Jul 30, 2007

An 'Eye' for Beauty...With a Creative Touch!

Kelly Jo certainly has an eye for beauty.
She is very creative....she can make 'something' out of 'nothing'...
Kelly is a hair dresser, an artist and a wonderful person who appreciates beauty...and hard work!
She has been my hairdresser and friend for years...
Every salon that she worked at she made a lot of money for the owners as her clientele always followed her as did I...
I kept telling her, "Kelly you need your own salon...you can be more creative and make
money for yourself instead of someone else...I'll pray for your 'dreams to come true"
I did, she did and God did!
The Psalms say in 77:14 (Message Bible).....
"You're the God who makes things happen!"

See Kelly's creative touches on her web page...Bridal Packages, on site....etc...
This girl certainly has a 'magic wand'.....it is called "hard work"....

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