You’ll Never Get Anything Done Lying On The Beach....
P R E C I S E L Y!!!
Living in Florida is wonderful!
The beach can be within an hours drive almost anywhere in the state.
I just so happen to live within 5 min. to my nearest beach with many other beaches being only minutes away.
Upon returning from our families military tour in Germany, finding a home here in the Clearwater area and having this ‘quick’ access to the beach....
I knew my Florida blood was.......back home again!
Going to ‘the beach’ became a wonderful adventure and a reminder of the familiar feeling from my past childhood in Florida of simply feeling so alive by the waters edge.
Beach then became very activity.
Recently I went to Cindy’s, my niece, who lives on the beach at Anna Marie Island. She went away on a business trip and I stayed at her beachfront home for about a week.
I relaxed to my hearts content!
Just lying in the sun, feeling the white sand in my toes, listening to the rhythmatic lapping of the waves......was sheer ecstasy.
Very soon, I didn’t want to do anything else.
The rest of the world ceased to exist.
Nothing was required of me.
I was content...
Heaven had come to Earth!!!
The Proverbs says...(14:30a)...A 'relaxed attitude' lengthens a man's (person's) Life!!!
Sep 30, 2002
Sep 27, 2002
Oh, The Joys of Solitary Confinement
Writing yesterdays blog, I realized that as a child there were many things that I didn’t understand. Also, many of these ‘things’ shadowed me into adulthood. Reflecting on that ‘child’, I see that in many childhood ‘thinking’ instances I would find myself outside sitting on a huge rock which had a flat top and was in front of our house in a flower bed.
It actually became my ‘thinking place’...
I could sit forever on my rock and mull through the injustices of life, the hardship of being the ’oldest girl’, or the ’getting even’ with my older, smarter, adventuresome, brother, Dockie. Then I had the trials of my other siblings, Shryl, Aaron and Joyce to contend with and ‘stew over‘.
Being an avid reader with an overactive imagination, I could ’get even’ with some people I knew or could elevate others to pedestals of honor......all this done when banished to solitary confinement on my ’thinking rock’...
Years later, my husband and I and my Aunt Hattie went to our old home place for a visit.
Sure enough, my old friend, my rock was still there.
Somehow it seemed so much smaller but could still hold two adults side by side on its top.
I wanted to take my rock to my home in south Florida.
The rock was impossible to lift by three would have taken a small crane to lift that rock.....and that was why it was still there.
It was too heavy to be moved easily.....
But it had served its purpose in my life.....It helped me to gather my thoughts, good and bad, and formulate creative ideas which would later be used in my adult life.
The thinking rock of my childhood.....was where I could be completely and happily........ME.
Posted by
8:07 AM
Sep 26, 2002
Missing A Piece of The Puzzle
As a little girl growing up in Florida, it was our Southern custom because of our faith, to go to our community Baptist church on Sunday. The church was the focus of our social life as well. Everybody knew everybody at church for they were either family or lifelong friends.
Years later, meeting my husband-to-be, Charlie, in Gainesville at the University of Florida, we attended many different denominational churches. My husband had a Catholic faith background and over the years our spiritual growth transcended denomination. Traveling the world in a military life for years and years we took our family to the local Chapel on base wherever we lived.
The mystery of “The Trinity” always eluded me.
How could God be three people: God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit?
Then one day I went to a week long Woman’s Conference in Garmish, Germany and it was finally explained to my satisfaction.
A beautiful woman named, Kay Arthur, broke down her teachings into a day each for the three Persons of the Godhead. She explained, using Bible reference, who God, the Father was in character, person and Creator. Then she taught the next day, all of the attributes of Jesus Christ. The third day, she carefully and clearly identified the Person of the Holy Spirit...
......and then she made a casual remark that gave me the piece of the puzzle which years of church going had never clarified.
She said, “The Trinity is as this: I am a daughter to my parents, I am a wife to my husband, and I am a Mother to my children......but I am still....only ONE person!”
My heart exclaimed....”That’s it! That’s It! I can understand that....”
God is ALL three ONE!
Later another casual remark by a small child in our family made me realize how dense my adult thinking had been.
A little five year old boy was asked to say the family grace at a dinner I attended...He bowed his head and said, “Jesus is God. Amen”
The puzzle is complete.
God IS God....Jesus is God....The Holy Spirit is God.
That settles it....for me.....
Posted by
5:59 PM
Where Those In The Know+++Go!
I've had some people say to me....."You go to church? How boring!"
Deep inside I have to laugh....
Because I know..... what they do not choose to know....
And I find it very exciting to be with other people who respect, know and love the God of the Universe, as I do....Because we are a people who are filled with 'real life'.
Just think, a person can know and experience the 'realness' of the One mind who created and made all we see in life and nature.....Our Creator.
To us, His children, we savor every moment of Oneness with Him!
Church is simply an outward expression of an inward love that is shared with others who are so like minded. We enjoy ourselves immensely....we even dare to 'have fun'!
Why we even clap our hands and "Be Happy"!!!
Not only that.....guess what?
Believe it or not, all the world knows about "His Son".....
As we human beings use the annual number, 2002 A.D., we are referring to the actual, historical event of "after 'the' death" of Jesus Christ, God's Son!
All of history is recorded as B.C. or A.D. because of his birth and death!
Now, by your own experiences, you may not agree with me that......"Church is fun" or that
'God is real' but if you don't agree..... simply ask God, Himself....this question:
"God, if You are REAL.....will you prove it to me?"
Just sit back and relax....
You will get your own personal "heavenly fax" .......
Then you will "know".... what I know.....
Posted by
7:40 AM
Sep 25, 2002
Here Lives.....A Cook!
Yesterday I was speaking of my daughter-of-the-heart, Terry....
Last week she came from Inverness to Clearwater with Chuck and son, "Pipo" who is headed to Marine boot camp in 3 weeks.
In she walks with a 'army' of food.
A huge flat pan holding approximately 30 home cooked chicken enchadlidas, spanish rice, black beans and more rice to prepare.
Terry is 'famous' for all her cooking but her Chicken Enchladias are...... to die for!
Five of us ate splendidly of her delicious fare.
The next day when my crazy 'prayer' girls, Nancy, Abby, Tiena and I, finished with our petitions and thanks to God for family and friends, we again, ate to our hearts content.
Within two hours, I got a call from my neice, Susie, who very seldom comes to Clearwater, and she was coming by to see me for a short time.
You guessed it!
Susie, too, got the "House Special" and loved it!
Susie reminded me to relay to Terry how much she always loves her food.
The Miracle of 'feeding a multitude" is still an ongoing act of goodness in our family.
Thank God, for good cooks that share their talent so freely with others.
What a Good Life!
Posted by
7:11 AM
Sep 24, 2002
Time to Savor......The Moment.....
I have just had a wonderful conversation with my darling daughter-in-law, Terry,
and she related a very cute incident to me.
It seems that Chuck, our son, and his friend, Eddie, had gone fishing on Friday.
A rain storm came up suddenly, as is usual in our Florida Tropic surprises, and Chuck and Eddie started seeking cover.
They were 6 miles out in the Gulf at the time.
They noticed something strange floating toward them in the way they were heading...
It was a cluster of balloons ....6 miles out, just bobbing in the water. They decided to get them and take them to Terry, Chuck's wife.
When Chuck walks in to greet a 'hectic day Terry' with seven smiley face balloons in hand, it was just what was needed to lift her spirits and heart....
As if "Divine Providence" decreed that '''somebody needed a lift'''...
and that somebody was indeed a very busy, active, overworked.....
loving, Mother of three....
Posted by
7:30 AM
Sep 23, 2002
More is......More
Yesterday I went ‘new home’ exploring with our son, Chad.
We went into several model homes and after awhile they all began to look
alike...There was one that was quite remarkable in an area called
As I went from room to room I realized that this house was ’quite
different’ from the others we had been viewing. A smaller room was
puzzling to me...It had a stainless steel, flat screen TV built into the
wall, two state of the art appliances, not quite recognizable, corian
counter top and marble floors.
Then I realized that I was in, of all things.......the laundry room!
This was a 1.4 million dollar house.......the others had been in the
$300, to $400.000. range .
There certainly was a ’noticeable’ difference....
The other homes were room as a ’movie’ theatre’ with
surround sound, etc. but the 1.4 million was certainly....
More of........More
Posted by
7:31 PM
Dinner Is Served!!!
Once upon a time our family took a trip, military Space A, to the island of...Antigua.
We rented a car, toured the island, ate in several restaurants that were quite 'pricey' and wondered where the 'natives ate'.
The day before we left we decided to take a walk by the beach toward a fairly deserted area which we had never explored. After walking along a native, pristine path on the beach we came to a rambled down
Tiki Hut that we hoped would serve cold drinks.
Much to our surprise we saw a very primitive, long table at the waters edge and my husband, speaking Spanish, asked the man if they served any food. His reply was, "langosta"...
"you lika some langosta"?
Amazingly, for $5.00 each, we had our fill of lobster...
Dinner was served on one long table overlooking the fact the water lapped over our feet
as we ate....What a 'serendipity' surprise we carried home in our memories.
The Good Life.....alive and memories of profound moments in life.
.......and....More To Come!!!
Posted by
9:55 AM
Sep 21, 2002
You're Own Private Island...
Imagination is a great thing!!!
It can take you where your physical body may never go.
In fact, some of the new condo's here in Florida have a room that is called, "The Imagination Room"
which could be anything from a center for media, computer, music, video, art,etc.
Use your imagination freely and it could even be..."Your Own Private Island" of life.
Suppose, just suppose, that you actually did have.....Your Own Private Island..
What would you do....daily? Would you choose to live there alone? Who would you invite to live with you?
Or visit you from time to time?
How much "Privacy" can be.....too much?
When does 'privacy' turn into....isolation?
I know from personal experience that withdrawing from a busy, hectic life of a large family and many friends,
that the thought of a personal, private island sounds very appealing from time to time.
And I have been able to do this in order to write, think creatively or be inspired at profound moments of life.
But such luxury is soon short lived
After times of deep introspection, I have a insatiable need to be with people that I love.
To share fun, laughter, bright ideas and adventures with those people that add meaning to my life.
Yes, having a room called the 'imagination room' is very clever.....
turning it into a "Private Island"....can be a 'creative necessity' of life...... for good health.....
The Proverbs say:..."Bright eyes...gladden the heart".....
Posted by
4:31 PM
Sep 20, 2002
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Posted by
8:35 AM
Sep 19, 2002
L I F E!!!
Let me reiterate......It IS a good life!!! repeat something said or done: say or do again and again or repeatedly...
It IS a good life! It IS a good life! It IS a good life!
Now, have I made my point???
Let's suppose that I look at 'reiterate' from a 'negative' point of view.
If there are things not going right in my life due to choices and decisions I am making...
can I ever expect any other results than the ones I have been getting....if I don't make a
CHANGE somewhere?.
Let's use for example..weight gain.
As long as I 'reiterate', repeat again and again, those things I am doing in the way I repeatedly over eat, exercise or not, unlimited calories, etc......can I, sensibly expect to loose weight.....without changing?
It is a law of nature and life that negative MUST CHANGE to positive in order to expect to RECEIVE positive results. A change MUST take place.....or a person reiterates the same results....
you can count on that...
This simple formula can be used to apply to anything.....alcoholism, financial decisions,
relationship choices, habits etc....
I've heard it said that "insanity" is doing the same thing, again and again, and EXPECTING a different set of results or outcome. It just doesn't happen!
I expect to have a Good Life! Yet there is no 'magic wand' that I can wave
which will automatically produce 'out of the blue' a perfect, wonderful, La La Land life....every day!
I must do certain things in order for this 'idealized' to be my reality!
I must meet the demands of my life, using my resources wisely, being honest and truthful with myself and others, sharing generously with others in my life,(ie:love, forgiveness, understanding) seek knowledge in order to obtain a healthy balance of stability in my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life and make sure that
beauty and laughter is always present in my every day living....
It is only then.......I can EXPECT to live fully and value and enjoy.......
The Good Life!!!
The Proverbs say (16:22)...."Wisdom is a fountain of life to those possessing it,
but a fool's burden is his folly!"
Posted by
8:59 AM
Sep 18, 2002
A 'Not so Humble' Pie.....
Recently, I was in the middle of a group of people where there was much 'heated' discussion on certain issues that were, to say the least,....controversial.
It seemed that as more 'opinions' were stated.....the 'muddier' the water became for solution or agreement.
Then, Lo and Behold, a 5yr. old child standing nearby was heard to say to his mother,
"Mom, can we play the 'Laughing Game' now?"
We take ourselves and issues of life.....tooooo serious ......when we forget to L A U G H!!!
Proverbs says, (15:15LB)... "When a person is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong;
When he is cheerful ***, everything seems right!!!"
Posted by
8:35 AM
Sep 17, 2002
Forbidden Pleasures
I think that some of my family and friends have a 'twisted' sense of humor!
They laugh when the oddest of 'things happen'.
Not very long ago, several of we boaters were sitting around our docks and Tiki Hut when my husband, Charlie, decides he needs something from inside our boat.
He steps on the side of our 32' Carver to enter and we hear a big 'splash, ka-plunk'.!
Perplexed he says, "What was that?"
Our dear friend, Sally starts laughing hysterically. Now I have to did all of us as well.
We knew what happened....Charlie didn't.
His trusted, devoted, loved......Gator front, cell phone had fallen out of his pocket into the water basin.
When he discovered the truth.....he really did not think this was so funny...
Of course, that increased our laughter!
We still laugh at the memory........
Later Sam and Sally were caught in a boating crisis and lost their cell phone to the waters as well.
Reluctantly, they confessed their loss to all of us......Charlie thought it was ....Very Funny!
And still does!!!
The Forbidden Pleasure like laughter at a 'silly loss' .....can result in a positive experience from a negative happening.
Posted by
6:24 AM
Sep 16, 2002
The Lap of Luxury
My young son asked me, one day, "Mom are we rich or are we poor?"
My motherly explanation was sensible, of course...."Son, as you look around you will find many people who have more than you do and many who have less. Rich or poor has nothing to do with things or money. It has to do with the state of your heart."
In my life and the life of my family and friends....we live in the lap of luxury!
We enjoy life fully, have fun sharing and helping each other and others with endless projects, eat heartily of anything that our heart desires, enjoy health and good medical care as needed, celebrate marriages and births with hearty zesto, and share our faith and values with others on a daily basis. Therefore, we have a full, rich rewarding life. Note I did not say...'perfect life'. Far from it for in a large family like ours there are always times of forgiveness and reassessing, evaluating and changing in order to keep the peace.
But rich we relationships that give substance and meaning to the heart.
What a blessing!!!
I'm reminded of the Proverb that says, ..."Some rich people are poor, and some poor people have great wealth." (12:7 LB)
I certainly live in the.....Lap of Luxury!!!
Posted by
8:46 AM
Sep 14, 2002
Bliss Trip...
"Vignettes: A short, literary sketch"....says Webster.
In case I have blown you away with my previous vignettes, I will change to a more light hearted approach and tell you about a trip that I once took with my Mother, my sister, Joyce and my niece, Cindy. We had...... Fun, Fun, Fun.
Being a military family and living in Darmstadt, Germany and having my sister, Joyce live in Belgium with her military husband and family, we were very excited when we learned that our Mother and niece were coming for a visit.
Joyce and I made family arrangements and took a week or so to travel all around by car and show Mom and Cindy certain parts of Europe.
Traveling in a large size American car, arriving in Amsterdam during 5:00 p.m. bicycle traffic, was a sight to behold. Ascending up the winding trail to the Neuswanstein Castle, a Cinderella's dream, we were laughing and enjoying the good life that sharing with loved ones provide.
Crystal, china, Belgium rug factory shopping along the way provided many a treasure for our family and home. Paris was a hoot, traffic....educational!
Yes, a good time was had by all.....
When we, years later, reminisce....we still laugh at some of the fun, silly things we experienced in that once of a lifetime, "Bliss Trip" .
We took the be H A P P Y!!!
Posted by
3:27 PM
Sep 13, 2002
Idealized versus Reality....
Now that I have identified myself as an...’idealist’....maybe I had better define to you....from my point of view....or as some of our nautical friends so aptly remind....’that’s your opinion only’, what I think the ‘ideal’ really is by definition.
The ideal - thought of as a perfect example or model for thought or behavior.
We teach this to our children in the homes and also, schools in the ’right and wrong’ way of doing and being in life. There is an ‘ideal' in almost everything of life.
Ideal - as life should be.
Then the world of reality appears.
At times, reality seems the exact opposite of what has been taught as being the highest form of acceptance or standard value for an individual. Is it any wonder that an identity crisis often occurs at this point in life for our young people today?
Yes, reality and idealized go hand in hand. But unacceptable reality can function as a stepping stone for progress toward a higher ideal of the existing reality.
Reality is the making or breaking of the individual with high ideals and is a base for experience which helps realize the value of the ideal.
A resigned acceptance often leads to a mediocrity in personal attainment but an inner conflict results as a tug between what is and what life could be!
High ideals carried through the maze of reality and implemented to contribute meaningfully to our society as a whole, results in a positive forward process for all our fellow travelers in life.
It is then you can hear the refrain of a successful idealist....
It’s A Good Life!!!
Posted by
10:03 AM
Sep 12, 2002
The Essence of Paradise
My Webster's dictionary tells me that one of the many meanings of the word, 'essence' is...
....the inward nature of anything, underlying its manifestations; true substance...
The true substance of anything lies in the heart of the matter....
Take for instance, the good ole USA.
What is the 'heart' of the USA but its people?
We are a diversification of all the peoples of the world.....we are derived from all cultures on the face of the earth. Imagine if you will, the enormous reality of today, 2002, that we as a new, united culture, called "American", voice a pledge of commitment that says, we are "One Nation, Under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for ALL."
How daring our forefathers were as pioneers in this 'new land' ! Not only did they gamble with their own lives and the lives of their loved ones, they saw beyond their time and came into agreement to write a contract of unity which would be fair to every man, woman and child who followed after them.
A vision of Paradise...perhaps!
Paradise in my Websters definition has several meanings but one in particular caught my eye....
paradise: any place or condition of great happiness...any place of great beauty, or an abode of the blessed...
THIS is what our founders saw....their own paradise!
American is still the home of the free and land of the brave....9/11 proves that, again!!!
One question shouts for an answer!
Not everyone that lives in this land upholds the forefathers values that contribute meaningfully to their fellow man.
...... America has problems, people have problems.....
People are America.
But I ask your family and we all agree ALL THE TIME?
And when we disagree with each other does that exclude us from being a member of "The Family".
Never, if love is .....real.
True, too, of the good ole USA.....Politicians disagree all the time as we see in the public arena called "TV".
Does it make them 'un-American"?
Absolutely not!....
Our contract, The Constitution, gives us the 'right' and honorable means of communicating many faceted ideas among ourselves. We can do this, fairly, in order to come to a reasonable solution to any situation in the USA. And we can individually be a part of that solution by sending a representative that we agree cast our vote for us when we are not physically present as agendas are presented that affect our lives as Americans. We have a right and an obligation, as Americans, to this process.
Tell me, and those that have given their lives trying to reach our culture or land, that all of this is not the 'essence' of paradise!
Call me an 'idealist' if you wish....Websters say an idealist is a person whose behavior or thought is based on ideals: visionary or dreamer...
Could that describe.....our forefathers dream of life in "America"?
Certainly we can agree with them and each other.......
Yes, It is a Good Life....after all.
Quote from : Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell
"We ought to teach that, however humble a man's station may be, if he does his FULL DUTY in that place, he is JUST AS MUCH ENTITLED to the American people's honor as is ANY king upon his throne."
Posted by
10:42 AM
Sep 11, 2002
Sept. 11, 2002
Tales of...."The Good Life"....
Once upon a time there was a place called "La La Land".
It seemed that everyone in this land which was referred to as "The Land of Plenty", was so pleased with life that you could hear songs, whistling,
humming and all kinds of vocal expressions that seemed to say..."LaLa LaLa La"all across the land.
Life went merrily on its way....the problems or nuisances so to speak, were inconsequential compared to the sense of well-being and enjoyment of
The Good Life in La La Land.
Then a day arrived, 9/11/01, that stopped the music.....temporarily.
Time stood still...
The inhabitants of LaLa Land received a crushing blow from out of the blue.
Members of their family were attacked, killed and injured.
Their attackers were music impaired invaders from many lands upon the earth.
The attackers were......heartless!
Since real music from the soul....begins in the heart of the carrier.....they were not capable of experiencing this LaLa Land music themselves....
and not being content to leave well enough alone......they wanted to steal the hearts of those that were music lovers.
But, Lo and Behold, a Magnificent Symphony arose that was more beautiful than could have been anticipated by the invaders of LaLa Land.
A synchronized sound erupted from the united heart of the music makers.....a simultaneous refrain that was heard around the sounded like
.....or maybe it was....Heavenly Music!
Tears, laughter, suffering, kindness, forgiveness, sharing......were the notes of the heavenly sound.
Yes, hearts had exploded within La La Land but the broken pieces ....emitted music.
The music of....togetherness in the good, bad or ugly of life.
Wholeness remained a tribute to the lost family members.
.....For you see it was they who had touched the very Heart of God and brought fourth the exquisite sound of eternal music and life
which forever exclaims......"Yes, it IS a Good Life!!!
The Proverbs speak of LaLa Land Living....(12:20 LB)..."Deceit fills hearts that are plotting for evil; JOY fills hearts that are planning for good!!!"
Posted by
2:18 PM
Sep 10, 2002 Florida is a .....must!!! Golfing in Florida is a must!!! Water Sports in general is high priority while living in Florida....
All of these, and more, welcome us to "The Good Life!"
Everybody has their own 'point of view' or personal opinion as to what they believe really constitutes a quality of life called .....superb!
Being a military wife and living in Europe and taking nearby vacations that allowed our family love of skiing, we would exclaim from the top of the Alps, "It's A Good Life"!!!
A Mother sharing 'significant moments' with her family.....and realizing it at the one of life's greatest joys to my heart. The sheer awesomeness of 'sharing' is certainly not to be overlooked as to being the single most contributing factor to this great 'feeling' of being totally
I love being the participant in challenging adventures.....
Now who had more fun? Bryce or Pammy?
It all comes down to a persons own personal......point of view!!!
I think.... I HAD MORE F U N.....
Posted by
9:08 AM
Sep 9, 2002
Yahoo!!! Saturaday was a great day for several members of our group....the brave!!!
We had two of our sons, Chuck and Chad, Chuck's son, Pipo, and Chad's friend, Kenny, and Bro. Eddie, our experienced missionary to Africa.
Since it was a tandum jump, that being they were harnessed to a professional.....the responsibility for this 'life over death' adventure was out of their hands. As a result they could enjoy the thrill completely. Having jumped myself, I knew the joy of leaving a perfectly good airplane and freefalling for 2 miles at 120 mph before the 'chute' opens for the last mile of serenity. There is absolutely nothing like it! The rush, the high, the sheer feeling of glee is undescribable!
We, the beneficieries, made them all give us their Florida lotto tickets upon leaving planet earth. They didn't think this was very funny...especially Bro. Eddie!
Chad and Kenny flew first and when they landed, standing upright they were grinning from ear to ear.
High fiving each other in the ecstasy of the moment was a joy to behold. Kenny told me later that his father had always wanted to do just this but was now unable to because of his health....therefore this was a 'proxy' jump from son to father. Kenny has the video as his 'proof'....
Next came Chuck, Pipo and Eddie. All landed safely and in many stages of physical demeaner. Bro. Eddie had a little green gilled smile but a twinkle of triumph at having broken the fear barrior and throwing caution to the wind pushing it to the limit and flying high......freely.
Chuck....all he could say was, "Awesome, totally awesome..." He did remark that one moment was frozen in his brain....the moment he saw the wing of the plane from the underside....while flying with his body alone through 3 more miles of.......air!
Pipo, our Marine in training......has found another 'great love'....He was ready to go again....and only time will tell on that one....
Needless to say, we shared in this experience as observers and felt the thrill of a flying through space....and living to tell it!
Yes, It is a Good Life....and More to Come!!!
Posted by
12:58 PM
Sep 9, 2002
We had two of our sons, Chuck and Chad, Chuck's son, Pipo, and Chad's friend, Kenny, and Bro. Eddie, our experienced missionary to Africa.
Since it was a tandum jump, that being they were harnessed to a professional.....the responsibility for this 'life over death' adventure was out of their hands. As a result they could enjoy the thrill completely. Having jumped myself, I knew the joy of leaving a perfectly good airplane and freefalling for 2 miles at 120 mph before the 'chute' opens for the last mile of serenity. There is absolutely nothing like it! The rush, the high, the sheer feeling of glee is undescribable!
We, the beneficieries, made them all give us their Florida lotto tickets upon leaving planet earth. They didn't think this was very funny...especially Bro. Eddie!
Chad and Kenny flew first and when they landed, standing upright they were grinning from ear to ear.
High fiving each other in the ecstasy of the moment was a joy to behold. Kenny told me later that his father had always wanted to do just this but was now unable to because of his health....therefore this was a 'proxy' jump from son to father. Kenny has the video as his 'proof'....
Next came Chuck, Pipo and Eddie. All landed safely and in many stages of physical demeaner. Bro. Eddie had a little green gilled smile but a twinkle of triumph at having broken the fear barrior and throwing caution to the wind pushing it to the limit and flying high......freely.
Chuck....all he could say was, "Awesome, totally awesome..." He did remark that one moment was frozen in his brain....the moment he saw the wing of the plane from the underside....while flying with his body alone through 3 more miles of.......air!
Pipo, our Marine in training......has found another 'great love'....He was ready to go again....and only time will tell on that one....
Needless to say, we shared in this experience as observers and felt the thrill of a flying through space....and living to tell it!
Yes, It is a Good Life....and More to Come!!!
Posted by Faith at 12:58 PM
Posted by
7:48 AM
Sept. 9, 2002
Welcome to my new Web Site called...a blog.
Blogs are simply web this case a kind of personal journal that is made public.
Since many of you have read my little books of inspiration in the past, you will find yourself mentioned from time to time
as we experience life together. I will include daily happenings of interest to my family, our nautical friends, my prayer partners, and any and all who are like minded souls.
You will see that our Southern/Spanish flavored family is quite 'crazy' and the abnormal becomes normal to us.
Adventure, Fun, Faith required Challenges, local home grown 'heroes' will become the norm as I present to you
some of the most fascinating people on this family and friends....
Look carefully....for you will surely find....YOURSELF!!!
Posted by
5:00 AM