Around!!!
I look in the mirror
and what do I see?
Just another monkey
peering back at me -
But when I look very, very hard....
Past the shadows that tend to retard -
I see a soul, a spirit, a self
That joyously reminds me
of a little elf.
Then a secret smile way down deep
Tells me God is alive
and NEVER asleep
So I go on my way
knowing deep inside...
That I’m really NOT a monkey...
When in God I abide!
Psalm: 46:10...Be Still and KNOW -
That I AM G O D!!!
Posted by
11:36 AM
Dear Readers;
You will please forgive me if I regress....For the next few days I will do postings from a little notebook of poems and musings of insights that I wrote a few years ago.
These are all my own do not expect perfection in prose or thought....I am just as human as the next person and mistakes flow freely from my life and pen...
If I add a quote by others...I will always give the source to the best of my knowledge. Otherwise....what you read is original with me.....Look closely for you will see that sometimes even the nonsense....can make....sense.
Time leaps forward
It does NOT stand still
I am not yesterday
Nor yet am I tomorrow
I am
What I need to learn
from the past that is good...
I take with me
into today’s experience....
Today I can CHANGE
or rearrange....
M E.....
The moment of NOW.
Posted by
9:12 AM
Feb 24, 2003
I’ve been having so much fun that it is hard to play ’catch up’ on my blog page. The weather here in Florida is ......unbelievable.
Yesterday Charlie and I had our Sunday walk thru the Serenity Park of the Promenade at Carillon. This is a natural park environment, native to Florida, plants and animals galore...all living in harmony and peace within their own habitat. Carillon is directly across the street from our home.
It has just recently, within 5 years or so, become a mega-corporate area for many major companies i.e.; Ramon James Financial, U of Phoenix ...extended studies center, American Lung Assoc. etc.
Despite this the original natural park area has been kept intact but the addition of wooden deck pathways have been added in order to walk over the water areas. The focal point of this tranquility island is the Carillon Bell Tower, which peals its wonderful sounds for miles around.
The children in our family remember this area with delight.... In its pre-corporate days.... Picnicking with candy bars and sodas while weaving tales of adventure to our hearts delight.
Matthew, Brittney, Carla and myself had a memorable experience when we played the game of.....TRUST throughout the area before the wooden decks were added.
Two were blindfolded and two were.....Leaders of the blind.
The #1 rule we made was.....All instructions are games or tricks allowed.... Instructor had to guide their blindfolded ’victim’ around the park area, safely, and return to a given point...before the others arrived.
REMEMBER; this is a truly Florida everglades natural park. To see this area go to.....Link #1 and look in album under...Nautical & Tropical...and click on sign posted in park in order to see how ’serious’ this adventure really was....
Then we reversed the roles.....Each person had to really TRUST their leader unconditionally. It was a ‘scary’ experience. Especially having Matt as a guide for he had a tendency to ’trick’. Just ask Britt and Carla.
In this case, Matt went by the rules. All of us remember this ’lesson of life’ well. Our ‘by faith’ walk lesson also, gave us a deeper insight into what ‘being physically blind’ means.
Yesterday’s walk....was truly a walk down memory lane....
As Charlie and I take Joshua....where his Mother, Brittney played ....the circle of life moves forward. Making it a “Good Life” is to be continued.....
Posted by
10:52 AM
Feb 21, 2003
Tell Us....Tomorrow
Two wise men, walking down the road of Time,
saw Tomorrow approaching dimly in the distance.
They shouted, ...”Tell us, Tomorrow, what are you like?
Shall we fear you.....or feast you?”
.....And Tomorrow answered, in tones that sounded
clearly through the midst.
....”Come to me neither with anxiety nor with procrastination,
but with faith and hope and with.....Today’s work well-done...
.....You can not know ahead what I am like,
but when you reach me,
you shall see me through the eyes of.....what and who ...
.......YOU are...NOW.”
Posted by
9:52 AM
Feb 20, 2003
Something to Think....About!
Think about this.. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.
1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in someway.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they don't know
the good intentions of your heart....
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't
like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists..... loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever.... something good
.....comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you
most likely turned your back on the world.!
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you
probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself and have faith, probably,
sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the
rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; YOU WILL FEEL MUCH
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that
Posted by
9:09 AM
Feb 19, 2003
Matthew and I have a game we play and have played since he was a child....
Almost every time we see each other....(Matthew is in his third year of college now)....we bring up a ‘new word’ to see if the other knows what it means....Matthew liked to shock me when he was 10,11, 12 etc.
Words like diaphragm, condom etc. entered our game....
Over the years I have faithfully and truthfully given my southern definitions without embarrassment at all.
It is getting harder and harder to find a word unknown to Mattie C.....
......Often now he ‘stumps’ me.....since he is so ‘learned‘...
But you see....Mattie C....My Seniority Baby....has what I call....
...Quiet Intelligence.
He listens a lot, observes others closely and sees things that others miss.
Yet if you met Matthew as a stranger you would think that he was just the most charming sweet mannered young man ever.
Last night at Bennigan’s during a family celebration.....Chad took advantage of Matthew to sneak a trick on him while he was unaware....
Upon leaving while we are all hugging and kissing good-bye, Matthew gets even with Chad.....not so quietly.
So my word for Matthew is now.....S A G A C I T Y.
.....Meaning....The quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; Wisdom......
Matthew has.....Sagacity.
For a picture of my seniority baby who has grown in sagacity.....Click link #1 and go to Family Photos......Yep....that’s him...that’s my baby!
Posted by
8:09 AM
Feb 18, 2003
Whatz So Funny?
Smiling, giggling and laughing is contagious.
I know...
Have you ever tried NOT to smile or laugh when others are doing so?
As a child my cousin, Yvonne, and I used to play the game...’Bet I can make you laugh!”
Being stoic is hard.....or near to impossible when a laugh challenge is issued.
I know. I always lost!
Again, I have memories of certain people whose laughter was so much fun just to hear..... It seemed to come from deep down and burst forth spontaneously with sheer delight and joy. It could be ‘felt’ by others.
My Aunt Evie, Aunt Belle and Uncle Jessie were three people that I just loved to hear their laughter. I could pick them out in a crowd.
But, alas, I do believe that we have gotten so prim, proper, civilized and.....stoic that laughter is a ‘forgotten art’.
I challenge you......listen closely.....can you hear it....can you feel it still alive within you?
Emotions felt and expressed healthily are balance and stability to the soul. Laughter given full reign will loosen the stress,
strain and pressure of a stoic and serious existence....
I received a child like card recently that was called......
Rules For Riding Rainbows
1...let your inner child come out to play.
2...grab the reins of a new risk.
3...hold on, but not too tight.
4...follow a whim wherever it leads. something silly when nobody is watching. something WILD with ALL the world watching.
7...go on a miracle hunt.
8...pour some color into someone’s dreary corner.’s o.k. to laugh or cry or even scream when
you’re riding your rainbow.
10.Laugh....AT.....Yourself! Just Look in the Mirror!
Have you ever Seen any other face
That looked like That?
11.BE YOURSELF!...No two human beings have made,
or ever will make, E X A C T L Y the same journey in life....
12..Enjoy Yours......Daily! Let no day go by in which
you have not.....Laughed!
Posted by
7:34 AM
Feb 17, 2003
One of my prayer partners, Abby, has a wonderful Llardo’ collection. One item is a cluster of elephants. A beautiful piece of art.
A woman from her golf group entered Abby and Al’s waterfront condo and immediately was attracted to the elephants.
She informed Abby that the elephants were gorgeous but that they were ‘facing in the wrong direction’ in order for her feng shui forces to be in harmonized balance.
Outspoken Abby’s initial response was....”What a bunch of...crap!”
According to this ’feng shui ‘expert’ theory....if your home is in alignment with the landscape, a healthy life force is created. Harmonizing and harnessing environmental forces and bringing them to the personal level will bring good chi into your house and bring you good health, good relationships and prosperity. This enables one to capture energy in order to empower oneself and ones home with positive energy.....
I am amazed at what lengths some people will go to in order to formulate their beliefs.....right or wrong.
......At the same time I must question my own self, my own thinking to see if perhaps I, too, have been missing the mark in some of my own ‘beliefs’.
Not my faith concepts which are rooted and grounded in Scriptural facts itself....but my human application of those truths. Maybe I need....correction in ‘wrong thinking’!
For instance.....when I know The Bible tells me to Love without ceasing....I have a tendency to Love as long as others do ... ..... or if they love me back....or agree with me.....are good and kind in return... It seems my personal interpretation is.....Love, my way, and things will be fine.....but cross over this certain line.....and I might NOT love you!
What a bunch of CRAP!
This is NOT what the Scripture says at all. (read 1 Corn. 13 for the truth)....It says Love period...Let Love be your greatest aim. Love never fails...three things remain: faith, hope and love.
Now I must ask myself.....Iz Zat So? my life.
In truth, I am guilty of being in error just as the ‘feng shui’ advocate is in error with what to me... is her very radical theory.
In truth, I do know that the Bible’s kind of a choice.
This makes love a decision or choice in my life.
I choose who and what to Love.
Sometimes I fall short of Real very human attitudes try to make the decisions of whether I will love this one or that one.
Sometime I succeed.....sometimes I fail.
Yet I know the truth.....
I NEED God to love through me in order to fulfill this mandate to Love freely....good, bad or ugly.
That is why I pray and stay close to Him because He has what I have not.....
The Power to Love....unconditionally.
....1John 4:8b says.....God IS Love.
There is my answer....
I don’t have it...period.....unless I have Him.....
My friend, Abby, knows all of this....that is why she can turn her elephants in any direction she chooses.....and still be blessed with health, joy, prosperity, and Real Love....
Enjoying the Good Life of Real still....our choice.
Zat is the truth....the whole truth....and nothing but the help us, God!
Posted by
9:35 AM
Feb 15, 2003
If you are new to my site I would suggest that you go to the beginning of my archives....
some of the writings will make more sense beginning there......and some will make less!
Have a wonderful "Celebrate Life" Day!
Posted by
9:35 AM
Feb 13, 2003
I See......Love
With many serious happenings around us in America and the world today....can we really be so frivolous as to entertain the idea of a....
Celebration of Love....called Valentine’s Day?
Seems ridiculous doesn’t it?
Actually I’m inclined to disagree based on the adage from the old song...
“Love, Love, Love, makes people Happy
Love sets people free...
Loves makes people do...
The things they know they ought to do....
Love is just the way for me and you....”
Or....“Love makes the world go round”.
Words used to convey the emotions and intentions of the heart are priceless....when they are received in the same ’spirit’ by which they are given. We each use our own form of expression which is comfortable for us. Saying, ’I love you’ is one thing.....showing it in action is another.
Action is Love.... proof....evidence.....of an internal happening and can not be hidden if it is genuine and real.
As I look throughout my entire house....our big boat etc. I see so much love in action that it overwhelms me. Everywhere I look is a reminder of someone in my life saying....”I Love You in action...” such as;
...over my computer is a Thomas Kincaid picture called “Bridge of Faith”...
this very computer also is a gift from my family....hand made pillow on my boat with rainbow and smiley face, marine icemaker on boat, numerous items with lighthouse themes...on and on the list goes... I am truly blessed!
For me, this investment of Love has a responsibility must be given away as freely as it has been received....Not the things.....but the Love that prompted the giving to me must be an example by which I, too, ‘pay it forward’ so to speak. Then the circle of complete.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:)........(please ignore spelling)
...Yo Tequiro Mucho!
...Ich Liebe Disch!
...Se Agapo Puli!
...I Love YOU!!!
Posted by
9:52 AM
Feb 12, 2003
A Heritage of Freedom.......
In my Daily Guidepost devotional, today's words struck a responsive cord in my heart. It was written by Eric Fellman and reads as follows;
.....”Carved in the marble walls of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. are these eloquent words from Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address:
....With malice toward none;
....With charity for all;
....and with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right,
....let us strive on to finish the work we are in; bind up the nation’s wounds; care for him who shall have borne the battle, for his widow, and his
....orphan - to do all, which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace
....among ourselves, and with all nations.
Our family explored what it means to seek peace when we invited a young Muslim student to dinner in our home a few months after
September 11, 2001. As the meal progressed, one of our sons asked our guest how she came to be in America.
“My father came here on a work visa” she replied. “When the trouble came, he told us to pack to return home, because he was afraid of how
Americans might treat us. Then, a few nights before we were to leave, he was watching the news on television. There was a group of people outside the White House, protesting American military action. A large, hostile crowd watched the protesters, and between the two groups were dozens and dozens of police. My father watched for a long time and then turned to the family and said, ”Go unpack your bags. We are staying. Nowhere else in the world would the police protect the protesters. This is the freest land on earth, and we will make it our home.’”
Posted by
9:45 AM
Feb 11, 2003
NEW LINKS....Just click on link to go there......Also, see new photos....
I add to them occasionally.....
Link # 1......Photos
Link # 2......E-mail Address
Etc....Personal Link
Please feel free to provide feedback...I'm taking a survey.
Any imput you have would be greatly appreciated.
Have a "Great" Day!
Posted by
6:38 AM
Well, it is 4:00 a.m. and I am up with my mind going 900 miles an hour.
First of all, must take Lynn & Tony to airport at 4:30 for their trip to Las Vegas.
.....But it is more than that. There is an excitement in the air....
Anticipation for something wonderful to come....a ‘happening’ out of the blue.....SERENDIPITY....
Have you ever ‘felt’ like that?
It is a ‘feeling’ you know.
Some may call it a ‘intuition’ .....others ESP.....
I call it a sense, a knowing that a ‘answer to prayer’ is in the works and will shortly be ‘borned to life’.....
I FEEL it in my bones.....
Life is bursting out all over.....
The Good Life is apparent every day when we live by our heart.....but here I am talking about something more.
I’m talking about a........M I R A C L E!
Let me tell you my personal definition of an answer to prayer..... Miracle.
.....When God brings into existence those things that we know nothing about in order to supplement those things of which we do know. This becomes Virtual Reality of the Heavenly Realm Existence.....on earth.....
A Miracle is.....IWG
Impossible Without God.
Posted by
5:58 AM
Feb 7, 2003
Feel free to send comments, suggestions, questions, etc.
for photos go to....
Have a "Celebrate Life".....Day!
Posted by
8:21 AM
This Article is dedicated ...with much the memory and life of my Aunt Ethel.....who just went 'Home' after 98 years on planet earth.
Reading another person’s ‘opinion’ or ‘blog’ went something like this.
....Change. It’s everywhere. We are born. We grow up, become stronger, and then get older. We get weaker. Death - comes.
....Change. Families change. A man and woman become husband and wife.
They birth children.
The children marry ’outsiders’ who then become ’family’.
The children move away.
The husband and wife are alone again.
A spouse dies.
....Change. Finances change. We work at entry levels.
We earn promotions.
We build lifestyles based on increasing incomes.
Then we retire.
Incomes become fixed.
So much change.
I agree with the ‘realistic’ facts listed above.
Yet they each project a.......dismal bitter end.
I prefer thinking of this same scenario with the
“It’s A Good Life” mentality....
Once I wrote a little book for family and friends about “Heaven”...not the pie in the sky definition but a down to earth....based on The Bible‘s ....Real....Heaven.
In the back of the little book I summarized it with an article by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s called.....
GOD’S ANSWER IS....”LIFE”.......(for me.....It’s a GOOD Life)
Before you came into this world you were an unborn baby.
And in going from this world we know....into another world we are still unborn babies so far as the next world is concerned.
A baby not yet born, still tucked under his mother’s heart in his safe cocoon...might say, “This is a warm place. I’m taken care of; I’m secure here. I like it!” And then somebody might say to him, “You are not going to stay, you are going out of this world into another.”
That baby would look upon the process of birth as if it were death, since it would be the end of the state he was in....
And he would say, ‘I don’t want to die;
I want to stay here. I understand it here.”
What to us is birth, to him is death, and he resists it.......
But the day comes when he does die to that life and is born into this air breathing mortal one.
What happens to him?
The newborn baby is cradled in loving arms:
soft hands hold him gently; a kind face looks down on him and he loves that face. He is king of the world he surveys.
.....Then he begins to grow and finds life good....
Oh, he has hardships, but that is to make a strong man of him.
He has some struggles, which toughen his fiber.
But he loves God and people love him.
Finally he gets to be an old man and he is told, ‘You have to die”.
....He protests,....”I don’t want to die. I love this world. I like our dear, human ways. I have lived here a long time....I don’t want to die.”
But he does die to this world and is BORN into the next world....
....the “Real” world he was being prepared for all along.
The person who leaves us and has known Jesus Christ....will awaken to find himself young again. Loving faces will greet him; loving hands will touch him. More beautiful sunlight than ours will fall upon his face; sweeter music will sound in his ears....
And he will say to himself.........”Why was I so afraid of this that we call death when, as I NOW know it,....IT IS LIFE....THE REAL THING!!!”
This is exactly what Jesus was saying when he said, “ I Am the Resurrection and The Life....and whoever lives and believes in Me....SHALL NEVER DIE!”
Yes......God’s Answer IS LIFE.....The Good Life.....
Posted by
8:08 AM
Feb 6, 2003
E-mail received.....(Thanks, Blake:)......Subject: The President....
Max Lucado is a Christian author who is very popular for his many wonderful books about the Lord. This week, Max was invited (along with several other famous preachers) to have lunch at the White House with President Bush.
Their meeting took place on Thursday and Max shared with us this morning how it had gone. As the ministers sat down to lunch and waited for President Bush to appear, Max said that he was expecting G.W. to walk in the room looking tired, serious, and depressed.
When the President came in, Max said he looked totally the opposite of tired: he was energetic, joyful, and very focused on his talk with the ministers. Max asked President Bush how he could seem so calm and peaceful in the midst of all the tragedy.
The President's reply was, "I'm feeling stronger now than I've ever been in my life. And the reason is because every person in America is praying for me.
When I stay on my knees, that's when I have power."
The ministers then asked the President how he would like them to pray for him, and how their congregations back home should be praying. Pres. Bush asked, first, for clarity of mind so that he could make wise decisions, and then he asked that we pray specifically for his wife and two daughters, as he is very concerned about their safety. I knew that you would be as encouraged as I was to hear about this meeting.
We must thank God that we have a President who loves and fears the Lord.
No human leader is perfect, but God is perfect, so let's keep President Bush lifted up in prayer before the Father.
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says
to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Posted by
9:21 AM
Feb 5, 2003
Big Boys and their......Toys
I accept the fact that we live in a very hi-tech age.
I might not understand exactly how a laser beam or a microchip can possibly work, but for someone who has a knowledge of physics, it all seems quite possible and even predictable.
Yet some of the ’toys’ and ‘gadgets’ on the market blow my mind.
Others.... I find very intriguing.
Using my digital camera with my computer is fascinating to me. I download digital pictures and make “My Pictures” the screen saver. Seeing my family and boating activities flash before my eyes on the screen... is FUN.
My daughter, Lynn, was just now talking to me on the phone.
Lynn said that last night her husband, Tony, asked her to put her hand on the screen of his small pocket PC so he could get her fingerprints.
She resisted.....didn’t want her prints taken for anything useless....
Tony explained that his iPAQ pocket PC contained a ....biometric fingerprint security feature, which enabled only the owners fingerprints made on the Pocket PC..... usable. He wanted her to be able to access information as well as him. Therefore the ‘toy’ needed both their fingerprints. If the Pocket PC was lost or was unusable to anyone else. It could be powered on but that is info could be accessed.
Again, the GPS’s our boating family and friends have.....are phenomenal.
Sam, our Okeechobee nautical friend, bought the top-of-the-line GPS for last summer’s Bahamas trip. Fascinating information at the touch of screen....Yet when the 10 ft. seas became the crossing companion from West End, Bahamas to Stuart, Florida the GPS reflected precisely and accurately the location......but manpower.....and womanpower.....became the skill and expertise of the day. matter how hi-tech we get......human involvement is still the norm in operation.
We humans can not be replaced.......brainpower along with still the most plentiful energy source around.
You and I are all of life.
Thank God......He made us so....... completely wonderful.
Psalm 139:14 says.....”I praise You, God, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Posted by
9:26 AM
Feb 4, 2003
Some Talk.....Some DO!
The crew of Columbia’s final flight...all seven of them...are Champions.
I have always told the children in our family that there is a difference between being a ‘winner’ or a ‘champion’.
To me......a CHAMPION is better than being a winner.
A ’Champion’ works hard, is responsible for his success and gets up and goes again and again for the or not.
A winner is a one
The St. Pete Times had an article today about debris being found all over the Texas area and how notoriety has come to obscure places. It went on to say....’Amid tragedy and sudden fame, simple values in Nacogdoches, Texas shine through.”
A retired farmer was interviewed and had this to say about his town...
“When someone dies, people you don’t even know show up, bringing you flowers and food. If you need some friends, this is the place.’
The reporter asked another resident this question......”Do you suppose that Nacogdoches(nack-uh-DOH-chuz) will change after all this attention?”
Billy Smith, a cowboy in a black felt hat, paused over his hamburger at Smokehouse Grill.....”People’s good,” he said. Taking another bite...he finishes with....”How could it change?”
Some Talk.....Some Do!
......See picture.....
Posted by
8:18 AM
Feb 3, 2003
In Memory of America's Columbia crew....
...We salute you, dear ones...for your tribute of the 'ultimate sacrifice' of your life in the service of your country.
May God Bless All your loved ones with His Peace which passeth human understanding....
Thank You from the heart.......of America.
Posted by
10:06 AM
Seldom do I use e-mail info for my web page.
This one is vital for it says very simply the message that my prayer girls and I plus other Christian family and friends have already set in process.....
Won’t you join us?
(Thanks, Blake!)
Some Talk.....Some DO!
A torch has been lit to be passed along to your e-mail friends...asking them to pass it along....and along....and along. We can do something about the threat of war; both in Iraq and with terrorists. In the Old Testament, God's armies were always led by the priests.
When the waters parted in the Jordan, it was the priests' feet which first hit the turbulent river. In the New Testament, Christians are also referred to as priests...all Christians of all denominations .
We must, therefore, go in first. As the possibility of war approaches with Hussein and Iraq, we are asking the priests to step in first.....Ahead of our military.
Let us be setting up camp for our soldiers' entrance into the conflict.
By prayer.
Let us be sending in "prayer missiles,""cruise and scud prayers" to target enemy plans. "Patriot prayers" to shoot down incoming threats.
We should be praying for two things:
(1) that the enemy leaders become confused, disoriented, and distrustful of each other;
that their entire system of attack fall apart, and
(2) that in God's wildest ways, these enemies would become aware of His deep love for them and the war Jesus has already fought for them, personally, on the cross. God had Gideon reduce his army from 32,000 to 300 men. He then equipped them with nothing but trumpets, pitchers, and torches.
What an odd combination to fight off well-armed soldiers.
When Gideon gave the command, the Bible says the enemy fled crying and turned on each other...all because God messed with enemy plans. Prayers were started for this about a month ago. On CNN a report came out that although Hussein has nothing to lose, his generals do.
Is confusion beginning to develop?
Please pray for God to set the stage for defeat of all those who intend to do harm. When our men and women of uniform arrive on the scene, may they be surprised at how God had the camp...and victory.... set up before they ever got there. Remember the walls of Jericho came tumbling down when the blasts of the trumpets were heard...upon the instruction of God to His people......
Would you please do two things?
(1) pray, and
(2) pass this along to those you know will pray.
May we build an e-mail ARMY of over a million in force...beginning with YOU.
Now send this to as many
people as you can!!
Help build an email ARMY!!!
Posted by
10:00 AM